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Deadman Wonderland 05: Kapitel 17-21
Deadman Wonderland 05: Kapitel 17-21
Deadman Wonderland 05: Kapitel 17-21
eBook217 Seiten27 Minuten

Deadman Wonderland 05: Kapitel 17-21

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Der Plan von Scar Chain wird von den Undertakern völlig zerschlagen, und sogar ihr Anführer Nagi (Owl) bleibt in deren Fängen. Nichtsdestotrotz startet die Gruppe einen neuen Versuch, aus dem Gefängnis auszubrechen. Mit der Motivation, stärker werden zu müssen, um auch gegen die Undertaker antreten zu können, nimmt Ganta ein Kampftraining bei Senji auf ...
HerausgeberTOKYOPOP Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum27. Feb. 2015
Deadman Wonderland 05: Kapitel 17-21

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Bewertung: 3.551724027586207 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the fifth volume in the Deadman Wonderland series. I honestly don’t have a ton to say about this volume. It was okay. There is more battling between the Undertakers and Scar Chain.The leader of Scar Chain, Karako, is being held captive by the Undertakers. Meanwhile Ganta decides he is sick of being helpless and asks Senji for help developing his powers.This volume is basically about Scar Chain attempting to rescue Karako and then trying to escape out of Deadman Wonderland. There is a lot of action and we learn a little more both about the Deadmen and the Undertakers. I am still enjoying Ganta as a character and like watching him develop his powers. I also enjoy the ever enthusiastic, yet deadly, Shiro. Out of all of the volumes so far this one was probably the least shocking and the least interesting. The story progresses in a fairly predictable way. There weren’t really any new characters added to the story (which is fine because there are a lot of characters to keep track of already). Overall this was an okay addition to the Deadman Wonderland series. I really loved the first couple books in this series, but the last few haven’t been quite as good. I honestly am not dying to read the next book in the series, so I probably won’t continue reading it. I would recommend checking out the first volume is you like sci-fi/dystopian/horror type manga and seeing how you enjoy it.


Deadman Wonderland 05 - Jinsei Kataoka

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