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Tom Sawyers Abenteuer
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Tom Sawyers Abenteuer
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Tom Sawyers Abenteuer
eBook306 Seiten4 Stunden

Tom Sawyers Abenteuer

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Mark Twains 'Tom Sawyers Abenteuer' begeistert seit knapp 140 Jahren ganze Heerscharen kleiner und großer Leser. Die Geschichte der beiden Freunde Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn spielt an den Ufern des Mississippi und erschien erstmals 1876. Twains liebevoll-nachsichtiger Blick auf seine jungen Helden ist stets spürbar: Getragen von der Erinnerung an seine eigenen Kindertage weiß er um ihre bisweilen verwirrenden Sehnsüchte. Die Lust auf Abenteuer und die unverbrüchlichen Bande der Freundschaft sind die zeitlosen Themen dieses wunderbaren Romans.

Diese Übersetzung ist nicht vollständig: Zwei Kapitel, die einen Gottesdienst und Toms Versuche zur Überwindung seiner Ferienlangeweile schildern, wurden seinerzeit gestrichen und für die vorliegende Ausgabe nicht ergänzt. Der Text wurde an manchen Stellen behutsam überarbeitet, Orthografie und Interpunktion wurden auf neue deutsche Rechtschreibung umgestellt
HerausgeberAnaconda Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum12. Nov. 2015

Mark Twain

Mark Twain, who was born Samuel L. Clemens in Missouri in 1835, wrote some of the most enduring works of literature in the English language, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc was his last completed book—and, by his own estimate, his best. Its acquisition by Harper & Brothers allowed Twain to stave off bankruptcy. He died in 1910. 

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This tells the story of a boy, Tom Sawyer, and his best friend, Huck Finn, and some of the adventures they get into. Some of those adventures include ghosts, haunted houses and treasure. I listened to an audio version of this one, narrated by William Dufris. The narrator was very good with amazing expressions, but my mind wandered, anyway. The one mostly couldn't hold my interest. Because of that, I missed a lot, so initially, it almost felt like these were short stories, rather than a novel. A lot of the same characters did return later, and I think storylines were picked up again later, but it was hard to connect everything because I just hadn't focused enough. However, the parts of the book that I did catch, I thought were cute. And, I have to give bonus points for the narrator, so an “o.k.” 3 stars it is.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A young criminal mastermind-in-training gets into mischief with his disreputable neighborhood friends.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I read this book in my 6th grade. The story was gripping but not my favorite.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer depicts the life of an imaginative, troublesome boy in the American West of the 1840s. The novel is intensely dramatic in its construction, taking the form of a series of comic vignettes based on Tom's exploits. These vignettes are linked together by a darker story that grows in importance throughout the novel, Tom's life-threatening entanglement with the murderer Injun Joe.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Why had I never read this classic before?... who knows! But i'm glad I have now read it and will move right into listening to the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Borderline 3.5 stars, but not quite. Mainly because I didn't begin to truly enjoy the story until 2/3 of the way through.

    This is the first time I have ever read Mark Twain, and wanted to read this as a precursor to Huck Finn. I respect Mark Twain and his influence on many popular authors. For me, this particular novel does not hold water against some of the other American greats (Steinbeck, Edgar Allen Poe, Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc).

    A lot can be said in regards to the portrayals of African-Americans and Native Americans in the book (particularly the character "Injun Joe"), and Tom Sawyer is often censored or banned due to the language. Without a doubt, parts of the novel were certainly uncomfortable to this modern reader. I actually appreciated this, as it gives a glimpse of what life was like--from the perspective of Mississippi River dwelling, Southern, white children--in the pre-Civil War South. Racism and all. I enjoyed the satirical approach and exaggeration to some of the customs and superstitions of that community during that time period.

    Having said that, I concurrently read some of Twain's (Sam Clemens') other writings on American Indians, and it is atrocious. Product of the times or not, it left a bitter aftertaste while reading Sawyer. Hence the 3 stars.

