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90 Minuten im Himmel: Erfahrungen zwischen Leben und Tod.
90 Minuten im Himmel: Erfahrungen zwischen Leben und Tod.
90 Minuten im Himmel: Erfahrungen zwischen Leben und Tod.
eBook255 Seiten3 Stunden

90 Minuten im Himmel: Erfahrungen zwischen Leben und Tod.

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

"Im Himmel war ich zu Hause; dort gehörte ich hin. An diesem Ort wollte ich sein, mehr als ich jemals irgendwo auf der Erde hatte sein wollen. Die Zeit war nicht mehr, und ich lebte einfach in der Gegenwart. Alle Sorgen, Ängste und Bedenken waren verschwunden. Ich war völlig bedürfnislos und fühlte mich vollkommen glücklich."
Don Piper

Bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall wurde Don Pipers Auto von einem LKW völlig zerquetscht. Die Sanitäter konnten nur noch Pipers Tod feststellen. Sein lebloser Körper lag in dem Autowrack, doch seine Seele erlebte bereits die unbeschreibliche Schönheit des Himmels.

90 Minuten nach dem Unfall kehrte Don Piper wie durch ein Wunder ins Leben zurück. In den folgenden Monaten durchlebte er eine schmerzhafte Zeit der Rekonvaleszenz. Doch was ihn in dieser Zeit tröstete, waren die wunderbaren Erlebnisse im Himmel.

Lange konnte und wollte Don Piper nicht über seine Nahtod-Erfahrungen reden, denn sie erschienen ihm zu heilig und zu persönlich. Doch nun lässt er seine Leser an diesem einzigartigen Erlebnis teilhaben. Erfahren Sie, wie sich sein Leben nach diesem Unfall grundlegend änderte. Und lassen auch Sie sich davon verändern!

Mit über 4 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren ermutigte und tröstete dieser Bestseller bereits zahlreiche Menschen. Im Jahr 2006 wurde das Buch mit dem renommierten Platin-Award der Vereinigung evangelikaler Verleger (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association) ausgezeichnet. Es wurde inzwischen in 36 Sprachen übersetzt.
HerausgeberGerth Medien
Erscheinungsdatum15. Dez. 2012
90 Minuten im Himmel: Erfahrungen zwischen Leben und Tod.

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Bewertung: 3.525048164739884 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A man dies and goes to heaven and returns 90 minutes later to redirect his life, giving peace to those who fear death.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I just finished reading this book. It's an amazing story.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Interesting story about a minister's brush with death during an automobile accident. He appeared dead to the emergency personnel who arrived on the scene. They reluctantly let another minister into the wrecked car to pray for the mangled body in the wreckage. The praying minister discovered that the body was still alive.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Don Piper spent 90 minutes in heaven before being returned to earth through prayer. His subsequent recovery from a near fatal car accident in 1989 was grueling, but as a minister he discovered that his encounter in the afterlife could bring peace and ease to those in pain.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Very inspiring, moving, vivid, rich description of the authors experience of dying, going to heaven and then returning to a long painful recovery in hospital and his subsequent personal journey as the Lord has used him to share his experience with us and bringing numerous persons to faith in Jesus.

    If you are a sceptic looking for proof you will probably be disappointed as near death experiences are personal and subjective by character anyway. Read it with an open mind and take from it what you will.

    It makes me curious to know how consistent near death accounts are compared with common conceptions.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    a good book that gives you chills while reading
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Though I have to admit to a bit of skepticism, I did find the book interesting and well-written in the fact that it is hard to put down and the story flows from chapter to chapter.

    I appreciated Piper's honesty in saying he doesn't know the answers to the "why?" questions but that he trusts there is a purpose behind what he experienced and why he is here. That belief translates well to many life situations. I also appreciate that he wants to encourage and give hope to others who find themselves wearing fixator devices like what he had. Talking to someone who's been through the experience and lived is often a great encouragement--just to know someone understands what you're going through is a great encouragement.

