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The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the Imperialist World System
The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the Imperialist World System
The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the Imperialist World System
eBook67 Seiten1 Stunde

The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the Imperialist World System

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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"With the Ukraine war and the acute threat of a Third World War, a new phase of accelerated destabilization of the imperialist world system emerged within the framework of the general crisis of capitalism. It prepares the ground for a revolutionary world crisis. Thus the general crisisridden nature of imperialism takes on a new quality. All major contradictions of the imperialist world system are intensifying by leaps and bounds. … This new starting situation abruptly changes the task of the revolutionary class struggle." (p. 58)
HerausgeberVerlag Neuer Weg
Erscheinungsdatum1. Juli 2022
The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the Imperialist World System

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    The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of the Imperialist World System - Stefan Engel

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