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Pandora's box is open: New Beat Poetry of Symbolic Individualism; Extended edition
Pandora's box is open: New Beat Poetry of Symbolic Individualism; Extended edition
Pandora's box is open: New Beat Poetry of Symbolic Individualism; Extended edition
eBook66 Seiten20 Minuten

Pandora's box is open: New Beat Poetry of Symbolic Individualism; Extended edition

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Pandora's Box is Open is a book, a cry, a statement against the mercantilist technocratic madness of the all-pervading formalism of our postmodernism! Melancholy and disillusionment speak from White's poetry. You'd have to read between the lines to realize that boredom clings to our postmodernism! Read, shout along, let yourself be carried away by the words that shouldn't remain unsaid!

For Mother Gaia is our fruit (life) and the mercantile technocratic madness is evidently our downfall!


Erscheinungsdatum18. Feb. 2020
Pandora's box is open: New Beat Poetry of Symbolic Individualism; Extended edition

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    Pandora's box is open - James Apollon White

    Short vita

    Born in Belgium as the son of a NATO officer and a German mother, James Apollon White had an early connection to the written word. The White bookcases were a sanctuary for the boy from an early age. For his communion, James A. White received a Parker ballpoint pen from his godmother Julien, with the note that he should start writing. Young White wrote his first poems at the age of seven, initially rudimentary.

    In 1988 his parents separated and he came to his family in Germany, which was not without fear, because his parents separated violently and in a night and fog action he came to Germany over the Christmas season. And important: Like Heinrich Heine, he came to Germany via his old father Rheine !!!

    Who was Pandora and what it's time for

    Pandora (Ancient Greek Πανδώρα Pandṓra, english 'Allgiver' from pan 'all', 'total' and doron 'gift', 'gift'; traditionally, however, translated as all-gifted ) is in Greek mythology a woman created by Hepaistos from clay . Hesiod describes Pandora as a beautiful evil (καλὸν κακόν kalòn kakón). Brought to Epimetheus by Hermes (messenger of the gods) - including the ominous Pandora's box.

    Do you see our mother Gaia

    she is beautiful

    made for us

    The corporations destroy them

    And our greed, hate and delusion

    It's time

    What are you asking

    For a global socio-economic market economy

    Symbolic Individualism – A Statement

    That's how it is, society in the power structure of a technocratically globalized world has fallen prey to superficiality and formalism with all its senses!

    Symbolic Individualism picks out the very elements that remained as quintessential poetic constants in French Symbolism and the Beat Generation. These are brotherhood, nonconformism, beatitude. But let's not forget our sisters!

    This New Epoch of Literature has escaped from egalitarianism and status thinking as it writes what moves and oppresses it and has realized its middle path

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