    I do feel any use of this text in school should include a discussion on racism, fear, discrimination, freedom, etc.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This book was one of my favorties as a child. I found Tom to be fun and relational. Twain's mastery at portraying realistic characters from this era is amazing. Great Book! Read and have fun.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I think I was supposed to read this in college. But never did. There were more important things to do like... (never mind).It was time to make up for the mistakes of my youth and take in a classic. That the audiobook was narrated by Nick Offerman was a bonus that moved Tom Sawyer to the top of my to-read list.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The 100th anniversary of Twain's death is April, 21 2010. Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother, Sid, in the Mississippi River town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. His best friend (buddy) and companion of adventures Huck Finn helps Tom to invent how to avoid school, and get fun night and day. The main themes are: children looking for trouble, adults as adults always do, and humorism tinged with satire. Sometimes Tom disappears in the Huck's shadow, and sometimes Tom and Huck work together: these passages are most successful with Twain's job. For example:Huck: 'When you going to start the gang and turn robbers?'Tom: 'We'll get the boys together and have the initiation tonight, maybe.'Huck: 'Have the which?'Tom: 'Have the initiation.'Huck: 'What's that?'Tom: ' It's to swear ... etc etc The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a classic book suitable for all ages.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    It had been some time since I'd read this, and I'm fixing to read a new novel about Huck Finn's Pap, so I thought it best to repair to the source material first. Being the mother of a boy has certainly changed my reaction to this particular book. What struck me as hilarious fiction once now rings true and is not so mirth-inducing. The nature of the boy as boy seems unchanged though lo, these many years have passed. Twain's not dated in the least, and is still one of the funniest writers ever.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I read this in school, probably in 7th grade, because it was assigned. I was not a reader at the time and so really didn't enjoy it very much. I wanted to reread it as an adult. I believe I enjoyed it more this time although I do find Twain wordy, but authors of that time period were. I am not sure the subject of this story is one that would have ever gotten me excited. I even set the book down for many months with only 60 pages to the end. I picked it up and finished it in two quick sittings. I don't think the story is suddenly more interesting to me. I do think I was eager to put the book in my finished pile. I also have to believe that I am better now at reading classics since I have read many more the last few years.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Summary: A young boy named Tom Sawyer grows up in a small town. He befriends a slave and goes through many adventures with him. Response: A very fun adventurous book to read. The fact that the characters were based off real people makes it even better. Connection: Have this as a read aloud chapter book discussing the plot with the kids as the teacher reads.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Tom Sawyer is a typical Southern boy looking for adventure. I don't think there are many young boys that would skin a cat or fake his own death so that he might attend the funeral, but the mischief of such a boy has always been there...and will always be there, too! Tom lives with his auntie and while he is well loved he is always looking for ways to run away. His sidekick, Huck Finn is eager to join him in adventures "down river." Both are "smarties" as my grandfather would say. Showing off for their peers, and besting the adults -there is never a dull moment in Tom Sawyer's world.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Mark Twain's prose is lovely, and walks a fine line between describing the rural South in ways which are sentimental or derogatory. But it is at the end of the day a children's book for boys, about Indians and buried treasure and running away and getting lost in caves, which while it is endearing and lovely is not sock-rocking.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Audio book read by Grover Gardner

    Tom Sawyer is a “boy’s boy.” He spends his days exploring his environs – a small Missouri town on the Mississippi River. A born leader, he organizes his friends into secret societies and elaborate role-playing games – pirates and Robin Hood being particular favorites. He uses his wits to get his friends to perform his own chores (like whitewashing the fence), but he is so charming that no one minds. He also charms the lovely Becky Thatcher, though he can’t charm his teacher and is frequently subject to scolding. But his greatest escapade comes from his friendship with Huck Finn and what they overhear while exploring a “haunted house.”

    This is a classic adventure story. I’ve read parts of it over the years and have seen several different movie treatments, but I had never read the entire book before. I love the way Twain writes these characters. Tom is intelligent, inventive, adventurous and also innocent, in that he doesn’t always recognize the ramifications of his schemes. He’s a good boy but gets into plenty of mischief. Tom is honest, loyal and fair in his dealings with others. He’s also tender and loving, though he doesn’t want any of his friends to know this. And of course, the book introduces us to Huckleberry Finn who will star in his own book.

