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Matter: Elementary Particles as nodes of the reality
Matter: Elementary Particles as nodes of the reality
Matter: Elementary Particles as nodes of the reality
eBook109 Seiten1 Stunde

Matter: Elementary Particles as nodes of the reality

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Particle accelerators have called out spirits who promised us something new but misled us. Now the models and particles are all there and we can't get rid of them anymore. The gluons and quarks, pions, muons, bosons and neutrinos, and no master strong enough to sweep them all out again and be satisfied with the only really stable elementary particles, the proton and the electron.
Erscheinungsdatum19. Aug. 2020
Matter: Elementary Particles as nodes of the reality

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    Matter - Christian Hermenau


    Elementary Particles as nodes of the reality

    Christian Hermenau





    Evolution and the Many

    From a Building Block Tower to the Pyramid

    The Thinking

    The action

    Ordered Structures

    Knowing particles


    Just a gene code

    Water and Carbon

    Is there emergence?


    Deterministic and yet free

    Deeper order patterns


    Learning to think in networks

    A new beginning in physics

    The Standard Model of Particles

    Protons and neutrons

    The sizes of the structures



    Particles of the 2nd Generation

    Cosmic particles

    The beta plus decay



    Water is probably the most valuable substance in the universe.

    It is more valuable than gold and diamonds, because liquid water is the key to life of any kind. Gold and diamonds may be beautiful and fascinating materials, but if there is no life that can evaluate objects, then even the purest diamond is useless and uninteresting. A materiality, such an ordinary liquid as this water here on earth, creates more, much more - everywhere.

    In it, and perhaps only in it, life can arise in a reasonable time. It is probably only in this universal solvent that molecules can assemble in such a way that they become complex and grow. Only in water can the building blocks of life be put together again and again in new and different ways. It is the nutrient medium, the experimental building block of creation. Moving water, dissolved with substances, is literally waiting to get started.

    Although water can rest still and almost motionless pure and clean deep inside the earth, this is rather the exception. Water is so light and viscous that it is always in motion. Pure clean water sounds so good, so healthy in our ears, but too pure water is not the best for us who need life to live. Only water in motion with dissolved minerals and full of organisms is living water and really good for us. Germ-free, pure sterile water kills us. We need the dissolved ions and even the germs in it that make up our lives. Not every bacterium, of course, but most of them found in clean, living water are part of our lives and belong to us humans. We come from the water, are formed in the water, have detached ourselves, but never freed ourselves from it. Always and always we have to renew our bodies with fresh water. And it must always come from outside, because water cannot be recycled in the body. Only in the eternal cycle of the outside world do processes in it renew themselves. Water has to be filled with complexity from the outside again and again, only then is it valuable for us and keeps us healthy and alive.

    Of course, as described above, not water is the most valuable thing, but life; microbiotic life, unicellular life, simple higher life, higher complex life or even thinking, networked, higher life. We ourselves are at the very top of the hierarchy, even if we may only know contempt for some of our fellow humans because they do bad things or are just so much different from us. Then we are much more valuable than ordinary water, but without this liquid substance there would be no life for us and all life on earth. If we knew of a solar system with a planet orbiting it that clearly has sufficient amounts of water, we would be almost certain that there would be life there. What kind of life then depends on the details. How long the water was liquid, how stable is the orbit, were there major star explosions nearby and does the planet has an atmosphere? But if it is only a matter of whether there is any life at all on the foreign planet, then the presence of liquid water in sufficient quantity is enough for us.

    On the moon or Mars we would be grateful if there were life in its simplest form. Single-celled organisms or just bacteria, even a virus or very long-chain molecules would delight us on the moon. But the moon is without water, has probably never seen liquid water and is biologically probably so dead and germ-free, as one will find it nowhere on the Earth's surface. Our moon, which is so important for life on earth, has nothing to offer from a human point of view. And apart from the fact that it is still a huge technical challenge to visit it even today, there is nothing worth the journey. The astronauts who entered it probably noticed immediately how creepy empty and boring it is, the thought of having to live there - unimaginable. Only what we bring from the earth is of value and the view from the moon to the only jewel at the moon firmament, to the earth. Our spirit must bring along the stories from the earth to the moon. Then an astronaut can feel a deep reverence, standing at the crater rim in the grey cement like stardust. He, representing the many spectators at the television sets on Earth. But what the moon traveller feels does not come from the inspiring world of the moon, but from the stories in him, brought along from the earth. The moon is dead, it has probably always been. It is so bleak because there is no liquid water to be found on it, it cannot hold water and it could never hold it. If there were gold or diamonds on it or actually rare valuable raw materials, one would perhaps play through whether it is worth to mine them. But liquid water in large quantities on the moon would change everything. And yet it was a completely crazy extraordinary enterprise that really humans visited another celestial body and even survived this. An extra-terrestrial world that reflects what makes up most of the rest of the universe: dead-bringing matter and timeless space. We live in a time bubble and forget how miraculous it is.

    Even with Mars, our neighbouring planet, we do not expect really living organisms, not even in their simplest form. If at all one adjusts oneself to remains of former life. There was probably water on Mars in its early days, but Mars with its small mass has slowly lost water and the atmosphere to space due to the solar wind. Today it is too cold on Mars and all liquid water has disappeared since billions of years. Only the grooves and imprints in the rock bear witness to another past. In the gradation from wasteland to wasteland Mars is certainly more attractive, because at least it still has a light atmosphere in which the sunlight reflects, so that the planet offers a familiar mild illumination like on earth. Unlike the moon, where there is only some light where sunlight hits directly, but otherwise the black dark space as sky swallows all light. On Mars there are even light winds, which can sometimes turn into dangerous dust storms. Sounds are transmitted and therefore everything seems to be more alive. But it is not. We will certainly last a little longer on Mars than on the moon before we feel how empty it is, but as a result both worlds are not made for us. In addition, one would only see the earth as a small bright point at the sky and feel lonelier. If we ever fly to Mars, it's definitely not like to go on holiday. The long journey and the stay there already represent an extreme challenge and certainly strain the psyche of each one. Again, if there were still large quantities of liquid water, the journey there and the expectations would be quite different. The whole interest in Mars would be completely changed if we knew that there is liquid water. With enough water, it wouldn't look as bleak as it does now.

    We have the unmistakable feeling that a Mars with sufficient liquid water on its surface would have at least large amounts of microorganisms and simple unicellular plants. Whether he would then have a higher complex life in any case is not certain, because the complex life requires an enormous leap in development. We know or feel that water is the key to biological life. There is a reason why it is so important for the earth and we

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