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Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer
Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer
Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer
eBook310 Seiten9 Stunden

Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

The aim of this book is to explore the phenomenon of the electrified voice through interdisciplinary approaches such as media and technology studies, social history, and comparative cultural studies. The book focuses on three problem clusters: reflections on the societal level about the task of electronic voice transmission; the mediation of gender- and occupation-specific vocal stereotypes in audio and audio-visual formats; and the genesis of such vocal stereotypes in national radio and film cultures. Such a historicizing approach to societal experience in the field of voice mediation, including the use and interpretation of voice media, is today of great relevance in light of the collective learning processes currently triggered by rapid advances in technology.
HerausgeberV&R Unipress
Erscheinungsdatum3. Dez. 2012
Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer

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    Electrified Voices - Dmitri Zakharine

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