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Die fünf Tore (Band 2) - Teufelsstern
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Die fünf Tore (Band 2) - Teufelsstern
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Die fünf Tore (Band 2) - Teufelsstern
eBook327 Seiten4 Stunden

Die fünf Tore (Band 2) - Teufelsstern

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Fassungslos beobachtet Matt, wie vier bewaffnete Männer auf den Wagen zukommen, der ihn vom peruanischen Flughafen abgeholt hat. Plötzlich durchbricht ein Schuss die Windschutzscheibe. Matt öffnet die Fahrzeugtür und rennt um sein Leben. Doch er weiß nicht, wohin er fliehen soll.
Mit einem gefälschten Ausweis ist er in einem fremden Land, dessen Sprache er nicht spricht. Und er hat einen übermächtigen Feind, der sich mit dem Bösen verbündet hat.

"Horowitz erzählt detailreich und in atemberaubendem Tempo, so dass man das Buch bis zur letzten Seite kaum aus der Hand legen möchte!" Die Rheinpfalz

"Teufelsstern" ist der zweite Band der Die Fünf Tore-Reihe. Der Titel des ersten Bandes lautet "Todeskreis".
HerausgeberLoewe Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum15. Dez. 2014
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Die fünf Tore (Band 2) - Teufelsstern

Anthony Horowitz

Anthony Horowitz is one of the UK’s most prolific and successful writers, unique in being active in both adult and YA fiction, TV, theater, and journalism. Several of his previous novels were instant New York Times bestsellers. His bestselling Alex Rider series for young adults has sold more than nineteen million copies worldwide and has become a hugely successful show on Amazon Prime TV. His breakthrough murder mystery Magpie Murders was adapted into a miniseries for PBS. He lives in London with his wife and dog.

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Rezensionen für Die fünf Tore (Band 2) - Teufelsstern

Bewertung: 4.25 von 5 Sternen

12 Bewertungen12 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    the second book, the second gate,and the second gatekeeper. matthew freeman has closed ravens gate and is trying to be normal. fate has other plans for him. matt is sent to Peru to stop the second gate. along the way matt finds a boy named padero and finds out that he is the second gatekeeper. matt fales to sopt the gate from opening and is badly hurt after woundig the king of the "old ones". for fantasy and fiction lovers i recamend this book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Matt thought his troubles were over when he closed Raven's Gate . . . but in fact they were just beginning. His fate -- and the fate of the world -- is tied to four other kids across the globe. The second is a street kid in Peru. He and Matt have never met; they don't even speak the same language. But destiny is going to throw them together as the evil threat of the Old Ones grows . . . and another Gate suddenly comes into play.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Evil star s the second book of the gate keepers book series by Anthony Horowitz. This book takes place in Peru were the second gate is located. THis book is easier to under stand at the beginning then the first book ravens gate. In the middle of the one of the nexus members is a trader. Also the second gate keeper is found. I like this book because it is easier to read then then first book. This book doesn't have as many twist's and turns as the last one. This book would best be read by fast readers because it is a long book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Outstanding. Very exciting and action packed. Makes you want to read on.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Evil Star follows Matt as he comes to terms with his newfound powers, all the while trying to live a normal life. But when a second gate is discovered in Peru, the Nexus sends Matt and Richard there to investigate. Trouble soon arises when Richard is kidnapped, and Matt becomes a fugitive. To make matters worse, one of the members of the Nexus is a traitor, hell bent on making sure Matt fails his mission.As far as sequels go, Evil Star is more than what it should’ve been. The overall tone of the novel is noticeably darker and more sombre than the first, and the characters are more mature and developed. The plot isn’t really original, but there is enough action to entertain, though the plot twist at the end was quite predictable. The only disappointment was that there isn’t much horror, making the story feel more Tomb Raider than Silent Hill.I am glad that Horowitz has improved as a storyteller. The development of the plot was nicely executed, and while it does have its moments of dullness, readers will still be tempted to read on. Reading about the mythology of Vilcabamba was fascinating, and the cliffhanger ending practically screams for the reader to get the sequel.Overall, Evil Star is a solid action thriller, and a nice addition to the Gatekeepers series.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    I had hoped after having set up the world of The Gatekeepers in the first book that Horowitz's storytelling would improve in the second book. This was not to be the case. While the overall concept of kids fighting the Old Ones is cool, Horowitz executes it incredibly awkwardly. I was left skimming to get the general gist of the book, as I wanted to find out the story, but cringed and got bogged down when I attempted to read his writing. I doubt I'll be finishing the series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Gatekeepers series involves a teenaged English boy discovering that he is one of five children who are destined to prevent the Old Ones from returning and claiming the Earth. In the first book in the series, he successfully prevented a coven of witches from opening a gateway to the dimension in which the Old Ones are imprisoned. This time, Matt travels to Peru and locates both a second gate and another one of the Gatekeepers. I have been impressed with Anthony Horowitz's work in this series. While the Alex Rider series got more unbelievable and worsened in quality as the series progressed, right up to the shark-jumping book Arc Angel, this series seems to be increasing in quality and originality with each book in the series. While it may not be Dickens, Austen, or Tolkien, it's pretty good for YA fantasy.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This was one of my favourite series fierst time around. I am glad that Anthony Horowitz is finishing the series and re-releasing it, although I actually preferred it the first time around! Some of the updates to the storyline are not necessarily for the better.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I read a few pages of this book and immediately i was sucked by its content. I just kept wanting to read the book. The way the author writes the novel is awesome. I can't wait to read another one of his books. HE is just amazing.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is book two in the Gatekeepers series. I enjoyed the story, mostly because I like the way Horowitz writes, but when I think back on the plot, all that mostly happened was we met the second child and the second gate opened and a large number of creatures emerged. Book two seemed to mostly be setting the reader up for the rest of the series, but I still enjoyed it. Glad I waited until it was in paperback however.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Fast-paced and action-packed, although not as intense as the first one. Great for the YA crowd.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    An interesting second book in this series. Matt is trying to find a place in the world after the defeat of the Old Ones at Raven's Gate. But it appears that there are other gates, one of which is going to open soon. Matt has to again shoulder the responsibility and find another member of the five, alone he is weak.It's an interesting series and the characters are well drawn. I'm not sure that they wouldn't be more believable as slightly older but still they work.Yes it has it's stretching credulity moments but it's an enjoyable read all the same, I'm looking forward to book 3 and the promise of further books in the series.