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Survival in the digital Wilderness: A Guideline for setup and management of digital business ecosystems
Survival in the digital Wilderness: A Guideline for setup and management of digital business ecosystems
Survival in the digital Wilderness: A Guideline for setup and management of digital business ecosystems
eBook123 Seiten1 Stunde

Survival in the digital Wilderness: A Guideline for setup and management of digital business ecosystems

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Über dieses E-Book

The more you enter the world of doing business the digital way, the more you realize that it needs capabilities which relate to one discipline: Organisational Resilience.

The ability to anticipate and to absorb unwished surprises which have a direct relationship to your business and to your business relationships.

As long as you are not aware that the business ecosystem you live in, the service value streams you use for customer interaction and the lifecycle mechanisms of Ecosystems play here a significant role, each disruption, each change in environment and each modification in customer demand patterns can become an existential issue.

This Guide gives advice, examples and a storyboard to handle exactly this challenge.
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Erscheinungsdatum11. Dez. 2019
Survival in the digital Wilderness: A Guideline for setup and management of digital business ecosystems

Helmut Steigele

Dr. Helmut Steigele is supporting more than 20 years mid-scale and large scale organizations, across the European area in establishing resilient and sustainable structures, value streams and service models.

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    Survival in the digital Wilderness - Helmut Steigele


    Business areas and ecosystems - What do they have in common?

    The question can be answered relatively easily by taking a closer look at the concept of the ecosystem.

    An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment which interacts as a functional unit.

    Characteristic of ecosystems:

    Coexistence of organisms of different categories (species or life forms) with their abiotic environment in space and time.

    The existence of a system of exchange relationships consisting of all organisms in an area and the physical environment with which they interact.

    Depending on the environmental factors and the entry and exit of new actors, ecosystems change both their relationship structures and their exchange systems.

    The exchange relationships within such a biotope would therefore be shaped by the questions:

    Who's already in the system?

    Who contributes what / who needs what?

    How and with how much energy input is the exchange carried out?

    Is what has been exchanged sufficient to replicate and settle as a species within this system?

    How is the system protected against newly joining species?

    Digital business areas and ecosystems?

    A business segment is featured by the following characteristics:

    actors exist who specifically use exchange relationships and environmental factors to satisfy customer needs in order to meet their own

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