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The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii
The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii
The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii
eBook20 Seiten12 Minuten

The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii consists of a sequence of 27 supplication prayers and 27 prayers of thanksgiving - prayed during 54 days.
You can pray the novena for personal concerns, but also for other people.
It is a particularly effective and impressive prayer.
Erscheinungsdatum4. Aug. 2014
The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii

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    The 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii - Andrea Pirringer


    Dear readers,

    on the afternoon of June 28, 2014 I received - during the prayer - the inspiration that I should publish a book about the 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii.

    The scales fell from my eyes: this is easily achievable and I had never thought of that!

    In the Internet there are a few indications of the novena, but you can find it only when you specifically look for it. - As a source of information for all those who know nothing yet of the novena, this is not very helpful.

    I also met a few years ago rather random (if one may believe in coincidences ...) these inconspicuous notes. When I first started to pray the novena, I had no idea that this would change everything and what would it bring in my life.

    (Note: There are several variants of the novena, this book refers specifically to the 54-day Rosary Novena)

    If you, dear reader, have been like praying the rosary,

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