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Gefühlte Wahrheiten: Orientierung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung
Gefühlte Wahrheiten: Orientierung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung
Gefühlte Wahrheiten: Orientierung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung
eBook255 Seiten5 Stunden

Gefühlte Wahrheiten: Orientierung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

We are in an age of overlapping crises: Corona pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, rising inflation rates, worsening climate change, gas shortages. How should we deal with these crises? How can we decide what is true, what actions are effective and justified, and what is moral? Where do we fall victim to "fake news" and where do populists exploit people's fear? In these confusing times, distrust in politics is growing. The fairness of the economy is doubted and the independence of science is questioned. Through in-depth insights into the performance of science and the intuitive perception of complex interrelationships, the author illustrates ways out of overwhelm, fear and uncertainty. In addition, this book aims to inspire more confidence in one's own ability to shape collective challenges.
Erscheinungsdatum19. Dez. 2022
Gefühlte Wahrheiten: Orientierung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung

Ortwin Renn

Ortwin Renn is scientific director at the International Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam (Germany). He serves as full professor for environmental sociology and technology assessment at the University of Stuttgart. He also directs the non-profit company DIALOGIK, a research institute for the investigation of communication and participation processes. Renn is Adjunct Professor for “Integrated Risk Analysis” at Stavanger University (Norway), Honorary Professor at the Technical University Munich and Affiliate Professor for “Risk Governance” at Beijing Normal University. His research interests include risk governance (analysis perception, communication), stakeholder and public involvement in environmental decision making, transformation processes in economics, politics and society and sustainable development.

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