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The Abandoned Mate: Mates, #2
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Über diese Serie

Milani is deemed a rogue, but unknowingly to her mate and her pack. She is also pregnant. Finding shelter with her best friend Jared. Who just happens to be a warlock. Sadly her actions have caused a huge ripple in the supernatural world. With witches deeming war against the werewolves, Milani finds the only safe place left for her is pack land. With her mate, the one who abandoned her. Will she be able to forgive him? Find out in The Abandoned Mate.

HerausgeberJackie Willauer
Erscheinungsdatum13. Feb. 2020
The Abandoned Mate: Mates, #2

Titel in dieser Serie (1)

  • The Abandoned Mate: Mates, #2


    The Abandoned Mate: Mates, #2
    The Abandoned Mate: Mates, #2

    Milani is deemed a rogue, but unknowingly to her mate and her pack. She is also pregnant. Finding shelter with her best friend Jared. Who just happens to be a warlock. Sadly her actions have caused a huge ripple in the supernatural world. With witches deeming war against the werewolves, Milani finds the only safe place left for her is pack land. With her mate, the one who abandoned her. Will she be able to forgive him? Find out in The Abandoned Mate.

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