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Locke & Key, Band 2: Psychospiele
Locke & Key, Band 2: Psychospiele
Locke & Key, Band 2: Psychospiele
eBook160 Seiten39 Minuten

Locke & Key, Band 2: Psychospiele

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Was verbirgt sich hinter der nächsten Tür im unheimlichen Haus? Der kleine Bode Locke kann sich nicht dagegen wehren, das Geheimnis des Kopfschlüssels lösen zu wollen. Währenddessen haben schon ganz andere Psychospielchen vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen grausigen Geschehnisse begonnen. Die Hauptakteure Kinsey und Taylor Locke und Zack Wells hüten ein dunkles Geheimnis.

Joe Hill setzt den Gang durch sein unheimliches Haus der 1.000 Türen weiter fort. Brillant und gespenstisch!

"Großartig!" - Spiegel Online
Erscheinungsdatum15. März 2014
Locke & Key, Band 2: Psychospiele

Joe Hill

Joe Hill is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the novels The Fireman, NOS4A2, Horns, and Heart-Shaped Box; Strange Weather, a collection of novellas; and the acclaimed story collections Full Throttle and 20th Century Ghosts. He is also the Eisner Award–winning writer of a seven-volume comic book series, Locke & Key. Much of his work has been adapted for film and TV, including NOS4A2 (AMC), Locke & Key (Netflix), In the Tall Grass (Netflix), and The Black Phone (Blumhouse).

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In this volume, Bode discovers the head key. This key can unlock your skull, allowing you and anyone else to look directly into your mind. Pretty trippy stuff. Ty and Kinsey also become involved with the new boy at school, Zack Wells. Zack has a terrible secret and is not what he seems. This volume goes into Zack's past and the secrets of the head key. Really good stuff here!
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Oh, the burdens of friendship sometimes reveal themselves painfully. I gritted my teeth for much of this. All began well, sex and Shakespeare and then some magic gimmick which would've worked if I was ten. Maybe that's the point? I may need to draw a line after this volume.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The late H.P. Lovecraft's stories are horror classics. He created an entire mythology (often referred to as the Mythos or the Cthulhu Mythos) filled with monsters, throwbacks, and non-Euclidean geometry. He then opened his world up, inviting other authors to play in his sandbox. And play they did. I came late to the fandom, but I'm here now. Which is why I know that, if you're looking for a place to start fresh, you don't want to go to a town called Lovecraft. That's what the Locke family does in the comic/graphic novel series Locke & Key by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez.Following their father's murder, the Locke kids (teens Tyler and Kinsey, and younger Bode) and their mother move to Keyhouse, the Locke family manse. It's there that Bode discovers the ghost key, that lets him separate from his body. There are lots of other keys at Keyhouse, and the epilogues in each collection tell us about them, and about the histories of Keyhouse and the Lockes.This is a story that works very well in graphic format. Rodriguez's illustrations fit beautifully with Hill's story to show us what is happening and draw us into the story. The artwork enhances the suspense in the story, shocking the reader for effect rather than for shock's own sake. The characters' emotions are captured and clearly expressed in the artwork, not leaving the reader to guess whether someone is amazed or disgusted. The lettering is also well done, without a distracting amount of font changes and jagged speech bubbles. The story unfolds at a reasonable pace, not so fast that the reader loses track of what's going on -- no mean feat given the flashbacks and changing perspectives -- but never so slow as to risk losing interest. It also follows its own rules. The reader isn't left saying, "Wait a minute. That shouldn't have happened."By the end of volume 2 of the collected works (Head Games), it's clear that this is a "kids save the world" story. Most of the adults are clueless or incompetent. (Mom after Bode uses the Head Key: "Put the top of your head back on, Bode. Should we have fettuccine for dinner?" No, seriously, the top of his head was gone. You could look inside and see his memories.) The ones who might actually be able to help are quickly dealt with by the forces of evil. The violence is graphic in both senses of the word, and there is some sex. I would recommend this series to adult horror fans without reservation. It would probably also appeal to older teens, and may be a good choice for reluctant readers.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Locke & Key, Volume 2: Head Games by Joe Hill (writer) and Gabriel Rodriguez (artist) – Hill again places his characters in confusing, fantastic, and dangerous situations in Head Games. Bode the younger child finds a mysterious key that can be used to change what a person fears, what they know, and what skills they can master. It’s another grievous, and deadly installment in this fascinating series. Hill’s story is excellent and the art work by Rodriguez is wonderful in this graphic novel.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I had to get this novel read tonight so I could take it back to the library in the morning. I may not sleep now. Dammit. I always forget how quickly Hill can snag my interest and also how hard it is to put down his work.

