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Fairytales from the Far East: tales from a other world
Fairytales from the Far East: tales from a other world
Fairytales from the Far East: tales from a other world
eBook26 Seiten22 Minuten

Fairytales from the Far East: tales from a other world

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Über dieses E-Book

Stories that touch.
Tales that enchant.
Let us take you into the world of fantasy.
Make an imaginary journey to distant lands and times long past.
Read stories, legends and tales that make the hearts of children and adults is higher for centuries.
Dive into the fascinating fantasy world of the Far Eastern countries.
Erscheinungsdatum17. Feb. 2016
Fairytales from the Far East: tales from a other world

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    Fairytales from the Far East - samoht de jong

    The Monkey Buddha

    Fairytales from the Far East

    There once lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They could be quite satisfied, if not the birds would have been. What use was the grandfather that he diligently worked on his small field that it neatly tore out all weeds when then brought flew this Nimmersatte and him wegfraßen the green shoots. Never the harvest was so plentiful, as the old man had hoped. On the night he threw himself around on his bed, dreaming of giant birds that flew to his field and all grains aufpickten to the last. In the morning he woke up drenched in sweat and sleepy.

    Grandmother, so it goes no further. Pack something to eat and looking for some colorful patches out, sure you have enough of it. I'll get dressed as a scarecrow, let's see if I einjage birds fear, will you? Said the grandfather to one of the many sleepless nights.

    The grandmother cooked millet dumplings, examined from every corner of old patches together, and the grandfather blew his at. Geez, that was a scarecrow! A green hat with tassels, jacket and skirt from different fabric remnants composed, red, blue and flowered, and a belt a red sash. So impressed, the grandfather stood in the midst onto the pitch, waving his arms, that the only way shreds flew at him. For this purpose he jumped from one foot to the other, jumping around - and really, not a single bird dared only to fly into the field, let alone to steal a grain ofmob.!

    I'll show it to you, insatiable Now you shall not leave you my grains taste! The grandfather was happy about his good idea.

    The sun rose higher, the old man swung his arms getting slower and occurred more and more difficult from one leg to

    another."Oh, I have already so many birds chased that

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