    Grover Gardner does a fine job of the narration, bringing the many characters to life. It’s a great read for children and adults, alike.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I have heard about this American classic for so long, and I love other Twain books, I thought it was going to be the end all of end alls, but I was disappointed.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Snakes and snails and puppy dogs' tails, that's what Tom Sawyer, the essence of little boys everywhere, is made of.This book is fun and light and mischievous. Tom finds himself in trouble throughout the book (usually a side effect of his adventures). His zealous nature and active imagination annoys and endears everyone around him- including the reader.This was my first time reading this book and I only wish I had picked it up when I was younger because I would have taken more delight in it. It's an excellent YA read and a sufficiently entertaining and quick read for an adult. It is a classic for a reason and certainly worth the read no matter your age.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    generally a fan of Twain, i didn't really enjoy this one as much as i expected to. i had read selected excerpts of this book as a child in a book of short stories and remembered enjoying them, but as an adult i have a vantage that makes the hyjinx of this child less than amusing.i attribute it somewhat to the cultural divide between myself and the post-civil war south. the behavior seen as customary or appropriate for a pre-adolescent boy at that time and place seems appallingly bad to my mind. what's more, the tolerant attitude displayed toward Tom by his aunt serves to reinforce the behavior she rails against. self-assured and cocky, i fail to sympathize with this child on almost any level. the callous way he regards (or fails to regard) the feelings of others is not charming in the least. and when i cannot identify with my hero, i'm left fairly cold.i also felt certain elements of the plot were not only fantastic, but repetitive. a child can only disappear so many times and muster the panic of the town, yet it seems Tom can go missing again and again and warrant the despair of all around him every time anew. as far as it goes, i enjoyed the casual language and the cadence of the story shows the deftness of Twain in his element, but i simply failed to find anything endearing about his portrayal of a child he meant to paint as a scamp but whom i can only see as a wretched brat.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Tom is very brave boy.He likes adventure and he can get food on his own.When he met troble, he solve it by himself.I want to imitate his active behavior.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Tom Sawyer was a little boy who was very mischievous. He went to live with his aunt. He didnt always follow the rules. He was forced to white wash the fence as punishment for some of the bad things he did. He tricked a lot of people into do stuff for him that he didnt want to do. He an Huck Finn went on a lot of adventures. Once Huck fell through the roof of the church and he faked his death. Then Becki found him and she was so mad when she found of that Huck was faking it the whole time. This book is known by a lot of people but most of them dont read it. They just know the main parts. i encourage people to read this. it is a fun read.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I so enjoyed reading this book….I think I may have read it years ago, but had forgotten. A fun read, cleverly written. This is one of those books everyone should read at least once in their life. It so well captures the adventures of childhood, but also deals with coming of age and issues of character.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    for me it was not a good book. But for someone who likes nature and 1800 lifestyle this would be a good book for you.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The standard by which all other boys' adventure stories are judged. More episodic than I'd have liked (so that it sometimes was hard to follow which actions were related to which), but still fun to read. I can now say that I've read (more or less) Tom Sawyer, rather than just scrubbing my toe in the dirt and looking abashed when the topic of literary classics comes up.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Looking over the reviews of this book I noticed that they swing from being 'a classic account of boys on the loose in frontier America' to 'I want to punch Tom Sawyer in the face.' One reviewer has commented on how is mum owned a dog-eared copy of this book from before he was born to after he left home to go to college (and if he doesn't want it, I'll be more than happy to take it off his hands) which made me realise how our parent's taste in literature can and does differ from our own. I grew up knowing about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, but I have never actually read the books, and to be honest, never even realised that there was a book wholly dedicated to Tom Sawyer until a couple of years ago, and based on my parents collection of books (namely Hard Science-fiction, which is not surprising for a father who is a physicist, and detective fiction dominated by Agatha Christie) the works of Mark Twain never really