Bücher Magazin


s the world embarked upon a war against SARS-CoV-2, a. k. a COVID-19, a. k. a the Corona virus, a torrent of information merged with emergency decrees which left us both isolated and overexposed. In a state of uncertainty, confusion and dread, I looked for a book that would give me perspective,, an oral history of Soviet women who fought in WW II. A testimony to perseverance and a reminder of the faces most often disregarded in war. The dissonance between told and untold war overwhelmed me, especially for women who are expected to bear the brunt of life, now as then, to keep up with the housework, care work and low payed labour that are the silent foundation of our common existence on this earth. In my distress I turned to Silvia Federici, a feminist activist, writer and teacher whose analysis raises thought-provoking questionsabout the relation between capitalism, gender inequality, racism and environmental destruction. I reread . A collection of her work that not only sheds light on the past, but also gives hope for the future. It is in her writing that I found a formulation of solidarity that is extended to all, an understanding of what it means to work together to solve a common problem rather than declare yet another war.

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