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150 Years Later!
150 Years Later!
150 Years Later!
eBook89 Seiten1 Stunde

150 Years Later!

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Über dieses E-Book

Das neuste Buch von dem Buchautor Dr. Michael Roscher erzählt von Weltraum Missionen und über die Zukunft
zusammen mit seiner Freundin aus der USA Jody Los Santos schrieben beide dieses Buch in Englischer Version.
Es geht und einen Jungen der als einziger den Weltuntergang überlebt in einer blauen Kristall Kugel die sich
durch einem Komet gebildet hat und dadurch überlebt er.
Und 150 Jahre später wird er von Alien gefunden die Ihm wieder in das Leben völlig zurück holen.
Dann erlebt er mit diesen Alien Weltraumabenteuer die sehr spannend sind und dabei verliebt er sich auch
noch in den weiblichen Alien Jody.
Dann lernt er den Professor Armenius kennen und er erfindet den Timedimensonator und mit dem Raumschiff Phönix
reisen Sie zusammen als das Phönix Team durch dem Weltraum und durch Raum und Zeit.
Erscheinungsdatum23. Feb. 2018
150 Years Later!

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    150 Years Later! - Jody Los Santos

    150 Years Later!

    Titel Seite

    Foreword to 150 years afterwards!

    How did this idea come about 150 years later?

    I'm happy to give you an answer to that, I'm a big fan of space adventures myself and I like to watch the TV series Starship Enterprise.

    And often I dreamed of such missions in the cosmos that I'm a hero and that's why I wrote down my dreams here.

    But that's not all almost every night I dream of it and these dreams are so real that I sometimes wondered is it possible that there are no dreams but that I really experience everything?

    In any case, I have written it down to share something with you.

    Maybe these things really happen in the near future and you have opened a window so I can tell you stories.

    Even as a child, I dreamed of jetting through space with a spaceship.

    Almost the dreams drove me to the edge of madness, more and more pressure built up in me.

    Then I asked myself how can I just get rid of this pressure under which I am standing and then a light came on.

    It's best to write a book about it.

    And honestly, it helped a lot, but I'll tell you more about aliens and other planets.

    It's just wonderful to share these dreams with other people.

    My name is Mike Prince and I love space adventure.

    Of course, I'll tell you more about my missions in space and the exploration of other planets where other aliens live.

    Since then, space has become my 2 home because I feel so good.

    It is beautiful but also very dangerous and if you do not really know the dangers.

    This one must always be prepared for the unexpected.

    There are still many secrets that man has not yet discovered.

    Much will happen to you in the future.

    1st chapter!

                                                The Revival!

    It is the year 1992 when the end of the world came, during this time I held myself

    just at home.

    It was a sunny day actually like any other it was very warm that day

    in the Ore Mountains.

    35 degrees in the shade and then my parents came running and told me that

    The end of the world would come.

    I answered:

    That's just a stupid joke?

    No my dad said it just came on TV and also on the radio that the world is going down soon.

    There are only 6 hours left!

    I said to my father:

    And what are we going to do now or what will happen after the end of the world:

    My father answered:

    Many people will die and so will we.

    I only saw my mother and father trying to calm her down.

    But we could not do anything about it and I bedded to God please let comets pass the earth.

    I do not want to die yet why do you kill your own children with the comet?

    why do you do something like that I do not understand you unfortunately.

    But if it is your will it should happen so please do not forget that we are your children who love you.

    The doorbell rang!

    And my dad's brother came to us with his whole family he said

    We want to spend the rest of the time with you!

    At that moment, I panicked and ran away from the house

    until I arrived at a river.

    At the end of the city I saw a woman who looked into the sky the next moment she screamed the end of the world comes, then I felt below me movements on the earth's surface.

    Then I heard a huge Explosion before my eyes, I saw only many different colors.

    And also how a ball formed around me when everything was over, I only saw darkness and I felt a round object in which I was trapped.

    Then I lost consciousness!

    In the thought I said to myself this is about death I am death or what happened to me when I see the light at the end of the tunnel. As you know it from stories! Is there a god? And where is it now? So many thoughts went through my head and then it was black with my eyes. 150 years later! At the Earth's surface, robots working on excavations were a little bit further away. Armenius, a professor from outer space, was an alien exploring Earth's history. A robot went to Armenius and told him: We found a kind of crystal ball on the surface of the earth. The professor went to the excavation site. He looked at the strange crystal ball. Armenius now gave the robots the task of digging the crystal ball to bring it to his spaceship. During the excavation, the robots transported the bullet where I was in with a laser plasmas net. The damage caused by a Läser plasma net can not cause damage. It is a mixture of space plasma and glasses. In any case, I was taken to the spaceship of Armenius in a large transport room. The spaceship itself was very large about 65 meters long and 20 meters wide the height was 20 meters. It has the shape of a shark thereby it could take on almost any speed. The name of the spaceship was called Phoenix and thus begins a legend that the aliens were once on earth in the Middle Ages of the Romans. A poor farmer in ancient Greece so it tells a legend with his donkey on the way. When he ran after a volcanic eruption through the ashes of the volcano and much was destroyed. The farmer saw the Phoenix ship, which was completely covered in ashes, rose from the volcano. And the man saw the spaceship as a giant bird to something out of the ashes.

    The legend of the Phoenix emerged from the ashes which in reality was a spaceship of the planet Venio. Now back in the future in 2142. In the spacecraft itself was a team named the Q-Force and consisted of 9 people and the on-board computer had the name (Varusius) It is a self-conceived spaceship and very well developed. The crew names were Jody Forster / Armenius / Captain Sascha / Celest / Paint / Marysol / Cosmo / Jolo and Orbios. The tasks of the

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