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Deadman Wonderland 03: Kapitel 9-12
Deadman Wonderland 03: Kapitel 9-12
Deadman Wonderland 03: Kapitel 9-12
eBook199 Seiten30 Minuten

Deadman Wonderland 03: Kapitel 9-12

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Nach dem gewonnen Kampf gegen Senji (Crow) muss Ganta beim nächsten Kampf gegen Minasuki (Hummingbird) antreten. Wie wird Ganta gegen dieses schwache und scheu wirkende Mädchen wohl kämpfen? Der Rote Mann, der Gantas Klassenkameraden umgebracht hat, scheint mehr mit seiner Vergangenheit zu tun zu haben, als ihm selbst bewusst ist.
HerausgeberTOKYOPOP Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum27. Feb. 2015
Deadman Wonderland 03: Kapitel 9-12

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Bewertung: 3.6406251375 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the third book in the Deadman Wonderland series. While I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as the first two books, it was still a great read. Each book has gotten a bit more disturbing, more violent, and depraved that the previous one. Ganta is now living with the other Deadmen in Ward G. He survived his first stint in Carnival Corpse and on return to the Ward meets the cute and petite Minatsuki, who Ganta is instinctively drawn to protect. Unfortunately for Ganta, Minatsuki has some pretty disturbing secrets. After that we learn more about Shiro and Ganta starts to remember things from his past that involve Shiro. Then we meet some new characters that are staging some sort of rebellion within Deadman Wonderland, they appear to be lead by the mysterious Naga. As if all this craziness wasn’t enough we meet a Supermonk named Genkaku who seems to be out to kill Ganta. The story gets a lot more complex in this book (as you can see from the above). Especially towards the end of the story we meet a lot of new characters and the story takes a lot of new twists. There is a ton of action in here. A good portion of the book is a Carnival Corpse fight between Ganta and another Deadman. The illustration continues to be incredibly well done with a lot of great detail, it’s also easy to follow.This book is rated for older teen, which I guess I agree with. It’s very very violent and deals with a lot of disturbing subjects such as torture, incest, murder, and gory dismemberment to name a few. Just make sure you know that going in. Overall this was another great installment in the Deadman Wonderland series. I am excited to see what happens in the next book.


Deadman Wonderland 03 - Jinsei Kataoka

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