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Theodora von Byzanz: Kurtisane und Kaiserin
Theodora von Byzanz: Kurtisane und Kaiserin
Theodora von Byzanz: Kurtisane und Kaiserin
eBook121 Seiten2 Stunden

Theodora von Byzanz: Kurtisane und Kaiserin

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Über dieses E-Book

Theodora was the daughter of a bear trainer at the circus in Constantinople and owing to her beauty and intelligence rose to courtesan of influential men of the Byzantine Empire. Soon emperor Justinian, the most powerful man between Gibraltar and Persia, fell in love with her and after having changed the laws beforehand married her and raised her to Augusta. Theodora had some influence on various governmental decisions and possibly helped her husband to keep power during the Nika riots.
The author succeeds in vividly telling the story of this exceptional woman. He addresses difficulties with the historical sources and filtering doubtful information he thus presents an academically sound biography.
Erscheinungsdatum26. Mai 2011
Theodora von Byzanz: Kurtisane und Kaiserin

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