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Y: The last Man - Bd. 8: Japanische Nächte
Y: The last Man - Bd. 8: Japanische Nächte
Y: The last Man - Bd. 8: Japanische Nächte
eBook145 Seiten40 Minuten

Y: The last Man - Bd. 8: Japanische Nächte

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Fast vier Jahre nach der globalen Seuche, die jedes männliche Säugetier auf Erden getötet hat, erreichen die beiden Ausnahmen, Yorick Brown und sein Äffchen Ampersand, auf getrennten Wegen das ferne Japan. Denn Ampersand war von einer Ninja-Lady entführt worden, und Yorick und seine Gefährtinnen (die Regierungs-Agentin 355 und die Biochemikerin Dr. Allison Mann) folgten der Spur bis ins Land der aufgehenden Sonne, wo man den Verlust aller Männer auf typisch japanische Weise verarbeitet hat. Yorick und 355 müssen nach Tokio, um das Haustier, das vielleicht der Schlüssel zum Überleben der Menschheit ist, wiederzufinden. Dort werden sie in die Machenschaften von Yakuzas, Teenie-Gangstern und die völlig überdrehten Ansprüche eines Popstars verwickelt. Inzwischen machen sich Dr. Mann und ihre neue Freundin auf den Weg zum Haus ihrer Mutter. Der Empfang ist noch viel feindseliger als erwartet, aber der Besuch liefert auch überraschende Erkenntnisse. Erkenntnisse, die wertvolle Hinweise sein könnten für die Lösung des letzten großen Rätsels: was – oder wer – die Seuche verursacht hat.
Erscheinungsdatum29. Dez. 2020
Y: The last Man - Bd. 8: Japanische Nächte

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Bewertung: 4.060747447663552 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    ****SPOILERS if you haven't read the previous volume****Yorrick's monkey, Ampersand, has been kidnapped and taken to Japan, so Yorrick, Agent 355, Allison and Rose go there to find him. ****END SPOILERS****It was ok. The issue in the series didn't appeal to me as much as the others, but one interesting thing is that we learn more about Allison's background.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    After a somewhat lackluster seventh volume, Y: The Last Man seems to regain its footing with volume 8. If you can't enjoy a storyline that involves a near-future Tokyo controlled by an all-female Yakuza, which is in turn dominated by a third-rate pop starlet from Saskatoon, then you probably dropped out of this series considerably earlier than volume 8. There's plenty of character explication this time around as well, and given that it's much better integrated with the overall narrative, this experience leaves the reader well-primed for a jump to volume 9.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I can't tell if I'm just losing my interest in this series, or if the writing is declining. This is fine, slightly formulaic. The plot line is progressing too slowly for my taste - it's time for a major revelation or a new central character.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen

    Yorick and crew finally make it to Japan where Ampersand is held prisoner.

  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Post-male Japan is still a high-voltage place filled with very strange characters. Dr Mann has an unpleasant reunion with her family (and those pesky ninjas) while Yorick and 355 try to rescue Ampersand from a Yakuza boss with the help of a robot man from a brothel.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This was more of the same. Great dialog, cliff hangers, but at this point it's getting a little long and I just want to know the rest of the secrets.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    It is Agent 355, not Yorick's state of mind that is in question here. Like many soldiers, she is simply tired. The trio of the story is showing signs of fraying here, having spent simply too long together. If the trio splinters, will the story survive?
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Great story and art, as is the rest of the series. The only complaint is the brief nature of Book 8. It only collects issues 43-38. I think more could have been put into the volume.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I was beginning to worry after finishing the last book that the story was starting to decline. Believe me, I was very nervous!

    Vaughan appears to indicate that some time has passed since the last collection. It's easy to tell in the fact that at the very least, everyone has slightly longer hair. Yep, Yorick is rocking some lengthy locks.

    It's worth noting that some serious stuff goes down in this issue. Which is a breath of fresh air considering the non-events in book 7. We also see the return of Alter as we're treated to her unfortunate back story. Did someone say back story? Well, we also get a very intriguing one involving Dr. Mann.

    The series seems to have righted itself for the time being. I'm dying to finish this up. I hope the conclusion has been worth the journey at this point.


Y - Brian K. Vaughan

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