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AMOK: Pädagogisch handeln nach schulischen Notfällen
AMOK: Pädagogisch handeln nach schulischen Notfällen
AMOK: Pädagogisch handeln nach schulischen Notfällen
eBook34 Seiten22 Minuten

AMOK: Pädagogisch handeln nach schulischen Notfällen

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

A rampage takes place in a school ... Whenever violence breaks through to our daily life, everyone, children and adults alike, are perplexed – even if they are trained teachers and educators. What to say, what to do? – nothing is as it once was. Immediate actions are necessary: find a proper place and give everyone the chance to express their feelings and questions. Or just to be quiet and thoughtful.Such an event has repercussions even beyond those persons directly affected. Suddenly themes become important that were previously not foreseen: fear, death, anger, sadness. Dagmar Krol has put together material to help out in both respects: The building blocks and worksheets offer suggestions for initial reactions to the first shock and also provide guidance to further working through the various themes.
Erscheinungsdatum1. Apr. 2009
AMOK: Pädagogisch handeln nach schulischen Notfällen

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    AMOK - Dagmar Krol

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