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The Walking Dead 06: Dieses sorgenvolle Leben
The Walking Dead 06: Dieses sorgenvolle Leben
The Walking Dead 06: Dieses sorgenvolle Leben
eBook142 Seiten47 Minuten

The Walking Dead 06: Dieses sorgenvolle Leben

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Die Kultserie geht weiter! Die Dinge sind mehr aus dem Lot als je zuvor. Rick und seine Begleiter befinden sich weiterhin in der Hand des Gouvernors, der sein diktatorisches Regime in der Stadt Woodbury errichtet hat. Rick hat eine Hand verloren, Michonne wird gefoltert. Nur Glenn kann sich als einziger noch halbwegs frei in den Mauern der Stadt bewegen. Gewalt & Spiele bestimmen ihr Leben. Die mächtige Kämpferin Michonne soll von der Folter erlöst werden, wenn sie sich bereit erklärt, an den brutalen Zombie-Gladiatorkämpfen in der Arena teilzunehmen. Der rekonvaleszente Rick verbündet sich währenddessen mit Woodburys Arzt, Dr. Stephens, gegen den Gouvernor. Gemeinsam planen sie die Flucht aus dem Stadtstaat. Aber wie soll man entkommen, wenn eine ganze Stadt und schwerbewaffnete Wachen gegen einen stehen? Und auch in der "Heimat", dem ehemaligen Gefängnis, das Ricks Gruppe als Unterkunft dient, steht nicht alles zum Besten. Oder wieso haben sich plötzlich die Zombies das ehemals befreite Gebiet zurückerobert?
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum1. Sept. 2012
The Walking Dead 06: Dieses sorgenvolle Leben

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 4.1 von 5 Sternen

10 Bewertungen9 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Rick is a changed man.

    What I have always found interesting about The Walking Dead is the journey of a persons descent into a survivalist mentality, how a good person end up doing bad things so they and their group can survive. It's also interesting to witness what happens when the law doesn't exist anymore and lawless groups spring up and do unspeakable things.

    After what happened to Michonne last volume, I absolutely relished seeing her enact her revenge on the Governor. Man, she fucked him up pretty good! It was so brutal. Rick is becoming unrecognisable as the good man he was at the start of the series, where he felt he had a good grasp on right and wrong. Rick is now realising that right and wrong are not so easy to distinguish anymore, and it is sobering to see the kinds of things Rick has to do to protect resources and the people he loves.

    I am not sure if the Governor is still alive or what, it's hard to fathom after what Michonne did to him. Can't wait to find out what happens next!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    How I love this series... I'm a die-hard zombie fan, and even more of a fan of 'apocalypse' fiction - some event causes the death of massive amounts of the population and the survivors are left to try and piece together a new life. This series satisfies both loves! Not so crazy about the art, though. Just not up to the standards of the older stuff, in my opinion, tho I admittedly prefer my comics, art, etc. as realistically drawn as possible, so I'm not the most reliable of critics!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Despite the fact that I'm eating this series up rather rapidly, after six volumes I'm still unsure about whether or not I'm enjoying it. The plot twists and turns without ever giving the feeling that it might actually be going somewhere, and both characters and extranious limbs are being cast away at an incredible rate of knots. The characters that are left are, for the most part, incessently whiny and unlikeable, and their dialogue trudges over the same old ground, volume after volume. But I find myself thinking that perhaps my inability to care about who'll die next is really the point of Kirkman's writing. In a dystopian future where survival is all, is there really any point in contriving to find more varied topics of conversation? And when the death rate is sitting steady at one of two characters per volume, what's the use of defining personalities or establishing relationships? What this series does very well is to convey the superfluous aspects of society, and to focus on the grinding conflicts of surviving whilst retaining your humanity. I'm just still not sure why I'm bothering.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Although there does not seem to be a happy ending coming anytime soon, I continue to enjoy reading the Walking Dead graphic series. The Zombies are constantly lurking, just waiting for any opportunity to taste human flesh and satisfying that taste on a regular basis. However, it is no surprise that the dystopian society that has emerged after the Zombie epidemic took control has also resulted in a survival-of-the-fittest struggle between bands of human survivors. Rick’s band of survivors fights for survival with both living and rotting people in this violent episode. I don’t see anything but more of the same in future episodes. However, I will surely be reading them.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Gratuitous violence and torture porn.

    It gets an extra star because the Governor arc may be wrapped up (at least the little trip to his settlement is), and because of Michonne. That's about it. This book was 90% torture and violence porn. I get it, zombies, rough life. Don't need the torture porn at all.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Last night my order from Amazon.ca arrived. Inside the package was a copy of Three Day Road and The Walking Dead Six. Three Day Road I’m going to have to read for my students’ grade twelve novel study, and so I’m putting aside for now. Basically, I want to save up my brain power before I undertake the arduous task of coming up with questions for them, analyzing theme, looking for symbolism, et cetera. Instead, I reached for my copy of The Walking Dead Six, and promptly finished it this morning.It’s a quick read, as most graphic novels/comics are, and can be finished easily in one-to-two sittings.The aesthetics of this book are beautiful. It’s a hard cover masterpiece, and is completed by glossy pages. There are even colour graphics thrown in and creator notes at the back. The quality of this design adds to the pleasure of reading it. The publishers didn’t skimp when making the book, and that is the reason for the book’s somewhat hefty price-tag of $30.00 plus dollars. It’s not cheap in either way.I enjoyed the book, but perhaps not as much as the previous books (ok, well I have the fifth book and also the compendium). I found that these comics focused more upon human relationships, and that age-old struggle between civilization and savagery, rather than lots of good ol’fashioned zombie killing. Because of the exploration of the human aspect, I found the plotline to be slow-moving and a little bit dull. There was no suspense in Alexandria for me, there was only boring conversation between tired and contrived characters. Robert Kirkman, quite simply, there wasn’t enough of Michonne wielding her katana!The only “exploration of human relationships” that I found truly compelling involved Dale and Andrea. I suppose I was interested in this because I felt like I knew Dale and Andrea from the previous books. Andrea was the smart but a little screwed up woman who was in love with a kind and caring older man. The age discrepancy in their relationship and their feelings toward it made sense in the fucked up post-apocalyptic world. And so, I was saddened by Dale’s misfortune, and my heart hurt for Andrea and her grief. Of all the relationship deaths in this story, this one was the most tragic and heartfelt.After reading The Walking Dead Six, I’m still looking forward to the next compilation in the eventual seventh book, and I’m also in anticipation of the second season AMC’s The Walking Dead.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Life for the captives in Woodbury gets worse but Martinez comes to the rescue, the prison has been overrun again, and Glenn and Maggie make things permanent. Thanks to his quick reflexes (and possibly an urge to prove he can function with only one hand), Rick again goes against his nature but saves the group, but is left wondering for real what makes for evil - people's ethics have changed with the changing society, but morals are more ingrained and changing them takes some effort. Glenn's scavenging style makes for showing how much these people are getting used to their situation, horrific as it is.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Vol 6 has some torture scenes in it and is not for the faint of heart. It is however a great graphic novel
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Rick devises a plan to escape from Woodbury (with a few defectors), and Michonne gets revenge for what the Governor did to her.Michonne is one effed up lady. I don't blame her, but still. It'll be interesting to see if we ever see this side of her again. Also, Rick is missing his right hand now, so that should make things interesting.


The Walking Dead 06 - Robert Kirkman

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