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Deadman Wonderland 07: Kapitel 27-31
Deadman Wonderland 07: Kapitel 27-31
Deadman Wonderland 07: Kapitel 27-31
eBook217 Seiten32 Minuten

Deadman Wonderland 07: Kapitel 27-31

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Ganta hat aus einem verzweifelten Akt heraus den Zweig der Sünde gegen seine befreundeten Deadmen eingesetzt, um die zu einem Surrogaten umfunktionierte Azami vor deren Angriffen zu schützen. Fortan wird er von seinen Freunden als Verräter missachtet. Um Shiro, die plötzlich den Zweig der Sünde beherrscht, als Deadman nicht in Gefahr zu bringen, wendet er sich von ihr ab. Nun muss sich Ganta völlig allein im Deadman Wonderland behaupten ...
HerausgeberTOKYOPOP Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum27. Feb. 2015
Deadman Wonderland 07: Kapitel 27-31

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Bewertung: 3.500000085 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A sort of hit & miss volume. Ganta alienates the other Deadmen by defending Azami that is under the control of an electronic drug in the shape of a mask. This part of the plot sort of confuses me. If the undertakers have such powerful weapons that can crush most Deadmen and masks that can be easily produced that can bend the minds to follow Tamaki's commands, why does he need to create Ninben and kill Deadmen en masse?

    Tamaki has already been forced to integrate Deadmen with the normal prison population due to pressure from the government and Makina has become increasingly suspicious of his activity.

    I liked some parts of this volume but I just don't understand why Tamaki wants to discard Deadmen when increased scrutiny can foil his plans. Where is the Japanese government? Why not just drug everyone and make all of the Deadmen his loyal pets and then attack the Wretched Egg together?

    I dunno, its like the plot has a lot of great character development and artwork combined with endless plot holes. Tread the manga without the best expectations and just enjoy its entertainment merits.


Deadman Wonderland 07 - Jinsei Kataoka

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