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Tommy and his cuddly toy
Tommy and his cuddly toy
Tommy and his cuddly toy
eBook40 Seiten13 Minuten

Tommy and his cuddly toy

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Tommy Shephard has slight fever. He lies in bed with a hot water bottle and his best friend, his stuffed animal Neptun. In the middle of the night Neptun persuades Tommy to go on a trip with him. Neptun, a fish, wants to meet all his friends again. Tommy agrees and the journey begins.They meet marvelous creatures and visit Tommy's twin brother YmmoT in UpAbove-World.
Erscheinungsdatum8. Aug. 2014
Tommy and his cuddly toy

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    Tommy and his cuddly toy - Andrea Lieder-Hein

    TOMMY and his talking fish

    Olivia Shephard looked at the old trees in her garden. It was getting colder, no more than 12 degrees Celsius. Autumn came forward gradually. Wind was coming up. No weather to play outside anymore.

    But where was Tommy?

    Tommy had only just turned five and loved their garden. He used to play outside with his old wooden boat, the huge treasure-box and his pirate-hut.

    But where was he? Olivia looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen.

    He wouldn’t dare...? Would he?

    Olivia ran as fast as possible to the tiny blue babypool. And there he was. Dressed with a summer-T-shirt and jeans, working hard and happily in his babypool. Smiling and laughing  deep within 12 degrees cold

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