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Benjamin - the last will be first: A story about a Christian children and youth club
Benjamin - the last will be first: A story about a Christian children and youth club
Benjamin - the last will be first: A story about a Christian children and youth club
eBook29 Seiten9 Minuten

Benjamin - the last will be first: A story about a Christian children and youth club

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Über dieses E-Book

Benjamin is the youngest out of 7 children and does not always have an easy time asserting himself against his siblings. He also wants to be taken seriously. Benjamin is very happy when his father takes him with him to the camp to do a night walk. Benjamin is happy and walks beside Carl with his torch in his hand. Carl is one of the taller boys and he is a good example for Benjamin and a lot of other children in the group. A group of wild pigs startle up because of the noises and one of them jumps out from the bushes with her piglets. The group starts panicking and the children run deeper into the forest. Benjamin and Carl are suddenly all on their own in the dark forest. In this awful night full of fear Benjamin learns that there are no last ones and no losers for Jesus.
HerausgeberBooks on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum17. März 2015
Benjamin - the last will be first: A story about a Christian children and youth club

Marlies Theurer

Mein Name ist Marlies Theurer, ich bin verheiratet und habe zwei Kinder, drei Enkelsöhne und eine Enkeltochter. Ich bin Jahrgang 1951 und war von Beruf Erzieherin. 2002 erlitt ich bei einem Fahrradunfall ein Schädelhirntrauma und wurde dadurch berufsunfähig. In der Zeit der Rehabilitation fing ich an zu malen, Kindergeschichten und Dokumentationsbücher zu schreiben. Meine große Liebe gehört Jesus Christus und meiner Familie, denen ich diese Bücher widme. Seit 2017 bin ich in der Altersrente.

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    Benjamin - the last will be first - Marlies Theurer

    Sigh! Benjamin, a little boy in year two is lying on the fresh made bed with the family dog Kenny and is moaning to himself. His mood is as dull as the rainy weather outside.

    Benjamin thinks that it is not very easy to have three older brothers and three older sisters.

    His siblings always decide themselves when they will make their bed fresh again but always tell Benjamin when to do it.

    Kenny looks at Benjamin and immediately he also sighs. Benjamin gives him a nice smile, ruffles Kenny’s head and tells him:

    At least you understand me!

    Suddenly the door opens and Dan enters the bed room. Dan is one of

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