    I received this book several years ago as part of a secret sister exchange but didn't read it until now. I think I understand parts of his experience better now than I might have before 2013.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    I read this years ago but this book was just forgettable. I didn't even remember reading it until I saw it at the store yesterday and went "ah yes, that book that I read years ago and then forgot all about months ago"
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Any book that talks about heaven I will enjoy reading. But I thought something was missing in this book. The author focused too much on his own struggles and not enough on his experience in heaven. It seemed that the balance between them was missing. It is a very easy read-I finished it in one day and I tend to read slowly.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Great example of overcoming a life changing event with God's help.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Author was sincere and believed all that he wrote. He is a Baptist pastor and interpreted his experiences in the light of his beliefs. It stuck out for me that he has never critically examined anything.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    The heaven part was great, but the majority of this book was about his pain on earth.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    I am so glad I am not the only person so give this book only one or two stars. I'm trying not to feel guilty about giving it such a mow rating, but I just wasn't feeling it. In fact, I could probably classify this book as a DNF (did not finish). I really just scanned the last half of it. I found it to be more disheartening than uplifting and just a bad mood in general.

    I would recommend reading Heaven is for Real instead.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Written in straight-forward, simple style without a lot of "religionese," Don Piper has told the story of his devastating accident, his brief time in heaven and his return to a life full of pain and questions. I read it cover-to-cover in two hours and then loaned out my copy. I would recommend this book to just about anybody -- to those with questions about faith, questions about prayer, questions about life and death and pain which we all face to some extent.

    His descriptions of heaven are human ones -- simple, not overly poetic or grandiose, just those of someone who experienced the indescribable and then tried to describe it. I loved the descriptions of the incredible heavenly music and I get the feeling that vast choirs and heightened senses await us there. And despite the incredible experience, Piper found it too personal, too private, and too intimate to share with anyone for over a year after his accident. I'm so glad he found the courage to do so.

    I also love the honesty with which he describes his pain and depression and the inevitable questions that we must face when we have close encounters with the Almighty. The God we meet is often not the one we expected, and while we can't understand why God does what he does, we can no longer deny this God we don't understand. And while we hold these two things together, our lives are changed and grace is showered down amid the ruins of what we thought was important to us.

