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Y: The last Man - Bd. 6: Girl on Girl
Y: The last Man - Bd. 6: Girl on Girl
Y: The last Man - Bd. 6: Girl on Girl
eBook129 Seiten28 Minuten

Y: The last Man - Bd. 6: Girl on Girl

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Y-The last Man Mehr als zwei Jahre sind vergangen, seit eine unbekannte Seuche alle männlichen Säugetiere des Planeten dahinraffte. Mit Ausnahme von Yorick Brown, Entfesselungskünstler in spe, und seinem Äffchen Ampersand. Gemeinsam mit der Biochemikerin Dr. Allison Mann und der Regierungs-Agentin 355 erreichten die beiden Dr. Manns Labor in San Francisco, wo es dieser gelang, den Grund für die Immunität der beiden zu ermitteln. Unglücklicherweise liegt dieser Grund in Ampersands Körper verborgen, und der kleine Affe wurde soeben von einer geheimnisvollen japanischen Söldnerin entführt. Yorick, Dr. Mann und 355 müssen sich nun erneut auf eine riskante Reise begeben. Sie nehmen Ampersands Spur auf, die quer über den Pazifik verläuft. Und der erweist sich als ziemlich gefährlich, sowohl über als auch unter der Wasseroberfläche.
Erscheinungsdatum29. Dez. 2020
Y: The last Man - Bd. 6: Girl on Girl

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Bewertung: 4.038461199300699 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is the point in the series where I started wondering 'gee, can we come up with a few /more/ ways that women running the earth will suck horribly? Let's maybe throw some slave drivers and cannibals in there to complete the picture.' Don't get me wrong - I /like/ that Vaughan does not picture everything as peaceful, rosey, or easy in an all-female world anymore than it would be in an all-male world. But with this volume, the sense of balance started to look really extreme. Fortunately, he pulls back from this a bit in later issues, but I really wish that the world he created could have been more nuanced. This volume especially just felt easy and surface-level.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    So, a lot happens in this volume. Unfortunately, it's the first collection that probably deserved a little less than 4 stars. If not for the incredible ending, I would probably give it a 3-3.5.

    Vaughan explores a little of what Yorick's girlfriend is up to in Australia and how she's coping with the plague. We're treated to an excellent dream sequence where Beth gets a sign that Yorick is still alive.

    The only thing I didn't like was the ridiculous subplot with pirates flooding Australia with heroin and the Australian navy trying to stop them. Also, I wasn't a fan of Yorick hooking up with another girl. He seems to mention Beth less and less, which of course, could indicate that he finds it hard to believe that she's still alive and still looking for him. However, with the ending provided, we're being prepped to think that Yorick and Beth will meet eventually.

    I'm going to be very sad when this series ends.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Book 6 of the series doesn't really advance the plot all that much. It's still great writing and art, but this collection only spans 4 comics. The biggest news in this collection is that readers are finally given more detail on what is happening with Yorick's girlfriend in Australia.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen

    To rescue Ampersand, Yorick and friends travel to Australia...

  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This volume more an interruption of the story than a continuation, but it at least ends with a tantalising glimpse of Beth.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    With Y: The Last Man, the fun just never ends! Volume 6 brings us wannabe pirates, heroin traffickers, Australian submariners, lesbian romance, plentiful phallic references, and more plot twists than you can shake a stick at. Better yet, there are some fleeting panels of imitation "pulp comic art" towards the end of the book that are beautiful to behold. This series may have had a rough start in the early installments, but the pace and the quality have accelerated considerably by volume 6. This fan is heading directly for volume 7...
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The continuing adventures of Yorick and company. As the relationships develop, the plot gets more complicated. I still want to find out how this plague started though.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    ****SPOILERS if you haven't read volume 5****Ampersand was kidnapped at the end of the previous volume, and 355, Dr. Mann and Yorick have figured out that he was taken to Japan. They manage to secure “work” on a ship to get them there. ****END SPOILERS****The second half of the volume kind of focuses on Beth, Yorick's fiancee, in Australia.I say “kind of” for the second half, because I found it quite confusing, and wasn't quite sure what was going on, hence my lower rating for this volume. Overall, this one just wasn't as good as the other volumes, I didn't think.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Good stuff, as usual. It's tough being the only dude in a world of sluts... I mean women. :) I was ready to propose to that ship captain too (even though she was skinny) after hearing all those sci-fi/literary references. Nothing sexier than a woman with a book in her hand.


Y - Brian K. Vaughan

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