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STORK *P O K O* comes back: ENGLISH_language + about 170 PHOTOS
STORK *P O K O* comes back: ENGLISH_language + about 170 PHOTOS
STORK *P O K O* comes back: ENGLISH_language + about 170 PHOTOS
eBook186 Seiten30 Minuten

STORK *P O K O* comes back: ENGLISH_language + about 170 PHOTOS

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Über dieses E-Book

The best harmony and cut STORY with the deep Heart-feeling from
WILD-ANIMALS. A own translate from the CHILDREN-BOOK in German(AUSTRIA) to E N G L I S H for the international WEB-Market.
Perfect lovengly/caring a tribute from Wildanimals-Life_Form.
Sensitive deep relationship with WILDLIFE_observation.
A "WHITE-STORK" with name >P O K O Victor JABAR< comes return to
AUSTRIA = the region he was born. He contacted his little old friend=a "BOTTLE-DUCK" with name "DUFFY". Both makes a HIKE, a expedition
upper farmers-land and through forest and wetland. New other Wild Animals they see and become interesting informations from other LIFE-FORM. Rare+sheltered Animals tell both over his LIFE. The end from their searching and looking for a new STAY and HOME its very great and fantastic. They become a partner, a nice WIFE. The best Friends are
a BEAVER with the name "BOBBY" and 3 DOGS = the dogs are INSPECTORS from a very great nature Reserve privatly FOUNDATION with a GOLF+WELLNESS HOTEL-RESORT.
Erscheinungsdatum20. Sept. 2019
STORK *P O K O* comes back: ENGLISH_language + about 170 PHOTOS


Ich FOTOGRAFIERE - ich SCHREIBE gerne und mache dazu “'naive ZEICHNUNGEN“--sowie ohne Hilfsmittel flinke “FingerSpitzenKarikaturen“ am Display von HANDYs . ____ Ich habe meine jahrelangen Notizen, Manuskripte und Zeichnungen “ausgehoben“ sortiert und aufbereitet und ergänzt. Angeblich habe ich mit meinem ROMAN “ALPENLAND-SAGA“(Die vertauschten ZWILLINGE -Gundula+Tusnelda-von der Goaßalm“--innerhalb eines Monats(vom START weg der ersten “E-BOOK“ =einen *BESTSELLER* geschafft ! DANKE !

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    STORK *P O K O* comes back - RAYMONDi

    POKO come back



    R A Y M O N D i

    Author _ Illustrator _ Photo-Hunter

    ( Raymond Chevalier_VAN RIDDER …..

    are my Artist-Names = Profile+Blogger Names)

    I lives with family in AUSTRIA/E U 

    We are all

    big ANIMAL–and NATURE–Friends. This lovingly

    designed work „POKO" by heart, was written

    already in >German_Language(Austria)<

    publish/online January 2018. 


    I have tried to

    make the translation MEANINGFUL, and politely

    ask for indulgence, as ENGLISH is not

    my „mother_tongue". Please indulgence !

    The translation is analogous!


    Thank YOU in advance for Your interest and

    kindly ask for a review/evaluation !

    I wish YOU at the reade have fun and grin !

    TABLET  10  inch + greater! 

    YOU are very W E L C O M E !

    Best friendly GREATINGS from A U S T R I A



    STORK *P O K O* JABARI comes back

    Once morning at the end of APRIL ( in state AUSTRIA ) ……

    Oh oh oooohhhh – what is THAT – high in the sky ?


    IT is getting closer and closer – flies in the direction

    of a DUCK_DRAKE(=ERPEL) THIS is not a plane or

    helicopter and makes no noise. But that’s a big BIRD !


    I will wave him with my wings – mister DRAKE thinks.


    Yes – he has noticed me and comes down in a spiral

    ever deeper and deeper – chatters excitedly

    Sir „BOTTLES_DUCK". Such a very BIG BIRD - I’m afraid =

    I hope HE does not eat me – sighs the Duck_Drake.

    Hello - ask for mercy ! I hope it ust no LAKE_EAGLES !

    That’s not to be believed = it is a proud big

    color white „S T O R K. Now it is „ADEBAR above me.


    I recognize Mister „WHITE_STORK(=ADEBAR)" !

    HURRAY ….. hurray ! You really are !


    I greet You = my friend >ADEBARi< !

    I greet You Mister DUCK (=ERPELius) replies joyfully

    rattling, the very exhausted Mister S T O R K.

    He knocks the DRAKE on his chest with his right foot-

    while he stands breathless only on the left of his tall

    thin storklegs. 


    The STORK asks the DUCK:

    „Your name was - >D U F F Y<" ?

    „Quite right! – Fine, how you can remember after such

    a long time! …… One calls you as „ADEBAR - your

    name is = >J A B

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