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Aino an der Quelle
Aino an der Quelle
Aino an der Quelle
eBook19 Seiten15 Minuten

Aino an der Quelle

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Über dieses E-Book

Das kleine, in Lappland wohnende Mädchen Aino erlebt spannende Begebenheiten mit seinem Wichtelfreund Jussi. Die Geschichte führt in die geheimnisvollen und unsichtbaren Bereiche der Natur und sie ist gleichermassen interessant für Kinder wie für Erwachsene.

Erscheinungsdatum23. Feb. 2014
Aino an der Quelle

Esko Jalkanen

Esko Jalkanen - a forester, commercial gardener, naturalist and mystic Esko Jalkanen (1921-2007, born in Finland) followed the whole of his life the great love of nature. Esko Jalkanen made a major life's work by examining the whole of creation transcendentaly. He made more than 1500 of these discoveries in a few decades. One of the most important research topics was Bioenergy and the amount of it. All living things have this Bioenergy circle. The size of the Bioenergy circle will tell whether the individual's things are in order or not. If the individual is in a "burn out" stage is the Bioenergy circle only a few centimeters. There are available ingredients in the nature that will support the body's own ability to improve themselves. In this case, the individual's own security and regulatory system will start to work again. Jalkanen's studies says the best and the most powerful ingredients come from Lapland in Finland. Why is this? The Nordic climate conditions are rare on Earth. Nordic countries can produce something that is not possible elsewhere. Nordic countries are characterized by bright, cool summers and cold energetic rich winters. In fact everything is different in the Nordic countries. Plants cultivated in the North have more energy and other valuable subtances that are good for health. In the manufactoring process it is strictly forbidden to use any technical equipment as they destroy the Bioenergy. Instead, the spiritual requests at various stages of the manufacturing process are a prerequisite for products that follow Esko Jalkanen's studies.

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