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Das magische Baumhaus 12 - Auf den Spuren der Eisbären
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Das magische Baumhaus 12 - Auf den Spuren der Eisbären
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Das magische Baumhaus 12 - Auf den Spuren der Eisbären
eBook68 Seiten23 Minuten

Das magische Baumhaus 12 - Auf den Spuren der Eisbären

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Was für zwei niedliche Eisbärenkinder! Anne und Philipp sind begeistert. Diesmal hat sie das magische Baumhaus in die tief verschneite Arktis geführt. Doch bevor sich die Geschwister versehen, sind sie im ewigen Eis gefangen. Verzweifelt versuchen die beiden sich zu befreien. Doch dann naht ganz ungewöhnliche Hilfe auf vier Pfoten ...

Die beliebte Kinderbuch-Reihe von Bestsellerautorin Mary Pope Osborne! Die Geschwister Anne und Philipp reisen mit dem magischen Baumhaus durch die Zeit. Sie erleben spannende Abenteuer, entdecken ferne Länder und lernen viele berühmte Persönlichkeiten kennen.
HerausgeberLoewe Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum14. Dez. 2015

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Rezensionen für Das magische Baumhaus 12 - Auf den Spuren der Eisbären

Bewertung: 3.6734663265306122 von 5 Sternen

98 Bewertungen12 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I picked this book up expecting to feel brain cells dying as I read it. I was very wrong; I can see why my students enjoy this series so much. It's very well written (albeit extremely simplistic) and interesting. It was an extremely quick read and is educational, to boot!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Jack and Annie went to the Arctic to solve the last riddle before they can become the Master Librarian. They experienced the cold and the life style of the people there. They taught to learn from animal and show appreciation for their live lesson. They solved the riddle and it is the mask that hide the real and bring out the brave of you.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Mary is a great Magic Tree house writer they are books for people of all ages
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Review: The children's book, Polar Bears Past Bedtime taught me a lot about the arctic. The Magic Tree House series has very educational books but these books present educational information in such a fun and engaging way for children. I also really like how at the end of the book, the author lists all the facts that you learned while reading the book. Summary: There's always a fun adventure when it comes to the Magic Tree House series. In this book Annie and Jack go on an adventure to the Arctic! Once they arrive they meet a seal hunter who helps them through the cold tundra and educates them on everything in the arctic. Annie and Jack get separated from the seal hunter and encounter some polar bears as well as cracking ice. Will they use what they learned from the seal hunter to get back to safety or will they become polar bear dinner?
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Not a bad end to that particular story line. I had fun with the riddles in this set, although this last one was harder because it wasn't easily guessed before getting into the story.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    siblings Jack and Annie travel to the arctic in their magic tree house on a mission to solve a riddle. With the help of a friendly Eskimo, they learn about polar bears, seals, igloos, husky dogs, and courage.This is a very cute and educational book! The adventure and excitement will captivate young readers and the little informational tidbits are presented in a fun and memorable way.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The magic tree house series are great novels. This is a good chapter book for third graders.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    It was cool. I liked the plar bears. I thank God for allowing to bea ble to read the words on the page.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Jack and Annie went to the Arctic and they saw polar bears. They saw a seal hunter and huskies.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    To solve the last riddle necessary to become master librariens, Jack and Annie get help from an eskimo and play with polar bears. When they solve this riddle, they become Master Librariens at last.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In my opinion the book “Polar Bears Past Bedtime” by Mary Pope Osborne is an engaging chapter book for young students to read. First, the plot is organized and well paced allowing students to make predictions about what will happen in the story. For example, when Jack hears an owl hooting at his window young students may be able to predict that they are going to soon go to the magic tree house for an adventure. Second, the book pushes readers to think about factual information of the arctic as well as the characteristics of the region. “The word ‘igloo’ means ‘house’ in the language of native Arctic people. The house is built with blocks of snow.” This gives readers insight about the Arctic while telling certain things you may find there. The big idea of the book “Polar Bears Past Bedtime” revolves around the Arctic and teamwork to solve adventures!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I liked the book “Polar Bears Past Bedtime”. One aspect I liked about this book was the writing. The writing was very descriptive and flowed really well. “The snowdrifts looked like giant white sculptures as the sun slipped behind the frozen hills. Then a full orange moon rose in the sky.” Another aspect I liked about this book was the few illustrations it had. The illustrations accurately portrayed what Jack and Annie were doing. The big idea of this book is to allow for adventure. Jack and Annie go on many adventures throughout the night.