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900 Jahre al-Ġazālī im Spiegel der islamischen Wissenschaften
900 Jahre al-Ġazālī im Spiegel der islamischen Wissenschaften
900 Jahre al-Ġazālī im Spiegel der islamischen Wissenschaften
eBook137 Seiten4 Stunden

900 Jahre al-Ġazālī im Spiegel der islamischen Wissenschaften

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Al-Ġaz?l? (1058–1111) is considered to be one of the most prominent and influential Muslim thinkers and scholars brought forth by the Islamic scientific tradition. His studies covered a wide range of topics, which becomes more than evident when observing the sheer diversity of his work with references to select theological disciplines and their corresponding discourses. Many of his works are still discussed and deemed relevant today, dealing with matters such as philosophy, speculative theology, kal?m, fiqh and u??l al-fiqh, as well as with questions of ethics, logic and ta?awwuf. As the present volume aptly demonstrates, this manifoldness is reflected in the scholarly debate about al-Ġaz?l?. In five distinct chapters headed "Al-Ġaz?l? Reflected through Time and Religions", "Al-Ġaz?l? and Islam and Science in Dialogue", "Al-Ġaz?l? and kal?m and ta?awwuf ", "Truth, Logic, Qur??n and al-Ġaz?l?" and "Al-Ġaz?l? and Scholarship and Philosophy" respectively, our acclaimed authors take a variety of approaches and perspectives to further examine and provide new insights to relevant issues of the debate.
HerausgeberV&R Unipress
Erscheinungsdatum16. Sept. 2015
900 Jahre al-Ġazālī im Spiegel der islamischen Wissenschaften

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Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen
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    900 Jahre al-Ġazālī im Spiegel der islamischen Wissenschaften - Bülent Ucar

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