    A simply-told story of the greatest mystery of all -- you HAVE to read this book!!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Very inspirational book about Pastor Don Piper's horrific car crash that literally left him dead. He claims he went to heaven and then was brought back to life. He gives a very detailed account of heaven and his short visit there. Thisd serves as giving hope to believers and calm fears of those who worry about an afterlife. Much of the book is about his struggle to heal from his horrible injuries. While he has all my sympathy on his struggle to recover this part of the book does drag on and gets a little boring with all the details. Piper has used his experience to inspire and comfort people giving hope to those facing death and those uncertian about death.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    My response to this book is I became interested in the beginning when Don talked of stopping by in heaven. It is a very slow book with lots of lessons learned and experiences. There were alot of coincidences also such as the last name of his bestfriend, Gentiles and Dons wife Eva (close to Eve).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN by Don PiperPublished by Baker Publishing GroupISBN-13: 9780800733995This book was purchased by me, at the recommendation from my 2 cousins. Synopsis (borrowed from B&N): He thought it was going to be just another day. God had other plans.Don Piper died instantly when his car was crushed by a semi. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper went to heaven. Ninety minutes after the wreck, he miraculously returned to life on earth with only the memory of heavenly bliss. His faith in God was severely tested as he faced an uncertain and grueling recovery. Now he shares his life-changing story with you.If you've ever wondered what heaven was like, if you've ever questioned God's goodness because bad things happen, if you've had trouble believing that heaven is real--this incredible true story will change your life. My Thoughts and Opinion: This past December, while at a family funeral, my cousins and I started to talk about and discuss spiritual books we had read, such as The Left Behind Series. Two cousins mentioned this book and both gave very good verbal reviews on it. Once home, I hopped online and ordered it and since that time it has been in my tbr bookcase. Fast forward to September 5th when I received the news that my Mother had 2 weeks to live. But first a caveat and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone. I am of the Catholic faith and believe that there is an afterlife, Heaven, eternal life. However, I am and always have been curious as to the transition from this life to the next. That's when I felt I must and needed to read this book. I made the decision, and I have such comfort knowing that I was there, to be with my Mom when she made her transition.Don Piper, a Minister, retells his experience of the day he died. What he experienced, what he saw, what he felt. He also writes about the excruciating pain and 30+ operations he had to endure after the accident that took his life for 90 minutes. How for many months that turned into years of recuperation and dealing with anger, depression, hopelessness and wanting to return to Heaven again until he realized what God's plan was for him. If you are a believer, this story will strengthen and confirm that belief. It gave me great solace and reassurance in a very difficult situation. My Rating: 4
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    What I like is there are very few details from the afterlife - most of the book details Piper's experiences and the effect that his brief visit to heaven had on him.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    On Don Piper’s way home from a Baptist Convention in San Antonio, Tex, a semi-truck hit him head on. The graphic pictures show where the tires decimated the driver’s side of the small car. Don remembers recognizing family and friends greeting him at the gates of Heaven. He did not wish to return. 90 Minutes in Heaven makes you look at your world differently, including what you believe and God has planned for you. This is a life changing work, and I highly recommend it to everyone, both Christian and those who question.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A lot to think about. Whether or not your belief system allows you to see this as non-fiction, it was an interesting view into life after a catastrophic accident.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I've heard a lot about this New York Times bestseller on the Knight Agency blog, so I picked it up out of curiosity. I admit, my faith is frail at this point and I approached it as a skeptic. I can't say it convinced me of anything, but it's an intriguing read and a book I'll pass along to my mom to read.The title tells the basics of the tale: Don Piper died. One instant he was driving down a narrow bridge in Texas, and in the next he was in heaven. It was a place of boundless joy. He felt no regrets, and didn't have a thought of who he had left behind on Earth. Long-dead friends and family welcomed him as they praised together. The music he heard as beyond description. Meanwhile, on Earth, he was declared dead for ninety minutes. Multiple EMTs verified it. No one rushed to extract him from his car as they waited for the coroner. Then a bystander asked to go pray over the dead man, and to shock the dead man was not dead. Don Piper had returned to Earth, to a wrecked and ruined body. No one could explain his survival. Other the next days and months, he almost died again and again. He knew deep, dark depression, and raged at his constant pain and helplessness. However, he survived, and as he opened up about his experience of seeing heaven, that became part of his ministry.What Don Piper dealt with is a miracle. There's no question of that. I marvel at how he has endured so much pain and struggle, and now uses that to tend to others, especially those using the Ilizarov fixator to lengthen bones. He does not come across as a quack. He has faith in his experience, and uses that to comfort others as they confront death or debilitating pain.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Very good reading, and makes one thing of the importance of knowing Jesus Christ and therefore knowing where I'm going when I die.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Amazingly inspiring story!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    To begin, I must confess that this is the first book I've ever read from somebody who was pronounced dead and it is not normally subject matter that I would gravitate towards. That being said, Pastor Don Piper's account of his personal struggles dealing with the emotional and physical trauma he experienced in the aftermath of a horrific collision with an 18-wheeler is inspiring to anybody who has had to deal with a life-changing injury. Only a relatively small portion of the book is dedicated to his actual recollections of Heaven which I found a little disappointing given the title of the book, but it is an interesting read nonetheless. The hook of this book might be the account of an almost-realized salvation, but the real miracle in these pages is how so many people bound together and sacrificed for so long to help this man and his family recover after the accident.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    very good and moving
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A thought provoking true story about a man who died in a car crash. He claims to have spent 90 minutes in heaven before returning to face recovery from his critical injuries. The content of this book actually spends more time discussing the many challenges he faces as he struggles to recover. It also touches many times on the powerful relationships that strengthened him through his recovery. Not much time is spent discussing his 90 minutes in heaven as the title seems to imply he will. A quick, enjoyable read for those who like a biographical read every now and then.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A really gripping true life story. Interesting near death experience and many instances of helping others. A book that promotes prayer. Don Piper was a minister before the accident and still is today. Don Piper is now sure that he is going to heaven when he dies. A friend lent me this book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    90 minutes is a short time for many things. Compared to years of recovery, it barely makes a blip. Unless that 90 minutes is spent declared dead by fully qualified and equipped paramedics. Then it is important, but not much happening in it to write about. Spent in Heaven, there is plenty to write about. However, the spiritual, emotional and physical recovery after that is still the bulk of an autobiography like this.Many people find it (and Mr. Piper's speaking engagements) a consolation about loved ones that have gone on to Heaven. I find his descriptions of Heaven very interesting and engaging. However, I'll get to fully experience those myself one day. Recovery like his I hope to learn from without personal experience.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    On my tbr list from the 2008 75 book challenge group, this one was recommended by streamsong.Don Piper, a young Baptist minster is a victim of a horrible traffic accident wherein a truck crashed head on into his car and he is violently crushed within.Pronounced dead at the scene, he is transported to heaven where he is embraced by those who died before him. After his out of body experience, he awakens to horrific pain.Reluctant to discuss his experience, Piper is consumed with constant, unbearable pain as gradually his body and spirit are rebuilt. In telling the story of his miracle and new life, Don is able to assist others.I rate this book 2.5 stars.


90 Minuten im Himmel - Don Piper

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