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Impotence: A guide to what is possible
Impotence: A guide to what is possible
Impotence: A guide to what is possible
eBook42 Seiten26 Minuten

Impotence: A guide to what is possible

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Über dieses E-Book

The number of people suffering from impotence in Germany is between six and eight million. One can only give an approximate figure of how many men are actually affected, because many have a big problem admitting this to themselves and acting accordingly. This guidebook addresses the problem of "impotence" and offers information and help: psyche and health, hormones, nutrition, fitness, aphrodisiacs, acupuncture, massage and many other topics are in the focus.
Erscheinungsdatum7. Feb. 2020
Impotence: A guide to what is possible

Friedrich Sauerländer

Friedrich Sauerländer, Jahrgang 1969, ist Journalist, hat bereits zahlreiche Bücher sowie Beiträge für viele namhafte deutsche Tageszeitungen geschrieben. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Hamburg.

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    Impotence - Friedrich Sauerländer


    The number of people suffering from impotence can hardly be given, because many have a big problem to admit this to themselves and act accordingly: The man feels like a failure, suffers from inferiority complexes and has great inhibitions about opening up to others (his partner, a doctor and even his best friend). But he is not the only one affected: The partner also suffers from this problem, she is involved, and it is not seldom she who finally urges the man to do something.

    Because impotence is by no means a problem that cannot be solved - quite the contrary: in the vast majority of cases there is a way to solve this problem! Health, psyche and partnership play the decisive roles that need to be addressed in order to solve the problem. This book discusses these three points in detail, all of which are interrelated.


    Impotence (the so-called erectile dysfunction) comes from the Latin and means as much as not being able to, in this context: not being able to perform sexual intercourse. But only in the following sense: the ability to have an erection and to perform sexual intercourse is impaired, a physical function is disturbed. This does not mean a short-term disturbance, but a disturbance over a longer period of time.

    A distinction is made between two forms of impotence: Impotentia coeundi refers to what is generally understood by impotence, namely the inability to achieve or maintain an erection in order to perform intercourse. There is also the impotentia generandi, i.e. the inability to conceive a child. Ejaculation does occur, but the quantity or quality of the semen is not sufficient.

    Colloquially, impotence usually refers to erectile dysfunction. Not every form of erectile dysfunction must be equated with impotence. The time factor is decisive here. A chronic disease and thus a real impotence is considered to be a six-month continuous existence of the disorder.

    Myths and fairy tales

    There are some myths that can have a negative influence on one's own sexuality. They never die out completely, but continue to propagate from generation to generation - however wrong they may be!

    In the following some important ones are listed.

    A real man always wants

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