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Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa and their funny and thrilling adventures: Vol.1: Koffi is looking for a friend (color version)
Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa and their funny and thrilling adventures: Vol.1: Koffi is looking for a friend (color version)
Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa and their funny and thrilling adventures: Vol.1: Koffi is looking for a friend (color version)
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Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa and their funny and thrilling adventures: Vol.1: Koffi is looking for a friend (color version)

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Koffi is looking for a friend. He meets many animals, among them a lion, a snail, an elephant… They all want to be his friend but the parrot always finds a reason why it won't work out. Then he meets the little monkey:
"Koffi made his way back home. Just before he had reached the village, he saw a little monkey on a tree that at once started to attack him with words and threw stuff at him. 'Hello little child. What are you doing in my territory? Leave right away or you'll get to know me even better!" the monkey child said cheekily but also a little nervously. This was surprising to Koffi – all of the animals so far had been nice to him and now this small monkey baby wanted to chase him out of the forest? Nevertheless, Koffi stayed calm and polite: 'Hello dear monkey, my name is Koffi and I am looking for a friend. Do you want to be my friend?'
The little monkey replied: 'Hahaha, me, your friend? Did you get a good look at me, you clown? I won't be your friend. Leave, and do it fast, man child. I can get very dangerous! Go away now!'
Koffi still remained calm and friendly. 'Why are you so rude to me?'
'I don't care what you humans say and think. Because of you humans I don't have a mum and dad anymore! Why would I be your friend?' the little monkey anwered."
Will Koffi convince the little monkey?
Will they become friends?
Erscheinungsdatum20. Jan. 2021
Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa and their funny and thrilling adventures: Vol.1: Koffi is looking for a friend (color version)

Guy Dantse

Dantse Dantse ist ein freier und unabhängiger Denker und investigativer Autor, der gerne über schwierige und unbeliebte Themen schreibt. Mit seinem gesammelten, geballten Wissen und Selbstexperimenten bringt er seine Leser und die Welt ein Stückchen weiter. Er ist spezialisiert auf Schwierigkeiten und Probleme in den Bereichen Job und Karriere und vieles mehr. Er berät und begleitet Menschen, damit sie erfolgreich wachsen.

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    Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa and their funny and thrilling adventures - Guy Dantse

    Koffi & Bitacola – Two incredible detectives from Africa

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    Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek:

    Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar.

    © indayi edition, Darmstadt

    Second edition 01/2016

    All rights reserved.

    Translation: Anna Keller

    Editing and Cover Design: Birgit Pretzsch




    Two incredible and amazing detectives from Africa

    The funny and thrilling detective adventures of Koffi, a five-year old with supernatural powers, and Bitacola, the little monkey

    Volume 1: Koffi is looking for a friend

    Hello little monkey, my name is Koffi and I’m looking for a friend. Do you want to be my friend?

    by Dantse Dantse

    Illustrated by Sankara Dantse (7 years)


    Thank you to my kids Sankara (8) and Marah-Noussi (6) who came up with the idea of illustrating this book themselves and not leave it up to the professionals this time. They were the first fans of this tale and had so much fun drawing the wonderful pictures in this book when they were just seven and five years old.

    Your wonderful original pictures were not tampered with in any way.

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    Thank you for your time, your effort and your enthusiasm!


    Animals of Africa


    Stories from foreign countries and cultures enrich us and extent the horizon of our kids, who may profit and learn

    Children of different cultures live together, meet in school, during sports, for play or at birthday parties. Through media they get a glimpse of children in foreign countries and want to know how children in Africa, Asia or South America live. Do they go to preschool too? What do they like to eat, how and what do they play? What is it like living with their mum and dad? These are the questions that thrill children, boys as much as girls, youths and even adults. I have always noticed this from the questions I get asked myself. Whenever I tell stories about Africa, about my childhood, about adventures, what I experienced there and how I lived as a child, the kids drop whatever they are up to in order to come and listen to my tales. Even days later they are still coming up with questions or are forever asking me for more stories. I get contacted by their parents as well, which means they carry the stories with them to their homes.

    In her article Gender Specific Aspects of Picture Books educationalist Margarete Blank-Mathieu talks about pedagogical expectations towards picture books, especially towards picture books from foreign countries and cultures:

    "Children love to travel to foreign countries in their mind and to look into foreign cultures. The story of a child in a foreign part of earth is especially interesting for boys and girls. How is life in Africa and India, what do Native American kids look like and what do their mothers and fathers do? Do children elsewhere go to preschool as well? Questions like this are exciting to kids and are picked up in picture books again and again. Children can learn through these picture books that gender roles are not fixated for men nor women, that there are multiple ways (and necessities), how men and women, boys and girls live."

    (found in Dr. Martin R Textor’s online book Kindergartenpädagogik)

    My children’s books, which are very interesting for adults as well, do not only tell fantastic tales, where children can grow above being a child and live through exciting adventures, but also talk about the everyday life of boys and girls. Citing Blank-Mathieu: where they deal with problems, conquer fears, win dares and discover their own abilities.

    This series of books will bring a breath of fresh air into the world of children’s books. Over 15 volumes are planned, with funny, breathtaking, moving and exciting detective stories. The adventures take place in Africa and all over the world, filled with nature, animals and many things to learn.

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