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Globalisierung »alternativer« Medizin: Homöopathie und Ayurveda in Deutschland und Indien
Globalisierung »alternativer« Medizin: Homöopathie und Ayurveda in Deutschland und Indien
Globalisierung »alternativer« Medizin: Homöopathie und Ayurveda in Deutschland und Indien
eBook309 Seiten5 Stunden

Globalisierung »alternativer« Medizin: Homöopathie und Ayurveda in Deutschland und Indien

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Nicht nur die so genannte Schulmedizin, sondern auch heterodoxe Formen medizinischen Wissens sind Gegenstand von Globalisierungsprozessen. Sie haben Ayurveda in die westlichen Gesellschaften und die Homöopathie nach Indien gebracht, wo sie heute eine wachsende Klientel finden. Durch diese Transfers entstehen hier wie dort Koexistenzen von Wissensformen, die heute fern ihres Entstehungskontextes praktiziert und weiterentwickelt werden. Die Studie von Robert Frank untersucht die verschiedenen Aspekte dieser neuen globalisierten medizinischen Praxis in Deutschland und Indien und zeichnet ein faszinierendes Bild kultureller Kreativität. Die hier dargestellten Dynamiken und Interaktionen bereichern die Debatte um die Globalisierung des Wissens um wichtige neue Aspekte.
Erscheinungsdatum31. Juli 2015
Globalisierung »alternativer« Medizin: Homöopathie und Ayurveda in Deutschland und Indien

Robert Frank

Raised on an Iowa farm, Bob spent his summer afternoons in corn fields daydreaming of adventures in faraway lands. At seventeen, while war raged in Southeast Asia, he joined the Army and graduated from West Point as an airborne paratrooper. But his years of duty were spent staring at Russian machine guns during the Cold War.Much of the next twenty years saw him as a road warrior for an oil company traveling to every God forsaken corner of the world: Nigerian savannas, Saudi Arabian deserts, Sumatran jungles of Indonesia -- and even Bakersfield, California.Always known for fantastic storytelling, Bob kept the entire office intrigued and rolling with laughter from his adventures. He finally ended his travels and set on a path to deliver the Third Eye Trilogy.THERAPIST & IANDSWhen first writing the Trilogy, he had difficulty accurately describing past life regressions from the eyes of both the practitioner and the subject. So he went back to school and became a certified and registered hypnotherapist, specializing in past life regressions. He actively performs past life regressions similar to what Clay and Shali did in the Third Eye Trilogy.Bob serves on the Board of Directors of the 35 year old International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS). After working with hypnotherapy to access the inner mind, his interests in this area drove him to work with studies for aiding people who have died and returned from the "other side". Dealing with so many "enlightened" individuals has tremendously opened his eyes to the real world around us; often not the one that we are led to believe.Pen Name:Books 1 and 2 were written under the pen name Lynn Boston to shield his interests from his role as Vice President of a Fortune 500 company. He no longer carries that burden and now uses his real name. It was "out of the closet" for him.Phoenix, Arizona is home, where he enjoys three seasons of the year.

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