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Accounting in Germany
Accounting in Germany
Accounting in Germany
eBook38 Seiten26 Minuten

Accounting in Germany

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Über dieses E-Book

This Book gives an overview about Accounting an Accounting Rules in Germany. Also a brief History of Accounting in the World. If you want to start a Company in Germany, yout must know the special Rules there. No Country has more Laws than Germany. So this is very important for you!
Erscheinungsdatum12. Juli 2021
Accounting in Germany

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    Accounting in Germany - Thomas Westphal

    Nature and delimitation of the term

    Accounting is to be understood as reporting required by law. The accounting regulation on which this article is based follows the HGB. However, other accounting regulations are also fulfilled with the bookkeeping in Germany (for example IFRS and US-GAAP). This then requires parallel accounting from which several financial statements (according to the different accounting regulations) can be prepared.

    It is expedient to subdivide the generic term accounting into the Financial accounting, from which annual financial statements (balance sheet, profit and loss account) are developed, and

    the company accounts, which are used for internal cost recording and cost accounting (price calculation).

    Bookkeeping is a component of business accounting. In addition to financial and operational accounting, this includes business statistics and comparative accounting as well as planning accounting (estimates for future income and expenditure).

    Accounting is often used as a synonym for bookkeeping". This does not seem appropriate, since

    the term accounting is mostly used in laws,

    in practice, accounting is often understood to mean only the organisational unit of a company in which bookkeeping is carried out.

    This article explains financial accounting and in particular the methodology of double-entry bookkeeping. This is the method of keeping proper books of account generally used in the private sector and required by law for merchants. Small traders and freelancers can account for their business according to the simpler revenue surplus statement.

    Since the end of the 20th century, public administration has been supplementing cameralistic accounting with elements of the double-entry accounting method known in this field as Doppik. In Germany, the first pilot tests for the application of double-entry accounting systems at the municipal level took place in the 1990s. Since 1 January 2010 (entry into force), there has been a general legal basis for the application of double-entry accounting (Doppik) in the administrations of the Federation and the Länder (§ 49a HGrG) in the form of the amended Budget Principles Act (§ 1a, § 7a HGrG). The regional and local authorities were given the opportunity to independently organise the process of introducing other accounting systems in addition to cameralistics through their own legislation. The partially applied "state double-entry

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