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The Walking Dead 10: Dämonen
The Walking Dead 10: Dämonen
The Walking Dead 10: Dämonen
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The Walking Dead 10: Dämonen

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Die Überlebenden um den Polizisten Rick Grimes befinden sich weiterhin auf dem Weg nach Washington DC, wo sich eine sichere, noch nicht überrannte Zuflucht befinden soll. Die Reise dorthin birgt aber weitaus mehr Gefahren als die wandelnden Toten. Eine Gruppe von Bewaffneten, die Jagd auf Menschen macht, hat Rick und seine Begleiter ins Visier genommen. Wenn alle Nahrungsmittelvorräte aufgebraucht und jegliche Moral über Bord geworfen wurde, wird der Mensch vom Jäger schnell zum Gejagten...

THE WALKING DEAD ist eine der erfolgreichsten amerikanischen Independent-Serien aller Zeiten. Die Vorlage für den TV-Serien-Mega-Hit!
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum1. Sept. 2012
The Walking Dead 10: Dämonen

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 4.333333333333333 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    So the group is on the road again, the reader is confronted with attempted child rape, a herd of roamers, suicide attempts and the horror of discovering whole families that have killed each other rather then deal with the apocalypse. Morgan is also back, though without his son and understandably with a few screws loose. It's just all so demented.

    The kids are also cracking, and Dale is starting to annoy me. Hope he dies soon. I can't wait to find out what happens when they reach Washington. Is Eugene the answer to this whole mess? Can't wait to find out soon!

  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Dum-de-de-dum...this will make an awesome show if they get it right.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Wow. This is the best volume of The Walking Dead by far! It's amazing to see how some of these characters have transformed over time.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This volume of stories was more character-driven than plot-driven. We learned about what Abraham, Rick, and Morgan have had to do to survive in their new world, as well as the toll it's taken on their minds. Gripping stuff.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is so easily one of the best series ever... ILOVETHEWALKINGDEAD.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The remaining survivors meet another group who are on their way to Washington DC and join up with them. Rick and Carl and one of the new guys, Abraham, take a two-day detour to return to the Kentucky town that Rick used to live in to retrieve some more guns.A little less action in this one, too, but plenty of getting to know the new guys, and set-up/foreshadowing for the next volume. I liked this one because it was less heavy-handed with the philosophy than the last.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Though The Walking Dead is a spectacular graphic novel series, this might be one of the best graphic novels I've ever read. The underlying questions of who we really are, how we present ourselves, and what we become under strain are here in focus. This volume juxtaposes humanity with the zombie metaphor asks the fundamental questions about what makes monsters monsters, and humans humane.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This volume is a little slower, more interpersonal stuff, group dynamics (and bonding) and a glimpse of some future crazy shit. And the return of Morgan... and his kid... sort of... Mostly it's just our intrepid little band gathering supplies and slowly progressing towards their goal. I still like the "new" guys.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I liked this one better than Vol. 9. We got to learn about Abraham's past, Rick going berserk after being attacked by scavengers and Rick finding a crazy Morgan towards the end. It seems to be picking up again since their very long stay at the prison. Definitely different than the show and for that I like because I get to see two sides of TWD. Looking forward to the next book!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Once the initial survival is over and the faint glimmer of rebuilding civilization as it once was fades, there comes the reality of what the new world has to look like. The luxuries of debate and the time to wait out tough situations to sample various treatments or just to see if time will truly heal things has long since passed. This is the point where we now find our survivors. In this installment, Kirkman shows our survivors as they continue to cross lines while the last remnants of their old humanity hang by mere threads and what they'll see to all but snap those threads. Our survivors are tired, cranky and nerves are raw all the way around - this volume feels the every bit of it, but like the group, you feel compelled to move forward with them for that faint glimmer that Washington may hold.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The group keeps scavenging supplies, Carl is attacked, we find out Abraham's story, and a herd of zombies forces the group to keep moving, whether some of them want to or not. The main gist of this installment seems to be how the survivors have all turned so violent - Rick doesn't hesitate a second to tear someone apart when Carl is attacked; his point about the survivors being those who "flip the switch" and the zombies being those who stayed human is quite poignant. I am glad to see that Rick is starting to come back to himself - the loony Rick isn't all that interesting. Am wondering if we'll get to see Duane again and also what will develop with the twins - that was some bad news, that.


The Walking Dead 10 - Robert Kirkman

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