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The Walking Dead 22: Ein neuer Anfang
The Walking Dead 22: Ein neuer Anfang
The Walking Dead 22: Ein neuer Anfang
eBook159 Seiten38 Minuten

The Walking Dead 22: Ein neuer Anfang

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Der Krieg ist vorüber. Doch Rick, Negan und alle anderen werden feststellen, dass sie nicht die Einzigen sind in der großen, weiten Welt!

Der Krieg ist vorbei und liegt nun schon eine ganze Weile zurück. Noch ist viel Wiederaufbauarbeit zu leisten, aber Negans Verschwinden ist bereits überall spürbar. Denn während der einstige Warlord in einem dunklen Verlies hockt, haben sich die Überlebenden vom Königreich bis zur Anhöhe ein stabiles Netzwerk aufgebaut, das einen geschützten Güterverkehr und die Bildung einer Handwerks- und Agrargemeinschaft ermöglicht. Das Ziel: die Chance ergreifen, von Null auf eine humanere Welt zu erschaffen, um sich endlich wieder nur um die Untoten kümmern zu müssen. Als jedoch Jesus, Eugene, Rosita und die anderen eine Horde Untoter weg von ihren Territorien lenken wollen, stoßen sie auf eine kleine Gruppe Fremder, angeführt von einer Frau, die sich seltsam bereitwillig nach Alexandria mitnehmen lässt … und während Rick Grimes die Ankömmlinge genauer unter die Lupe nimmt, machen zwei Reiter von der Anhöhe bei einem Patrouillengang am anderen Ende der erschlossenen Territorien eine Entdeckung, die jede bisherige Gefahr in den Schatten stellen könnte!

Der Sammelband wird die US-Hefte 127 (doppelter Umfang!) bis 132 enthalten.
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum2. März 2015
The Walking Dead 22: Ein neuer Anfang

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 4.150485689320388 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Well hot damn, this one does a big jump ahead in time. It's a gamble, but it's a good one. Very interested to see what changes are brought to the table in upcoming trades.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This volume was really interesting in a way that the others weren't.

    So an indeterminate amount of time has elapsed since the events of All Out War. Everybody looks pretty different, I didn't recognise Jesus at first. Carl is wearing glasses with one side blacked out. Rick has an awesome attachment for his hand stub, Andrea looks the same. Alexandria has been transformed into an impressive community, where they are making a case of ammunition a day and baking bread. Everyone has a job and people are actually patrolling roads and making areas outside safe. Maggie is the leader of the hilltop still... But there are a few people missing.... Mainly Michonne. I love Michonne.

    The cliffhanger this volume left off on was a true what the hell moment. That is something I could of never imagined in my wildest dreams!

    Really interesting story arc, can't wait to see how it unfolds.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Walking Dead, Vol 22, A New Beginning by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn – This is another interesting and gripping installment in this terrific graphic-novel series about human survivors struggling to live in a world of flesh-eaters. Rick and his followers have been able to force most of the flesh-eating zombies away from there fortified town. Rick and his son, Carl, travel to an allied compound, led by Maggie, where Carl intends to remain as an apprentice blacksmith. However, the ubiquitous battle with the flesh-eaters continues and a significant and terrifying change in their tactics and behavior could bring disaster to the long-struggling humans.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In the last issue, Rick and his group captured Negan. Now they hold him in a caged room and it turns out that teenage Carl has been going to Negan for advice. A small group of outsiders has been invited to join Alexandria, and some of the men believe the walkers have started talking.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Can the creators of The Walking Dead tell a story that does not revolve around survivors merely fighting zombies or fighting wars with other survivors? The answer is yes! This volume moves ahead a bit into a future where Rick and the leaders of surrounding communities are succeeding in developing sustainable communities amid the zombie horror. Problems encountered now are the challenges of doing things that were normal in the old world. For example, Carl is growing old enough to want to move out on his own to the Hilltop community. Meanwhile, newly admitted survivors find the community too good to be true, an ironic turnabout. Finally, the creepiest new antagonists are introduced. This is a much set of stories and gives me hope for the continuing story of The Walking Dead.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The saga continues, more zombies, more bad guys, more....This volume is a bit of reboot or flash forward. I wonder what the TV show will do when it gets to this point?
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The ending! Wow. Much better than what I thought was going on. THAT would have been super lame.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Just when you think everything is nice and calm and might have some sense of normalcy....
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Kirkman here may a found an interesting way forward. With Negan imprisoned, Rick and the group have taken key leadership roles among the networked communities. This book sets the stage for new stories as a new group arrives in their community with the same suspicions Rick once held, as Negan feels too close, and too alive, and so remains as a threat to whatever future might exist, and as a new threat has emerged out in the wild. With those three trajectories set up, the narrative that once seem blocked by the drawn out Negan conflict, now has the potential for creative ways forward. Kirkman is perhaps even at the edge of second level discussions around practical free market economics, civil society and responsibility, the basics of governance and leadership, and perhaps even questions of vocation and purpose - all in the post-apocalyptic landscape that fans love to fear.


The Walking Dead 22 - Robert Kirkman

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