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The Walking Dead 23: Dem Flüstern folgt der Schrei
The Walking Dead 23: Dem Flüstern folgt der Schrei
The Walking Dead 23: Dem Flüstern folgt der Schrei
eBook141 Seiten42 Minuten

The Walking Dead 23: Dem Flüstern folgt der Schrei

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Wo etwas zu Ende geht, entsteht auch Platz für etwas Neues …

Wie die sensationell erfolgreiche TV-Serie weiß das Comicoriginal schon länger durch authentische und vielschichtige Figuren, spannende Dialoge und Actionszenen sowie eine gnadenlose Story zu überzeugen. Der Mix aus Endzeit-Horror, Neo-Western und Kammerspiel fasziniert weltweit das Publikum. Wenn man von modernen Comicklassikern spricht, kommt man an dieser bereits mehr als 3.000-seitigen Comicsaga in Schwarz-Weiß einfach nicht vorbei!

Während der frühere Anführer der "Erlöser" in seiner Gefängniszelle in Alexandria schmort und versucht, eine geheimnisvolle Gruppe von Neuankömmlingen auf seine Seite zu ziehen, sehen sich immer mehr Späher plötzlich umzingelt von seltsam "maskierten" Untoten …

Der Sammelband wird die US-Hefte 133-138 enthalten.
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum13. Juli 2015
The Walking Dead 23: Dem Flüstern folgt der Schrei

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 4.0950001799999995 von 5 Sternen

100 Bewertungen8 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I don't think I've ever rated a series so high as this one. Kirkman and company always seem to breathe new life into a concept that should be running on fumes by now.

    Not a lot happens here, this volume is more of a set up for what comes next, obviously, but it opens up the character of Carl Grimes so much more. I'm still getting used to this new, older world, and I do miss Rick and Michonne, but there's some work being done here to lay a groundwork for the next few years.

    Still loving it.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    An entire issue with hardly any Rick - nice change of pace.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Do not read this review if you haven't read this set of comics!

    After recently discovering this comic series at the beginning of this year, I had a short break before resuming with this volume. Lots of trials and tribulations are affecting the newly civilised society of survivors and there is a new villian... 'The Whisperers'

    I especially loved the 'Romeo and Juliet' storyline between Carl and Lydia. I am a sucker for unconventional romances... Lydia seems to be quite damaged, licking Carl's eye socket was just pretty gross.

    In short Maggie has a near-miss with a pretty weak and pathetic assassination attempt, 'The Whisperers' get by wearing Roamer skins and living a decidedly tribal lifestyle - how they manage to avoid infection from wearing those disgusting skins is beyond me.

    There is still no sign of Michonne and just barely a glimpse of Rick - it is safe to say the storyline is strongly revolving around community squabbles and Carl. I am loving Jesus as always though, he is still badass.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This episode puts Carl Grimes front and center as he moves to Maggie’s hilltop town to train as a blacksmith. He gets into trouble by using excess force when two local boys try to harm his friend, Sophia. With Sophia unconscious, there is no one to back up his story. These boy’s parents want both Carl severely punished and, with Gregory’s prompting, they also want Maggie deposed as the leader of the community.Meanwhile Jesus is on a patrol and they get attacked by Walkers who appear to be able to use weapons and talk. Jesus manages to capture one of these Walkers but when they get back to town, he realizes that she is just wearing a “dead” suit and is, in fact, a sixteen year old girl called Lydia. Carl and Lydia bond. She doesn’t want to go back to her people, but Maggie arranges a trade in order to get a couple of her own people returned. A sad Lydia leaves with her people. Carl is upset and the last page of the book shows us Carl about to set off into the wilderness after Lydia.I enjoyed this new direction that the story has taken and I look forward to finding out what happens to Carl as well as whether Maggie will be able to stay in control. Also, I am sure Rick will have something to say about Carl’s wandering off.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In the first few volumes I didn't fully understand the point of having it all in black and white but, especially with this volume, I both understood and appreciated it. The black and white art work allows there to be a feeling of distance between the reader in the present and the characters surviving years into the zombie apocalypse. What makes the Walking Dead unique is that it gives insight into the "what now?" at the end of the typical apocalypse film. This particular volume is even further down the road, years since the first onset. I appreciated that there was a time gap, allowing the characters, especially the younger ones, time to age and mature. Because Rick's group has grown so much, the story jumps around allowing the reader to see into what everyone is doing, building on the suspense of when shit finally hits the fan (as it always does). Really enjoyed this volume and I look forward to the future issues.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Another awesome book in this incredible series of graphic novels.
    I won't spoil any fans who haven't read this book yet, but all I can say is WOW.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The last volume of The Walking Dead introduced the Whisperers, a group of people who wear skins of the dead so they can walk and live among the undead. In this volume, a girl from the Whisperers is captured and during her captivity, Carl befriends her. Meanwhile, Maggie is facing opposition as leader of the Hilltop community. It's a nice change of pace to take the focus off of Rick for once. I feel that these issues are kind of dragging their heels for now, but there's a lot of potential that could be building for the Whisperers' story. They could become the next group our heroes have to fight a war against (god, I hope not), or there could be a more nuanced story of how these different types of survivors interact.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Carl has gone to live at The Hilltop, where Maggie has taken charge. Some people are good with this arrangement, and some aren't. The security men discover that walkers are whispering to each other, and this leads to Carl losing...something important.


The Walking Dead 23 - Robert Kirkman

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