    Good thing it wasn't a regular novel. I have work to do!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Kinsey and Tyler Locke get emotional support from their friend Zack Wells without even suspecting that Zack has a very dark secret, and Bode Locke continues to figure out the mystery of the keys and finds one that opens his mind wide open, in a very literal sense. Another great installment in this extremely imaginative series. The stakes are as high as they can be and one cannot help by try to root the characters on and somehow warn them that their allies may not be allies at all. The art is a little too perfect, but the story is rock solid.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The addictive Locke and Key graphic novel series continues with, Head Games. In part two, the mysteries of the Locke house continue to unravel and a key so grotesquely absurd and powerful is found that you have to read it to believe it. I am looking forward to cracking open my skull and inserting the third book into the ol' memory banks as soon as possible.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    In the second book of the graphic novel series, the Locke family begins to learn more about the mysterious properties of the keys and doors within their new home. One discovery is mind-blowingly awesome (an entirely appropriate pun and cliche).I don't really want to say any more about the book, because the surprises of the storyline are just too good to reveal. You must read them. As always the writing and art are fantastic, in fact, it seems to be getting better from here.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Volume 2 continues on with the story of Keyhouse and it’s occupants. The supernatural being is now passing itself off as a high school teen called Zack and has befriended the Locke family. The featured key of this volume is one that opens heads and allows information to be added or taken away. Ty, the oldest Locke boy, absorbs his school work, while Kinsey, the female Locke child, removes some of her traumatic memories.Great storytelling combined with excellent artwork, this is a stellar graphic series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I'd been seeing ads for Locke & Key volumes in my Science Fiction Book Club catalogs the last few years, so when I spotted vol. 2 - 4 at my local library, I checked them out.Missing out on the first volume meant having to infer what happened from clues in volume two. I've been an H. P. Lovecraft fan since I was 16 (more than 40 years ago), so I appreciate the name of the town and academy. Naturally, they're set in Massachusetts, land of Lovecraft's Arkham (where we find Miskatonic University), Dunwich and Innsmouth.The Locke family currently consists of Nina (disabled widow of Rendell) and her three children. Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode. Tyler and his sister attend Lovecraft Academy. Bode is only six years old. Their father was murdered. Rendell's gay younger brother, Duncan, teaches art in Provincetown, where he lives with his older lover, Brian Rogan.This volume opens with a flashback prologue involving the academy's elderly African-American drama professor, Joe Ridgeway, and Callie (Callisto), the Southern white girl who would one day be his wife and the academy's director of admissions. In the present, Prof. Ridgeway notices Tyler and his friend. The friend says his name is Zack Wells, but he looks exactly like Lucas Don Caravaggio [named for the famous artist?], who had been Rendell's best friend before Luke's disappeared in the 1980s. The professor, stares at an old photo from the senior drama back then, 'The Tempest'. He recalls that Mark Cho and Kim Topher disappeared at the same time. Rendell was never the same. Something he doesn't specify happened to African-American student Erin Voss. He thought the production that year was magic. Oh, he was right about that. He's also right about Luke. Feel free to add your own mental ominous music.Ellie Whedan loved Luke, so she's hosting 'Zach' as her younger cousin. Ellie has a mentally challenged son, Rufus. Rufus plays with his action figures. His dialogue not only shows what a good vocabulary he has, but that he understands far more than Luke thinks he does.Bode Locke has found another magic key. It can unlock one's head so what's in the mind is visible. There's a cool and revealing two-page spread of what's in the tyke's head. Tyler and Kinsey try it, too. Kinsey does something with hers that is very interesting but extremely foolish in its implications. What Tyler does to himself isn't as foolish -- not unti he tries to impress a girl, anyway. Too bad they let Zack in on the secret.There's a nasty argument involving two homophobic women, Duncan, and Brian in a bar. That leads to an even nastier scene. I loved the way Mr. Hill let us know what the nasty women intended to do versus what actually happened. The epilogue is a scene from the past. Poor Ellie had a truly horrible mother. She got hers. We also learn about an immunity Rufus has. Very interrrresting...Among the extras in the back of the book are reproductions of the cover art before any words, etc. were added, a two-page explanation about the keys known so far, and a fascinating four pages in which artist/co-creator Gabriel Rodriguez uses text and art to explain what he does to create a page of the comic from the script. There are 12 steps. The keys are presented as 'excerpts from the diary of Benjamin Pierce Locke, 1757 - 1799. The illustrations here look as if they are woodcuts. Be warned -- Mr. Hill gave Ben Locke the kind of make-up-your-own-spelling writing from the period. Interesting that Ben's sister, Miranda, did the same thing to herself that Tyler and Kinsey did.I loved the little things in the art, such as putting the credits on a poster, a bottle label, or carvings on a tree. There's a book under Prof. Ridgeway's alarm clock with The Ghost Code and Joseph Elmore Ridgeway III on its spine. Do not skip over the introduction by Warren Ellis. I insisted my sister read it and she was amused.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Love this series. The storyline is haunting and intriguing and the illustrations are eerie and attention grabbing. If you enjoy graphic novels and dark fantasy give this series a try!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I started this series a long time ago, but put it down to wait until all the trades came out. I knew I would not want to wait in between. I loved the first volume when it first came out and after reading this one can see why people have been raving about this series. It will be tough for me to slow myself down to I don't rush through the remaining volumes. I want to savor this as long as possible.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This volume is even better than the first! Unfortunately, I can't give it anything higher than 5 stars. If there was an option, I'd do that. I have a feeling this entire series is going to end up on my favorites list - well, barring some unforeseen decline in quality.

