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Kürbisherz - Pumpkin Heart
Kürbisherz - Pumpkin Heart
Kürbisherz - Pumpkin Heart
eBook35 Seiten11 Minuten

Kürbisherz - Pumpkin Heart

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Wenn unsere Herzen von der Angst, egal welcher Art, eingenommen werden, können sie so hart wie ein Kürbis werden, obwohl sie im Inneren mit Liebe, Talenten und der Fähigkeit, alles zu erreichen, gefüllt sind. Dieses klassische Märchen über einen Prinzen und eine Prinzessin ist all jenen gewidmet, deren Leb

Erscheinungsdatum9. Aug. 2022
Kürbisherz - Pumpkin Heart

Cristina Oliva

Cristina Arianna Oliva was born in Como, Italy, in 1973 under the sign of Pisces. She has lived for many years abroad, first in the United States where she has earned a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She has subsequently worked in New York City for a multinational advertising company. After the North American experience, she moved to Germany with her husband where she became mother of two boys, Nicholas and Kevin. Since 2004 she lives in Italy in a small town near Como. In 2010 she founded LAlbero publishing, and in 2019 The Growing Tree Publishing, the same one that has published this book and many others with the goal of spreading positive messages for the growth of people of all ages and walks of life. The same year her third and last son was born, Sebastian. While coordinating the work at her publishing houses, she has continued her education in Social Sciences becoming a bioenergetic counsellor for personal growth specialised in handwriting analysis and projective drawing analysis. She is also a Universal Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master for her own growth and development. Cristina has always been passionate about books that touch the human soul and promote personal growth.

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