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eBook14 Seiten9 Minuten


Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Das arme Aschenputtel muss tagein, tagaus die böse Stiefmutter und ihre gemeinen Töchter bedienen. Doch mit Geduld, Güte und einem kleinen Zaubervogel gelingt es dem Mädchen am Ende sogar, das Herz des Königssohns zu erobern.
Erscheinungsdatum18. Okt. 2016
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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Aided by the birds who have witnessed her weeping by her mother' grave, mistreated orphan Cinderella finds a way to go to the prince's ball in this retelling of the classic fairy-tale, in which the little cinder-girl wins her love. This is a translation of the Brothers' Grimm tale, Aschenputtel, rather than the more common French Cendrillon, so here there is no fairy-godmother, nor a coach made from a pumpkin. Rather, Cinderella's gown and silk slippers are provided through the magic of the birds, who also aid her in sorting a pile of lentils from the ashes, a seemingly impossible task set her by her malicious stepmother. Here there is no warnning about leaving the ball by midnight, although our heroine does leave behind one of her slippers while running off, which the enamoured prince uses to track her down.This lovely retelling, with artwork by German artist Ulrike Haseloff, was originally published in Germany and then translated into English by Edinburgh-based Floris Books, who have also made the work of such authors as Elsa Beskow (Swedish) and Daniela Drescher (German) available to English-language readers. As someone who likes to read variants of the same tale, in order to compare and contrast, it was refreshing to be reminded that the German Cinderella is a little different from the French one, as I think the latter is the one English speakers are most familiar with. I enjoyed Haseloff's artwork, particularly the costumes she clothed her characters in - I admit it, I even liked the gold and silver glitter of Cinderella's gown - and the charming cats who lived in Cinderella's house. Recommended to all young fairy-tale lovers!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This tale, collected by the Grimm's from an anonymous woman, had obviously been influenced by the Charles Perrault version. However, there are a number of differences. For one thing, there is no fairy godmother. All the magic is done by a laurel bush and birds. There are also golden, rather than glass, shoes, a much better choice for dancing in my opinion. The other big change in no midnight deadline. The prince tries to follow her home but she hides from him. I enjoyed it, but I think I like the midnight deadline better.