    I tore through this in one sitting, not that there was a lot of material here. Coming in at 160 pages, this book is so tightly edited that it barely gives the reader any time to breathe. That's not to say that it suffers from any pacing problems.

    Once again, Joe Hill's writing is brilliant and Gabriel Rodriguez's artwork is beautiful. There's not a whole lot else you can say about that. If you've enjoyed Volume 1, don't expect to be disappointed.

    I'm trying my best here to just gush about how much I'm loving this series but I still feel like I'm falling short. Do yourself a favor and search this series out (if you haven't already), you won't regret it.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Locke and Key Series are quite exciting - good graphics, with a good story make for a most excellent story - This time around, Bode finds a key that opens minds... literally. The Locke children experiment, but don't really understand the consequences. We also find out more about Dodge, and his history with the family. Very creepy, very interesting, and I can't wait to read the next volume in the series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Great second volume, really sets the greater plot moving forward after the first introductory volume.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Head Games takes Locke and Key into new directions, almost touching on magical realism in parts. I'm trying not to spoil anything, but suffice it to say that Joe Hill again takes a concept (the head key) and builds on it throughout the book, letting it wind through the plot. He is a master at unwinding this amazing piece of dark fantasy/horror. Head Games kept me turning the pages, and that's as good as you can want.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Continues to create a solid feeling of horror.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Story is still promising and the art work is fine too.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I've decided that I definitely like this series. There are so many questions that need answering and answering one just leads to more questions. The artwork is fantastic and I absolutely loved the depictions of memories and emotions. Very well done.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Just as good as the first. Will read more of them!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Different then the first one. More of a Night Gallery episode. Some horror with some strange. Quickly turning into my favorite current comic series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Amazing. Hill opens up some fascinating ideas here, and continues to grow the world. I also feel like Head Games does a much better job of opening Kinsey, Tyler, and Bode up as well-rounded characters.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    More creepy and intriguing than Welcome to Lovecraft. What would you do if you found a key that let you unlock your head and reach in to remove memories/knowledge or cram new ones in? Of course, evil takes advantage of people who are at a low ebb in their life by using the key on their heads. And Bode just thinks it's the coolest thing ever. I love the theme of memory and how we interpret something is definitely not how someone else does. This family is struggling so much, I feel for them. And Duncan needs to lose Brian. That's all I'm sayin'.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The first Locke and Key book ended my 2012 with a bang, and after rereading that one, my expectations were high. And much to my delight, the second volume holds up really well, deepening the mysteries of Key house, adding a few new chills and continuing the human drama. Hill leaps back and forth in time and place, and manages to expand the story without making it confusing – or too obvious. Here is the real value of Rodriguez’ art; it adds a clarity and crispness to this tale. And reading the second volume, the relationship between text and subtle hints expressed just in pictures, are a delight.The key this time opens your head and lets you take things in or out. It’s borderline silly, but works fine – even if it has very little of the chilling effect the Death Key of volume one had. Also, some of the heartbreaking numbness of the first book, where all members of the family carried their own luggage, is gone now, as the Locke kids start to move on with thier lives. Still, it all makes sense. But this is definitely a less creepy book.I like how Hill pays a lot of attention to the lesser characters here, like the violent, homophobic wives. But one or two people of this book feels slightly over the top. Ellie’s mom, for instance, just seems evil for the sake of being evil, and I end up not quite buying her. These are minor complaints. I’ll make sure to get to the third book before having to do another reread!