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Mass Effect Band 3: Vergeltung
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Mass Effect Band 3: Vergeltung
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Mass Effect Band 3: Vergeltung
eBook366 Seiten6 Stunden

Mass Effect Band 3: Vergeltung

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Die Menschheit hat das All besiedelt und ist nun Teil einer großen Gemeinschaft von interstellaren Zivilisationen. Doch jenseits der Grenzen der erforschten Gebiete lauern die Reaper - eine Rasse von lebenden Sternenschiffen, die die organischen Rassen der Galaxie für ihre eigenen, dunklen Zwecke missbrauchen wollen, in dem sie sie "abernten". Der geheimnisvolle Anführer des Cerberus-Syndikats ist einer der Wenigen, die diese Wahrheit kennen. Um die Interessen der Menschheit zu wahren, setzt er einen verzweifelten Plan in die Tat um, der die Stärken und Schwächen des Gegners entlarven soll. Dazu will er einen Menschen mit Reaper-Technologie modifizieren. Der ehemalige Zerberus-Agent Paul Grayson scheint für ihn das optimale Versuchsobjekt für seine schrecklichen Experimente zu sein. In einer geheimen Forschungseinrichtung des Syndikats wird Grayson mit der Technologie der Aliens ausgestattet. Zu spät erkennt Cerberus, dass die Reaper-Implantate längst zum Leben erwacht sind und versuchen, die Kontrolle über Grayson zu erlangen, um mit ihm den Weg für eine Invasion der Aliens freizumachen ...
Erscheinungsdatum1. Okt. 2010
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Mass Effect Band 3: Vergeltung

Drew Karpyshyn

Drew Karpyshyn is the New York Times bestselling author of Children of Fire as well as the Star Wars: The Old Republic novels Revan and Annihilation, and the Star Wars: Darth Bane trilogy: Path of Destruction, Rule of Two, and Dynasty of Evil. He also wrote the acclaimed Mass Effect series of novels and worked as a writer/designer on numerous award-winning videogames. After spending most of his life in Canada, he finally grew tired of the long, cold winters and headed south in search of a climate more conducive to year-round golf. Drew Karpyshyn now lives in Texas with his wife, Jennifer, and a variety of four-legged companions.

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Rezensionen für Mass Effect Band 3

Bewertung: 3.5902811111111115 von 5 Sternen

72 Bewertungen3 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Not as good as previous two. Getting tiring?
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In this third book of the Mass Effect series, the pace and action were on par with Ascension, but I felt it did not provide enough background information as the previous book did, or as I have hoped.I did get some kicks out of it, since I am a big fan of the game series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The lie ran so deep that even those who?d helped bury the truth had convinced themselves the Reapers were nothing but a myth. They continued on with their mundane existence, too weak and too stupid to acknowledge the horrific destiny awaiting them. But the Illusive Man had devoted his life to facing unpleasant truths. - Drew Karpyshyn, Mass Effect Retribution

    Mass Effect Retribution picks up two or so years after the end of Ascension. Grayson, a former Cerberus operative, is living incognito on Omega. In Ascension he was a drug addicted father of an autistic biotic girl. Against the wishes of Cerberus, Grayson removes his daughter from the experimental clutches of the Illusive Man and sends her to live unmolested among the quarians, untouchable amidst their enormous flotilla. The Illusive Man wants him, but not dead.
    Grayson is now a trusted foot soldier of Aria and he has kicked the red dust habit. He keeps in tenuous touch with Kahlee Sanders who still lives and works at Grissom Academy in an effort to ensure her safety per a deal he made with the Illusive Man that she would not be harmed.
    But the Illusive Man is not to be thwarted and he learns of Grayson's whereabouts. The Illusive Man sends Kai Leng to obtain Grayson.
    If you're familiar with the ME games then you already know who Kai Leng is, a former Alliance officer hyped up on Reaper tech who acts as the Illusive Man's top assassin. He's ruthless, patient, and utterly deadly. Kai Leng is also mentioned by Anderson in ME3 wherein he mentions not being one of Kai Leng's favorite people because he once shot out both of his legs. You get to see how that happens in Retribution. For those of you who know the beloved Captain Anderson, he can be just a ruthless as Kai Leng and we get to see him here in rare form.
    Retribution is the saddest of the books thus far. Grayson, poor man, can never catch a break. His life is a long series of bad choices and worse outcomes and what eventually happens to him, thanks to the Illusive Man, is probably worse than death. What happens to him also screams "borg" to me. Borg as in Star Trek.
    Like the others, this book is fast paced and well written with a crisp concise story line that does not wander away from the original ME story but runs parallel to it. There is no pretended happy ending here though, so as much as one might root for Grayson to finally have some peace in his life, you won't be satisfied.
    Kahlee Sanders isn't as annoying in this book as she was in Ascension. In fact, she's quite a trooper, even if a little soft around the middle. Anderson, who we know is a bit of a badass, but only from rumors and attitude, shows us exactly why he can be counted among the Shepards in the ME universe. He isn't just the deep voiced on point soldier with a commanding attitude. He's a calculating and dangerous opponent even without Reaper cybernetic implants, a bad attitude, or indoctrination.
    As for the last book in the ME novel series, Deception, I'm unsure if I will read it. I understand that it was authored by someone other than Drew Karpyshyn and reviews are somewhat lackluster. We shall see.