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Deadman Wonderland 01: Kapitel 1-4
Deadman Wonderland 01: Kapitel 1-4
Deadman Wonderland 01: Kapitel 1-4
eBook217 Seiten31 Minuten

Deadman Wonderland 01: Kapitel 1-4

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Ganta Igarashi hat eine Naturkatastrophe überlebt. Eines Tages erscheint "der Rote Mann" - ein riesiges Robotermonster - und ermordet alle seine Klassenkameraden. Ganta wird zum Tode verurteilt und in ein bizarres Gefängnis, das "Deadman Wonderland", gesteckt. In diesem Vergnügungspark bekämpfen sich die Insassen bis aufs Blut …
HerausgeberTOKYOPOP Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum27. Feb. 2015
Deadman Wonderland 01: Kapitel 1-4

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Bewertung: 3.803797436708861 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Off to a fantastic start. This is creepy, unsettling, horrific Japanese dystopia at its finest. Add in a paranormal element and everything you could want is here. Deadman Wonderland is a most unique world; an amusement park built on top of a privatized prison, the park is run by the inmates and the death row inmates are especially heinously controlled and made to participate is events (games) which result in life or death. A little like "Hunger Games" only more violent. While futuristic and dystopian the story easily crosses over into horror. Numerous cast members are introduced in this first volume but the focus is on the main two characters, Ganta wrongfully imprisoned on death row for a massacre he did not commit and Shiro, a strange girl with white hair who befriends him. Awesome new series! I love this kind of stuff!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Bizarre and twisted with lots of gory action. Ganta's entire classroom is brutally massacred in from of him by a mysterious "Red Man" and next thing he knows he is in prison for apparently murdering them. But this is no ordinary prison. It is a televised deathmatch, prison and amusement park all in one! Sounds crazy right? Well it doesn't stop there...

    This is one very messed up read. In a place with madmen with special abilities, competitions for survival and expensive candy that you will die if you don't take every three days, Ganta is in a most grotesque place. One I would not handle to be in! The one thing that bothers me most is that Ganta is only 13 or 14 years old. So young for all the crap he is about to face!!

    I am oddly interested in this series as it seems to partially sate some twisted part of my imagination. However I feel I must warn readers that this is very violent for a manga! If you like unique weirdness and horrific comics like The Walking Dead then you might very well enjoy this series. However I do advise having an interest in both the bizarre and heavy, deadly violence or this might but you off.

    An intriguing beginning but I see this as having a very specific following.

    *I received a digital copy of this manga for free in exchange for a fair, honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are strictly my own.*
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I have had this manga series on my to be read list for a while and was excited get it for Christmas. This was a wonderful start to this manga series. It is engaging, very creative, and a bit bizarre.Ganta Igarashi is a middle school student who is wrongly accused of murdering his classmates (something that was actually caused by the appearance of a strange Red Man). As punishment he is sent to Deadman Wonderland. Deadman Wonderland is a prison complex that doubles as an amusement park for the general public. Basically in Deadman Wonderland the inmates participate in bizarre shows and contests to help fund the rebuilding of Tokyo after its destruction in a great earthquake.This book is a bit science fiction and a bit horror with some dystopian elements. The whole book takes place ten years after the Great Tokyo Earthquake. Tokyo is struggling to rebuild and a big part of their financing comes from the Deadman Wonderland amusement park.There are a lot of characters introduced but the main ones are Ganta and Shiro. Ganta is a very confused and horrified middle grade student who was witness to unspeakable horror and then accused of being the person who caused that horror. Shiro is a strangely happy and innocent girl with odd white hair that befriends Ganta inside of Deadman Wonderland. They are both incredibly interesting and mysterious characters that I am dying to know more about.This book just introduces us to the series and, oh my, what an interesting set up it is. Deadman Wonderland is fascinating in its own right, the idea of inmates being slaughtered in contests for public entertainment is so very Roman. You find out that Deadman Wonderland has some other very dangerous secrets and then there is the who mysterious Red Man who causes mass slaughter. Add to that the mysterious way Ganta seems to be able to stay alive and you have an amazingly addictive story.This is a pretty gruesome, gory, and creepy book, so I would recommend to older teen and adult only (I think it’s rated older teen). Overall I absolutely loved this intro to this creepy sci-fi story with dystopian elements. It’s a fascinating set-up with some big mysteries and some engaging characters. It was an awesome read and I can’t wait to read the next one. I recommend to those who like horror/sci-fi manga.


Deadman Wonderland 01 - Jinsei Kataoka

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