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The Buy Side: Erfolg, Exzesse und Absturz eines Wall-Street-Traders
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The Buy Side: Erfolg, Exzesse und Absturz eines Wall-Street-Traders
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The Buy Side: Erfolg, Exzesse und Absturz eines Wall-Street-Traders
eBook400 Seiten5 Stunden

The Buy Side: Erfolg, Exzesse und Absturz eines Wall-Street-Traders

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Ein Buch aus dem Herzen des Finanzsystems - über seine Schattenseiten. Ein packendes Buch über eine Welt, in der Sex und Drogen zum Alltag gehören und Milliardensummen an den gehen, der bereit ist, das Nötige dafür zu tun. An der Börse gibt es eine klare Hackordnung: Die Trader auf der "Buy Side", die mit dem Geld milliardenschwerer Klienten jonglieren, sind die Herren im Ring. Die Kollegen auf der "Sell Side" arbeiten für die Broker, die die Orders der Buy Side ausführen. Turney Duff schaffte es auf die "Buy Side". In seinen besten Zeiten erzielte er ein siebenstelliges Jahreseinkommen - und lebte in Saus und Braus. Penthouse, Luxus, Alkohol und Drogen - er ließ so gut wie nichts aus. Erst als ihn das Kokain fast umgebracht hatte, schaffte er den Absprung. Turney Duff nimmt den Leser mit auf eine Reise in eine Welt voller Exzesse und Korruption, wie wir sie uns kaum vorstellen können.
Erscheinungsdatum20. Nov. 2014
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The Buy Side: Erfolg, Exzesse und Absturz eines Wall-Street-Traders

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Bewertung: 3.79729732972973 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A great read with some very sad moments. Perhaps it meant more to me because I am in the business. Duff is a terrific writer. I hope we hear more from him.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    A disturbing book of one ex-trader who among the many thousands who populate Wall Street and whose history of excesses have led the country and millions more to years of difficulties and lower quality of life through the financial markets.The book is not as much about these financial shenanigans as one man's personal excesses and failures while living the "high life." Wall Street culture itself is more widely known to be the corrupt thing it is. Where what sometimes does and sometimes does not cross the line to insider information and getting the jump on the other guy to make lots of money. And mostly it does, with a wink and a nod from the regulators who seem to step in after the fact when many or important people get burned.This book is about Turney Duff whose self absorbed lifestyle reaping millions mostly in "bonuses" from having the right connections, mostly social. That is his talent a party guy who can come in contact with the right guys who help make the money flow. Where he gets himself in trouble, seemingly for his entire life, is when he crosses over into the cocaine drug scene of his time. He burns through the millions by spending it all on the best that life has to offer in material comforts and partying and drugs. An attempt at reform when he hits rock bottom only to fall off again. Then he makes things better and worse by taking on a girlfriend who is kind of like a wife. They have a daughter who of course centers him a little but not altogether. So predictably girlfriend is fed up and leaves and Turney now recognizing that the corrupting Wall Street lifestyle is no longer for him turns to authorship and this tell all book.It is hard to have sympathy for a guy like this who seemed more self corrupting then the influence of the Street. Maybe he will now mature enough to turn his life around, maybe he won't.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I sort of envy people whose lives are so interesting they don't have to write fiction. The Buy Side describes such a life. It is at once a personal cautionary tale and a professional career guide - like the life of Whitney Houston in that way. The book is detailed, well-written, painfully honest and too good to put down (I started reading it yesterday and stopped only for a nap and a meal). It's one of the best books I've ever read. It can only be a bestseller. And because of it, from now on, I will always study my dates when they come from the bathroom . . .
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A good read and a horrifying and true tale. The author manages to get hired as a sales assistant by Morgan Stanley and leverages this into several positions at hedge funds. At first, I thought that he would remain at Galleon until its boss went to jail, for insider trading, but he spends not much time there before he joins other funds as head trader. I knew some of these people although I never was big on hedge funds. My 35 years in Wall Street ended in 2002, before they had begun their rise to total dominance. He is right about Galleon and these are total crooks. I was a drunk for many years before I got into AA, and most of my career came later, so I can sympathize with the author and his travails. Much better than the other book which I read on traders which followed a bond syndicate guy at Citicorp named John LeFevre who never grew up and didn't have to.