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Deadman Wonderland 04: Kapitel 13-16
Deadman Wonderland 04: Kapitel 13-16
Deadman Wonderland 04: Kapitel 13-16
eBook201 Seiten29 Minuten

Deadman Wonderland 04: Kapitel 13-16

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Ganta schließt sich der "Scar Chain" an - einer Anti-Establishmentbewegung, die einen Massenausbruch aus dem Deadman Wonderland plant. Doch die Rebellen ahnen nicht, dass ein Maulwurf ihren Plan bereits an die "Undertaker" verraten hat. Die Undertaker sind speziell für die Bekämpfung der Deadmen ausgebildet und setzen alles daran, den drohenden Aufstand zu zerschlagen …
HerausgeberTOKYOPOP Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum27. Feb. 2015
Deadman Wonderland 04: Kapitel 13-16

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Bewertung: 3.568965575862069 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the fourth book in the Deadman Wonderland series. While I still enjoyed this volume, I feel like the last couple volumes haven’t been as engaging or exciting as the first couple were. This was a good read, but not my favorite in the series.In this volume Ganta joins Scar Chain, a rebel group that is trying to plan a mass prison escape. Things go all wrong when one of Scar Chain’s own turns traitor. We also meet more of the Undertakers, a group of souped up fighters that are made to fight the Deadmen.Ganta and Shiro have a falling out when Ganta misunderstands Shiro’s actions. During all of this Deadman Wonderland is supposed to be prepping for its yearly government inspection.The big thing in this novel is the further explanation behind the rebel group Scar Chain. Additionally we finally get some explanation behind who the Undertakers are and what they are. Some of this was pretty interesting.I love the action in this series and am enjoying some of the plot developments. I think the series is pretty weak in character development though. More and more characters are thrown at the reader in this volume, but none of them are developed or introduced all that well.This series has been a fun blend of horror, survival, and dystopian. It’s a crazy violent series; the violence is so over-the-top it’s kind of funny at times. So I would recommend for older teen and adult.Overall I still enjoyed this book, but I am finding that my enthusiasm for this series is starting to wane. There are some interesting plot developments in here and the action is well done, however the characters are pretty underdeveloped and more and more of them are appearing every volume. I have volume 5 already to read, so I will definitely be reading that one. After that I will have to decide if I am going to get more books in this series of not.


Deadman Wonderland 04 - Jinsei Kataoka

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