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Guidelines Piso-Certification: Overview
Guidelines Piso-Certification: Overview
Guidelines Piso-Certification: Overview
eBook87 Seiten35 Minuten

Guidelines Piso-Certification: Overview

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The implementation of an integrated management system provides strength and potential to drive companies towards sustainability. Piso-Certification of an integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as big companies, institutions and land users for recognition of continuous improvement processes promotes a combined system of environmental, quality, energy, occupational health and safety management system.
Erscheinungsdatum18. Okt. 2018
Guidelines Piso-Certification: Overview

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    Guidelines Piso-Certification - Ernest Fongwa

    1. Piso-Certification

    1.1 Introduction

    Business operations are becoming more demanding and complicated. This is due to the increasing risks, stakeholder requirements, the need for different quality standards and legal provisions. However, implementing sustainability management systems through continuous process improvement will drive business to stability and growth, so companies need to focus in this direction. In this respect, companies are increasingly implementing integrated management system (MS).

    Piso-Certification supports companies to design processes and products for the environment, conservation of resources, health and safety processes as an integrated management system. The implementation of an integrated management system provides the strength and potential to drive companies towards sustainability by adapting to change and comprehensive quality management based on exploiting the potential and minimizing the weaknesses in the system. This is because systems are interdependent on each other, which one system influences the other that combining them will reduce resources and exploit their potentials.

    Piso-Certification of an integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as big companies, institutions and land users for recognition of continuous improvement processes promotes a combined management system of environment, quality, energy, health and safety. The Piso-Certification scheme is divided into three stages. ISO level is for large and medium enterprises and class 1 and 2 is for small and medium enterprises. But any size of business can develop the MS at the ISO level.

    Participation in Piso-Certification requires a paid registration. In addition, the Piso-Certification must be renewed with an annual renewal fee. Otherwise a re-registration. 35% of registration and annual extension fees are used to support environmental and public safety projects in associations and public services. The participating companies may also be recognized as part of the sponsor of the projects.

    Operators of goods and services (companies), who registered for the establishment of MS in accordance with Piso-Certification received the Piso-Certification Class 2 (Piso Certified Cl. 2) for the adoption of the integrated management system. If, the MS is audited and the Piso-Certification process is properly followed, it will be awarded with Piso-Certification Class 1 (Piso Certified Cl. 1) for the proper implementation of the system.

    However, if, a company is audited and it has already documented continuous improvement processes in the MS with low variations, Piso-Certification IS0 Level (Piso Certified) will be awarded for continuous improvement in accordance with the required scheme. This means companies start with a lower level of certification to prepare their MS, and then switch to a higher level of certification, if they meet the requirements.

    Piso-Certification ISO-level documentations may be considered as internal audits for the certification of each international standard of management system. Piso-Certification is established in accordance with ISO 17021, which requires that an auditor of the system must have training in accordance with the standard and a technical background. Only professional members with Piso-Certification (accreditation of certificates/examination and training) are allowed to carry out the audit. We are looking for regional representatives as partners for the Piso-Certification (contact: Piso Institute for the conditions).

    The various

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