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The Walking Dead 14: In der Falle
The Walking Dead 14: In der Falle
The Walking Dead 14: In der Falle
eBook150 Seiten54 Minuten

The Walking Dead 14: In der Falle

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Rick Grimes und die Überlebenden, die er nach Washington geführt hat, leben nun seit einiger Zeit in einer umzäunten Anlage in den Outskirts von Washington, D.C. Rick hat als Polizeibeamter die Verantwortung für seine neue Gemeinde übernommen, sein Sohn Carl hat neue Freunde gefunden, Glenn unternimmt Sucheinsätze in die entvölkerte Großstadt, Carol wacht als Ausguck über die Gemeinschaft ... ein trügerischer Alltag stellt sich ein.

Aber mehr und mehr Untote aus dem ehemaligen Regierungssitz der USA sammeln sich vor den Toren der Anlage. Ein kleiner Fehler, eine Unachtsamkeit, eine Bruchstelle im Zaun und alles verwandelt sich in einen einzigen Albtraum ...

Der neueste Band einer der besten Comic-Serien der letzten Jahre, schonungslos, menschlich und unheimlich fesselnd ... Vorlage für die TV-Serien-Sensation!
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum1. Sept. 2012
The Walking Dead 14: In der Falle

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen

10 Bewertungen9 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The Walking Dead, Vol. 14, No Way Out by Robert Kirkman et al. – This is an extremely intense volume of this fine graphic-novel series about desperate humans struggling to survive in a world overrun by flesh-eating zombies. In this volume the human survivors battle to survive after hoards of zombies break into their walled town. The stress of the hopelessness and extremely perilous situations are too much for even the strongest of the townsfolk, and grief is a constant enemy. Rick endures extreme fear, trauma and guilt, which causes him to change his plans for the future. It’s another savage and gripping episode.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Life moves on normally until a huge herd arrives, attempts are made to lure them away but they breach anyway, and Carl pays the price for someone else's error. This is almost exclusively an action installment and it goes by at breakneck speed with zombies coming at the group from all directions. At least the ending gives an odd breather with Rick's epiphany about what a community can achieve - looking forward to seeing if it comes to fruition.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Daaaaamn. This series has a history of making me yell to high heaven. Tightly grabbing the pages and staring wide eyed in disbelief. Sputtering forth a staccato of profanity. Holy hell Kirkman!! I should know by now that no one is untouchable in The Walking Dead universe. I do know and yet every time the shit hits the fan it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under me.

    Seriously though, if Michonne ever dies I'm going to be PISSED.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Dark and lovely. Scary and brilliant. I care so much about these characters that I gasped at the big shocker, and then quietly teared up.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The peace of the community is broken. Within a few hours everything has changed, but the original group has learned to work together and the rest of the community has learned how dangerous the outside world really is.It occurred to me while reading this that the community doesn't have a name. I think that's very indicative of the differences between it and Woodbury. Woodbury was all about the name and the hype and the governor's prestige, but the new community has turned out to be a great place while being much more realistic about their place in the world.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    ****Spoilers ahead****

    Now I love The Walking Dead, I love the TV series, I love the comics - I just can't get enough of reading/watching stuff about a post apocalyptic world with a bunch of zombies. This volume almost got 3 stars from me because whenever the group become stationary, the interpersonal dramatics come out. Everybody seems to have sex with everybody else, it's just crazy and not to mention horrifically boring. BUT in the latter half, the walls of The Community are breached and a herd of zombies are flowing into the compound. It was brilliant.

    I loved seeing the new ruthless Rick, if you are trusting or too nice, you die. You need to be made of tough stuff to survive that world, people take advantage - friends and family members that turn need to be shot. It's all pretty horrific stuff. Carl getting shot was just the highlight at the end, I am dying to find out if he survives because I have read past the TV show now and so practically everything is a surprise.

    This series would honestly get a five star rating every time but I just don't think everybody humping everybody else is realistic. Whenever new characters are introduced I am often left wondering who is going to end up having sex with that person - it happens so often it's predictable.

    The speech that Rick gives at the end about the roamers being a manageable threat and his ideas about training an army is brilliant. It's about time Rick takes control back.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Left my mouth open in shock a few times at what Kirkman puts his characters through!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The people of Alexandria have just fought off an attack by outsiders. The survivors decide to put more security measures in place. Rick and Jessie begin a romance that ends brutally, and Michonne and Morgan's relationship ends too, while Carl receives a possibly fatal wound.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I'm genuinely surprised by the 3.5-star average rating as of this review. I only have a few moments right now, but I did want to capture that this was hands down my favorite TP thus far. This one felt much more fragmented than its tightly-knit predecessors, but in a way that enhanced the story; then, of course, it was all woven together masterfully in the end. As I read this, I wished I could hand out copies of this particular TP to friends who either (a) wonder why I read the series, (b) persist in saying that zombie novels (etc.) are "about" zombies, or (c) say that graphic novels are what people who can't write have to set for.* This was powerful writing that exemplifies why I feel TWD deserves a spot in lists of best novels ever written. Graphic or traditional writing, good writing is good writing, and this? This is superb writing. It's hard to state this in a way that's not spoilery. I wish I could include more details. The hardest part of this TP was, for me, the total despair of hope that resounded from most its pages. That was--with one exception--the bleakest I've ever felt reading TWD. But, of course, the hopelessness isn't the whole story, and I closed it with the sense it's going to linger on my mind for a long time to come. That's powerful stuff, whether or not--as with life--I wish certain things had happened differently.* Obviously I'm not going to start them off on #14! I just have to keep working at getting them to read the entire series.


The Walking Dead 14 - Robert Kirkman

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