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Es sind die stillen Stunden...
Es sind die stillen Stunden...
Es sind die stillen Stunden...
eBook70 Seiten15 Minuten

Es sind die stillen Stunden...

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Gedichte für Romantiker und Liebende
Auswahl an Gedichten aus dem gedruckten Millennium Sonderband des Jahres 2000 - nun als eBook neu editiert. Zauberhafte und nachdenkliche Lyrik für Romantiker und Liebende finden sich hier in neuem Design. Das seinerzeit auf 500 limitierte, Hand signierte und aufwendig verarbeitete Buch ist leider ausverkauft und wird nicht mehr neu aufgelegt. Auf vielfachen Leserwunsch hat die Autorin nun einige der beliebtesten der darin enthaltenen Werke aus den Jahren 1982 - 1992 neu zusammengestellt und in editierter Form als eBook publiziert.

Poetry for Romantics and Lovers
A selection of the author's best known poems from her special limited Millennium print edition (each of the 500 copies were hand-signed by the author, the title on the cover elaborately printed as relief in real silver) was published in the year 2000, it had sold out within a few months).
Now it is available as eBook with new cover design and contains some of the author's best works between the years 1982 and 1992; some newly edited to meet current events. The book is available in German only.

HerausgeberAni Corné
Erscheinungsdatum14. Feb. 2017
Es sind die stillen Stunden...

Ani Corné

Ani Corné was born 1960, in Germany.She is a poet, a writer and independent journalist writing in German as well as in English. Her books largely cover the genres of poetry and fiction (short stories and essays, crime thrillers, satire and comedy). The latest are available as e-books worldwide. Audiobooks are also expected to follow soon. In some of them, Ani will even take on the role of the narrator.The widely travelled writer grew up up in an international environment spending several years in the US, the UK and twelve in Italy before returning to her country of birth in 2013, where she now resides in the countryside of Southern Germany. She speaks four languages (German, English, French, Italian).During her residency in Italy, she became the founder (2002) and editor-in-chief (until 2005) of "Online Writers Against War", an international internet portal where journalists and authors from all over the world had come together to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq by the United States. During this time, she also worked as a freelance journalist and was a guest author (2004 - 2006) for the English language political magazine "Underground Focus" in London. As an independent journalist, she is still commenting international politics from time to time, mostly for the English speaking world.She is also a committed environmental and human rights activist . Only recently, she launched her newest humanitarian project, "Interviewed by Friends", a long-term engagement designed to combat the rising xenophobia and the sadly often existing prejudice towards cultures different from our own. The project's goal is to revive good old-fashioned manners of debating and to create, once again, a discussion culture that would champion "allowing your counterpart to reflect on a question before contradicting him right away", as it has, unfortunately, become the norm these days.More on Ani Corné and samples of her work are available on her official website and her YouTube channel.

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    Es sind die stillen Stunden... - Ani Corné

    Es sind die stillen Stunden...

    Ani Corné

    Copyright 2017 Ani Corné


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