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Der Verschollene: Roman (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)
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Der Verschollene: Roman (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)
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Der Verschollene: Roman (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)
eBook340 Seiten5 Stunden

Der Verschollene: Roman (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Franz Kafkas 1912 bis 1914 entstandenes Romanfragment wurde 1927 von Max Brod aus dem Nachlass unter dem Titel "Amerika" herausgegeben. In Kafkas Tagebüchern ist das Werk als "Der Verschollene" erwähnt. Erzählt wird die Geschichte des 17-jährigen Karl Roßmann, der von seinen Eltern gegen seinen Willen in die USA geschickt wird, weil er ein uneheliches Kind gezeugt hat. In New York wird er von seinem Onkel verstoßen und macht die Bekanntschaft zweier zwielichtiger Landstreicher, die ihn ausnutzen. Das Romanende ist offen, Kafkas Tagebuchnotizen legen ein tragisches Schicksal nahe. Wie im "Urteil" und der "Verwandlung" arbeitet Kafka das Thema des von Verständnislosigkeit des Vaters gequälten Sohnes aus.

E-Book mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe: Buch und E-Book können parallel benutzt werden.
HerausgeberReclam Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum5. Dez. 2016
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Der Verschollene: Roman (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)

Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) was a primarily German-speaking Bohemian author, known for his impressive fusion of realism and fantasy in his work. Despite his commendable writing abilities, Kafka worked as a lawyer for most of his life and wrote in his free time. Though most of Kafka’s literary acclaim was gained postmortem, he earned a respected legacy and now is regarded as a major literary figure of the 20th century.

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Bewertung: 3.7666666192592593 von 5 Sternen

135 Bewertungen6 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    All of the malice and absurdity, the Stockholm syndrome, the political disinterest, and the velocity of immigrant life without the Kafkaesque beurocracy.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Stiff but oddly flowing. A satire of an immigrant's journey in pre-WWI America the most interesting part of the book was the atmosphere and people in 1910 NYC. A vibrant hub of American life Rossman's adventures would have been more interesting if he continued across country through Oklahoma and into California. And I think Kafka never visited the US so he pulled this out of the era's gestalt.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The first chapter of this unpublished novel is the Kafka short story "The Stoker." The last chapter, a fragment sometimes titled The Theater of Oklahoma, is excellent. And some of the scenes in between are very good, although they add up to a certain amount of aimlessness, possibly because the novel was never finished. Even the aimlessness is well written, frequently humorous, and unique.

    Amerika begins with Karl Rossman arriving in New York harbor. The Statute of Liberty is holding a sword, which is a sign of the refracted vision of America to come. Karl meets up with his wealthy uncle, goes to a country house outside of New York, gets disowned by his uncle and embarks on his own adventures, including working at an enormous hotel. Along the way he passes through surreal and dreamlike scenes, many of them of industrialization, modern technology, and modern social relations.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The first chapter of this unpublished novel is the Kafka short story "The Stoker." The last chapter, a fragment sometimes titled The Theater of Oklahoma, is excellent. And some of the scenes in between are very good, although they add up to a certain amount of aimlessness, possibly because the novel was never finished. Even the aimlessness is well written, frequently humorous, and unique.Amerika begins with Karl Rossman arriving in New York harbor. The Statute of Liberty is holding a sword, which is a sign of the refracted vision of America to come. Karl meets up with his wealthy uncle, goes to a country house outside of New York, gets disowned by his uncle and embarks on his own adventures, including working at an enormous hotel. Along the way he passes through surreal and dreamlike scenes, many of them of industrialization, modern technology, and modern social relations.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A mediocre, mildly entertaining book in the style of and with similar strange adventures reminiscent of Don Quixote, sans the delusional knighthood. I found the main character, Karl, rather spineless and not very appealing. I kept waiting for him to surprise me and stand up for himself and everytime I thought he might, he eventually bowed down to another dominating character. I found the writing style disorganized and at times the paragraph styling was hard to maneuver through. Not my favorite 1001 Book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The least known of Kafka's novels, this is also the only of the three novels where K becomes Karl - a more likeable and positive character than K, but still one obstinately determined to frustrate readers as his life is wrenched from his control. Kafka apparently never went to America, so while there are many geographic discrepancies, the backdrop for Karl's descent into disaster after disaster is a thick mix of Eastern European hotels and servants, and dreamt of American vistas and policemen.In my view, the Trial is the best of the novels - summing up Kafka's views of our impotence in the (modern) world most completely and succinctly. It is of course also the only complete novel, and while my version of the Castle stopped mid sentence, this version of Amerika at least has some hints at where Kafka meant the novel to go - maybe. This version too is apparently a brooding translation, less upbeat than many others, as its more based on the original text. This obviously fits in with the rest of Kafka, though the last fragmants do suggest the potential for some kind of positive redemption / escape.But it still took me ages to get through - because when something bad is about to happen to Karl, and I can see an easy way out for him, he just stays stubborn and down the ladder of society he goes. But there is still something compelling about Kafka's writing, so that even while wanting to give up on the whole book as I just know it isn't going to go anywhere fun, I can't stop thinking about it. The way Karl struggles for control and seems almost unaware or just unpeturbed when it is persistently taken away from him bit by bit is kind of fascinating.So: interesting, worth reading if you are a fan, read the Trial if not read anything else by him.