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Well, this series has gotten nothing but better as it has gone along. I've been thoroughly impressed with Hill's writing and Rodriguez's art right along. They haven't lost anything in the storytelling and haven't weakened in their storytelling either. One of the things that I was worried about is that at some point they would lose their momentum, but five volumes in and that hasn't happened yet.In Volume 2, Head Games, the kids are still recovering from the events at the end of Welcome to Lovecraft, events that may brought back a lot of memories that they were trying to forget. Kinsey and Tyler find some companionship in their new friend Zack, not realizing Zack's dark secret or intentions. Bode finds a new key, and as they start to uncover the secrets of this new game, Zack starts to become a little too recognizable for his liking.Volume 3, Crown of Shadows, finds more secrets and more revelations in the background about Dodge and more keys. This volume deals a little bit more with the emotional impact prior events have had on each of the members of the Locke family. I really found these issues handled well in this volume, especially watching Kinsey after her change in the previous volume.Volume 4, Keys to the Kingdom, was a series of shorter stories that all tied into the Key house and what is happening with the various characters. While not necessarily on complete story throughout the entire volume, each of these stories still successfully moves the story along.I was concerned about going into Volume 5, Clockworks, as I'd heard that this was mostly a background story, and I wasn't exactly sure how a volume dedicated almost entirely to background was going to help move the story along, but holy crap was I wrong! I think this might be the best volume so far. We learn about the history of the Locke family, the Keys, Key house, the purpose of the villain behind everything (SPOILERS! - which ties directly in the title of the first volume). It just all came together amazingly well.Needless to say, you won't find much about the actual story in this review, because it's almost impossible to talk about the story without giving anything away, as Hill seems to find a way to tie in almost every plot thread one way or another into all of the story. What I can say, is that this is completely worth reading and might be one of the better graphic novels you'll find. If you're not a fan of horror or of violence, this might not be the best series for you, but if you can stomach it, this is a fantastic series. I'll definitely be picking up the final volume when it's released.Happy (creepy) reading!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Die drei Locke Kinder mussten nach dem Tod ihres Vaters nach Lovecraft zu ihrem Onkel ziehen. Doch dort entdeckt der jüngste von ihnen einen Schlüssel, der auf geheimnisvolle Weise Türen öffnet. Und dieser Schlüssel ist nicht der einzige. Als Bode schließlich den Kopf-Schlüssel findet, sind alle drei Geschwister fasziniert davon. Denn dieser Schlüssel ermöglicht es ihnen, Dinge in ihren Kopf hinein zu tun, aber auch unliebsame Geschichten, Gegenstände, Gefühle oder Erinnerungen aus ihm zu entfernen. Sie weihen Tylers neuen Freund Jack mit ein. Dieser allerdings birgt sein eigenes Geheimnis und ist bereit, alles und jeden zu beseitigen, der sich ihm in den Weg stellt. Denn die Geister der Vergangenheit sterben nie.Dies ist der zweite Band der Locke & Key-Reihe. Befasst sich der erste Band WILLKOMMEN IN LOVECRAFT noch sehr mit der Vorstellung der einzelnen Charaktere und dem blutdürstigen Killer, so liegt der Fokus des zweiten Bandes auf der Macht der Schlüssel und dem geheimnisvollen Zack.Zack ist ein düsterer Zeitgenosse, der eigentlich gar nicht mehr leben dürfte. Denn er war schon der Freund des Vaters der Locke-Kinder. Doch er ist immer so jung geblieben, aber wie er das angestellt hat, bleibt weiterhin ein Geheimnis. Und er setzt alles daran, dieses zu bewahren. Und sei es durch Mord.Wieder harmonisieren die Bilder und die Geschichte perfekt miteinander. Der zweite Band steht dem ersten in nichts nach und spornt an, die Geschichte weiter zu verfolgen. Die Zeichnungen ziehen den Leser ganz in ihren Band und die Verzweigungen und Geheimnisse des Geschehens sind so gut platziert, dass es zu keinem Zeitpunkt langweilig wird.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Hmmm...getting interesting/crazy/messed up.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Second in the imaginative series taking much pleasure in devising fantastical doorways. Doorways to transform you into a ghost, unlock the mind or even just transport to your required destination. The plot centres on a suitably gothic house, a family shattered by tragedy and of course those who seeks its power. It's creepy, sometimes horrific but always lots of fun. The art' s good, the characters are believable and the pacing just great.Recommended for lovers of creepy tales.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Great follow-up to Welcome to Lovecraft. Love this series so far.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Awesome follow up to Welcome to Lovecraft. This is more of a dark fantasy than horror like the first one. I have the third one ready to go... can't wait. :) Illustrations are gorgeebus to boot.


Locke & Key, Band 2 - Joe Hill

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