entered my sphere of influence.However I recently picked up a collection of his works and decided to see what these stories were about, and I must admit that I actually quite enjoyed this tale of mischievous boyhood. Seriously, letting the entire town grieve for your death and then rocking up at your funeral really does take some guts, and I must admit that it would have been something I would have loved to have done when I was a kid. In fact, the impression that I get from this story is that it is simply Samuel Clements (using a psuedonym) recounting a lot of the mischief he and his friends got up to as children but rolling it all into one character so as to protect the guilty.There are two things that really stand out to me about this book and the first is that I found it very readable, which is something that I generally do not expect from 19th Century literature. True Clements does get bogged down into detail, but there is enough action to keep us interested, and the banter among the main characters it really enjoyable to follow, particularly when Sawyer convinces young Becky Thatcher to become engaged to him, explaining to her what engagement is from a conservative, respectful, point of view. The second thing that stood out was that it gives us a very clear view of a time gone by, an age of innocence in the American mid-west. In a way it takes us away from the troubles of today and puts us in a world where things did not seem as bad.Granted, there is a murder, and there are troubles with children getting lost in caves, but even then, we glimpse a more innocent time in the United States, though there are a few interesting quotes, such as Negroes always being liars (which raises the question of whether Samuel Clements was a southern sympathiser, despite the book being written after the Civil War, though the events are flagged as being set prior to the said war). I also see a number of influences on children's literature of today, not to say that people didn't write books for children back then, but he does say at the beginning that while this book is written for boys, he does hope that adults would enjoy this story as well.I must finish off about the story of whitewashing the fence, which is the first event in the book. Poor Tom has got himself into trouble, and has been punished by having to paint the fence, something he does not want to do, but somehow he manages to get others to do it in his stead. He does this trick (I believe) by asking somebody to pay him for the privilege, and Clements then points out afterwards that if we are paid to do something, then it is considered work, and is dull and boring, but if we pay to do something, then it is entertainment and we do it with gusto, so his theory is that if we get people to pay to do the things we don't want to do, then we will get things done a lot better and a lot quicker, than we would otherwise (and there have been movies made about how people pay to become ranchers), but I suspect that this is something that only foolish boys would do, and us adults are (I hope) probably a lot smarter than this, though I do actually wonder about it sometimes (such as celebrities paying to sleep out on the streets, seriously, if you really want to experience poverty, then give up all your riches - don't give it up for a short time, that, to me, is little more than a publicity stunt).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I had never read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer except in a childhood version in Golden Books or something like that. I skipped right over to read Huck Finn. While this is definitely a children's book in many ways, Twain writes in such a way that adults still enjoy Tom and his picaresque adventures, both as nostalgia for our own childhoods and because the adult voice of Twain cannot help inserting his snide commentaries on humanity.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    illustrations by notman rockwell are tipped in. boards have tan, burlap covers
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I'd forgotten what a little trouble maker Tom was. It was a nice enjoyable read.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The trouble with "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is, and always has been, its audience. Nobody knows for sure whether it was meant as a children's (more likely t(w)eenager's) book or an adult's view of a child's world. While on the mature side for the former, it lacks the depth of its successor, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Yet while the sheer delight of the book makes it a treat for any audience, there are a couple of compelling reasons that everyone, at some point in their lives, should read it.First of all, the youthly viewpoint is a marvel of characterisation. Just as it seems a rare and precious wonder when a male author successfully captures the viewpoint of a female character, or vice versa, it is a notable thing when an author crafts a young character who truly lives and breathes the way someone that age would. Yes, certainly, they are many wonderful young characters in literature who are fabulous because adults and children alike see an amusing caricature of recognisable elements of childhood--think Christopher Robin and his plush menagerie, for example--but there are few so vivid that they