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Fairytales from the Far East: Part 6
Fairytales from the Far East: Part 6
Fairytales from the Far East: Part 6
eBook43 Seiten39 Minuten

Fairytales from the Far East: Part 6

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Stories that touch. Tales that enchant. Let us take you into the world of fantasy. Make an imaginary journey to distant lands and times long past. Read stories, legends and tales that make the hearts of children and adults is higher for centuries. Dive into the fascinating fantasy world of the Far Eastern countries. Part 6
Erscheinungsdatum18. Juli 2020
Fairytales from the Far East: Part 6

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    Fairytales from the Far East - samoht de jong

    The victim of the three girls

    There is an old monastery in the big city of Nanking, surrounded by quiet ponds and shady bamboo groves. The women come there and pray to the three virgins to hear their wishes.

    No woman is said to have left home comforted yet; because the monastery also has a bell, the wonderful sound of which makes people forget suffering and worries. It has been hanging in its tower for over two thousand years and the pilgrims still tell each other the story of how this bell was made and how it came to people in the big city of Nanking. That night the stars shone brighter and stronger than ever. The people looked in amazement at the clear night sky. Then they saw how the shining gold suddenly detached itself from the firmament and fell to earth in a bright orbit. They were very startled and covered their faces with fear because they thought that the end of the world had come. When they calmed down a little, they quickly ran to the priests. They ordered all the bells to ring. They themselves knelt down and fervently prayed to the gods for help. At their request, the gold that fell from the sky that night became a blessing to man. They finally found the heavy pieces of gold high up on the summit of the Schi - Tzi - Shan, which has been known as the Löwenberg for ages. The priests decided to have bells poured from the gold of heaven. The emperor wished it that way. Everything was already ready for the casting of the bells. The precious metal had melted, the priests had offered their victims and said the prayers. They finally found the heavy pieces of gold high up on the summit of the Schi - Tzi - Shan, which has been known as the Löwenberg for ages. The priests decided to have bells poured from the gold of heaven. The emperor wished it that way. Everything was already ready for the casting of the bells. The precious metal had melted, the priests had offered their victims and said the prayers. They finally found the heavy pieces of gold high up on the summit of the Schi - Tzi - Shan, which has been known as the Löwenberg for ages. The priests decided to have bells poured from the gold of heaven. The emperor wished it that way. Everything was already ready for the casting of the bells. The precious metal had melted, the priests had offered their victims and said the prayers.

    The master was just about to give his assistants the command to cast, when one of them made such a serious mistake that one had to fear that the bells would fail. The master was furious with shame. Crying, he threw himself on the floor.

    While people were still excitedly advising what to do now, there were suddenly three young girls who were as beautiful as young morning. We are ready to die. Our death will save your bells , they said and happily plunged into the boiling bell dish. No sooner had the viscous mass closed over them than it changed its color. It became very pure and smooth and poured itself into the provided forms. And there they were,

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