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Blood Lad 12: Auftrag zum Töten
Blood Lad 12: Auftrag zum Töten
Blood Lad 12: Auftrag zum Töten
eBook182 Seiten25 Minuten

Blood Lad 12: Auftrag zum Töten

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Step White übernimmt das Training von Wolf und Staz, während Daddy Wolf Akim kontaktiert, um mit ihm über die Schwarze Liste zu sprechen. Er kann einen Deal mit dem Bösewicht aushandeln. Allerdings steht in den Sternen, ob sämtliche Kämpfer, die nun drei Wochen Zeit haben, sich auf die Konfrontation mit Akim vorzubereiten, genug Kraft sammeln können, um den Sieg davonzutragen ...
HerausgeberTOKYOPOP Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum13. Apr. 2015
Blood Lad 12: Auftrag zum Töten

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is my second time reading volume 1. I read it when it first came out a couple of years ago, but put off reading the rest while collecting them. Now that the final volume is out, I'm reading through them.

    Overall, I really enjoy Blood Lad. There are a lot of references to classic anime/manga (especially DBZ), and Staz is a total Japanophile. He's quirky and goofy, and his face always makes me laugh. After the first chapter or so, he starts acting like a jerk to Fuyumi because reasons, which is kind of annoying, but it just gives him room to develop as a "person" and character.

    There are a lot of other interesting characters, and the overall plot is pretty simple /so far/--though it's still intriguing enough to keep you interested.

    It's not a very emotionally heavy read, so that's a nice break from some other things I've been reading lately.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Staz is a vampire, but he isn't your usual vamp. He is the boss of his own section of the Demon World, and loves manga, videogames, and everything from Japan! The story unfolds as a human girl enters his domain out of nowhere, and becomes a ghost. This is an incredibly fast read despite being larger than regular manga. The story is flowing, and doesn't seem to contain any form of filler. I would recommend this to older teens, as some of the themes may be too suggestive for 11-15 year olds.


Blood Lad 12 - Yuuki Kodama

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