live eternally. Mark Twain knows the young male mind, and even in an age of video games and plastic-enclosed fast-food playlands, when I read his detailed inventories of the contents of young Tom's pockets and the importance of trading such pitiful treasures as marbles and beetles to acquire more and better junk, I think, "I KNOW that kid. I teach that kid in my third grade class." Modern boys may have substituted Pokemon cards and plastic Halo figurines, but the mindset about the junk in the pockets is still the same; and, I imagine, if modern parents were far less guarded about things like letting their children roam about town after sunset and explore uncharted caves than the adults of fictional St. Petersburg were, I suspect that just as many of the young boys I know would be running away from home in the summer to play pirate.Second, the book has a very subtle hint of predestination about the whole plot, with so many Dickensian coincidences that just happen to work out for Tom and Huck, yet this is surely due not just to the influence of Twain's great literary contemporary but also, and perhaps in larger part, to the Presbyterian upbringing that Twain at times seems to admire, and at other times seems to satirise. This sense of the possibility of an overarching plan for the world (whether Heavenly or merely authorial) reaches its peak in one of the most chilling scenes near the end of the novel:"The captive had broken off the stalagmite, and upon the stump had placed a stone, wherein he had scooped a shallow hollow to catch the precious drop that fell once every three minutes with the dreary regularity of a clock tick--a dessert spoonful once in four and twenty hours. That drop was falling when the Pyramids were new; when Troy fell; when the foundations of Rome were laid; when Christ was crucified; when the Conqueror created the British empire; when Columbus sailed; when the massacre at Lexington was 'news.' It is falling now; it will still be falling when all these things shall have sunk down the afternoon of history, and the twilight of tradition, and been swallowed up in the thick night of oblivion. Has everything a purpose and a mission? Did this drop fall patiently during five thousand years to be ready for this flitting human insect's need? and has it another important object to accomplish ten thousand years to come? No matter."I'll avoid continuing the citation any further to avoid spoilers for any readers who might not yet know to which captive this passage refers or what the outcome of his fate might be; suffice it to say, what continues suggests that though we may not be certain of a purpose, we look longest at the things that might have one. This helps to explain the enduring popularity of "Tom Sawyer." While many critics cite its importance as "the book that paved the way for 'Huckleberry Finn,'" there are signs throughout of a masterful author saying, "I know what I'm doing." Leave it to Mark Twain to sum up the very significance of his writing, and of religion's role in society, by saying "no matter."If the book should be read, then, the question still remains as to who should read it. Young people are definitely capable of enjoying it, but as with its more famous sequel, the racial overtones (not only with regards to slaves, but also the portrayal of the book's "half-breed" Native American antagonist) prove troubling for many readers. I would thus recommend that it be placed into a young person's hands, not with abandon and trust as Aunt Polly does in giving Tom the "Painkiller," but with careful guidance about the historical setting and thought about the parallels in today's society. Beyond that, the vocabulary may also prove tricky for elementary readers. Middle schoolers or early high schoolers (ages 11-14) may be able to get a handle on it with a well-noted edition or a dictionary at hand, however.The Barnes and Noble edition of this book contains a biographical sketch and timeline of the author's life; an introduction by H. Daniel Peck of Vassar College; both footnotes and endnotes glossing difficult vocabulary (a bit irritatingly over-thorough for the well-read adult, though) and noting real-life places or people in Hannibal, Missouri to which the book seems to be making reference; a description of other artistic works inspired by the book; a series of citations from both contemporary and later reviews of the book, alongside a series of questions for the reader's consideration; and a bibliography for further reference on Twain.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Excellent humor. Twain is pure wit and humor. The language carries you away. Oh, and if you think this is for young boys (it can be), you are mistaken. I really believe adults will get much more out of it than any young teen.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I've read this book at least twice, probably more, but it's been a while. Still there are scenes that stick in my mind -- the famous fence whitewashing sequence, the one where Tom and Huck attend their own funeral, and others. Although The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a deeper book, and probably deserves six stars, I can't downgrade Tom Sawyer because of that. Certainly every American - whether child or adult, Mayflower descendant, American Indian or recent immigrant -- should read both books.