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Gullivers Reisen
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Gullivers Reisen
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Gullivers Reisen
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Gullivers Reisen

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Jonathan Swifts 'Gullivers Reisen' gilt vielen Lesern noch immer als Kinderbuch - zahllose speziell gekürzte Ausgaben haben diesen falschen Eindruck noch befördert. Die Originalfassung aber ist eine überaus scharfzüngige Gesellschaftssatire, in der Swift virtuos mit verschiedenen literarischen Stilen spielt und äußerst originell Ausschnitte der Lebenswirklichkeit seiner Zeit mit phantastisch-märchenhaften Motiven vermengt. Die sagenhaften Gestalten, denen Gulliver auf seinen abenteuerlichen Reisen begegnet, werden für immer unvergesslich bleiben. Ausgestattet ist diese Ausgabe mit den wunderschönen Illustrationen von Grandville.
HerausgeberAnaconda Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum12. Nov. 2015

Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) was an Irish poet and satirical writer. When the spread of Catholicism in Ireland became prevalent, Swift moved to England, where he lived and worked as a writer. Due to the controversial nature of his work, Swift often wrote under pseudonyms. In addition to his poetry and satirical prose, Swift also wrote for political pamphlets and since many of his works provided political commentary this was a fitting career stop for Swift. When he returned to Ireland, he was ordained as a priest in the Anglican church. Despite this, his writings stirred controversy about religion and prevented him from advancing in the clergy.

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Jonathan Swift must have been smoking opium when he wrote this because it is wackadoodle. It is also weird to have a female read the book when the main character is a man. I don't think I would have read the physical book.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Far more interesting than I'd hoped, given how old it is. I see both why it has historically been praised, and why I'm glad to say I've read it and now never pick it up again.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Got around to read this classic. Book is essentially a collection of author's imaginations on what people will do and act in different strange societies. Author imagines well on social culture and actions based on people but doesn't think through a lot on social and technological environment. All socieities - small people, monsterous people, floating people, horse people - have pretty much that distinction but rest of world - animals, plants, things and inventions - are similar to rest of normal world. Transition from one society to another, through multiple sea voyages, is fast and not dwelt much upon. Lots of people found this work of Swift to be satire on modern world, and it kind of is, but very peripheral one. For instance religion and politicians can be arbitary and foolish and that's mentioned as such without really understanding depth of things. In the end, excitement of new world goes away from readers and long monologues of narrator's experiences and discourse within those society becomes boring. It's readable but forgettable book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Swift's ideas about human nature and government are timeless. Gulliver's Travels is a must read!
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    would not wish upon my worst enemy

    also made me feel really uncomfortable about horses
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Swift's ideas about human nature and government are timeless. Gulliver's Travels is a must read!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    For something written in 1735, the humor is surprisingly applicable to today's audience. It is the tale of Lemuel Gulliver's journeys to several distant lands and is rife with hilarious satire and biting wit. I particularly enjoyed his descriptions of English government. I was also amazed at how much influence on modern language it's had, from lilliputian to big-endian. There are so-called classics of which I don't understand the attribution, but this is one comedy that is sure to be timeless as long as there are human societies.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I read this book finally, upto the last page, as a part of a very interesting course on 18th C literature, and I loved the insights into Swift's work the course gave me. Specially amusing was my professor's fascination with the 'scatological fixation' that Swift shows in this work. :D
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I am doing work on masculinity with this book, but even with that interest in mind I did not particularly enjoy Gulliver.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is a fantastical satire that uses the ancient method of a journey (in this case multiple journeys) to foreign lands in the service of social satire and cultural commentary. The motivating force behind Gulliver's Travels is the author's apparent disgust with human folly and pretension; the ideas are embodied in grotesques and fantastic creatures, in the six-inch high Lilliputians, the gigantic Brobdingnagians, the horse-like Houyhnhnms and the disgusting Yahoos. These characters are so memorable that their names have become part of our culture. The journeys provide lessons for Lemuel Gulliver who is an honest if gullible narrator. Whether he learned the right lessons or ones that have value for others is for each reader to decided. However, concluding, he confesses that he could be reconciled to the English Yahoos "if they would be content with those Vices and Follies only which Nature hath entitled them to. I am not in the least provoked at the sight of a Lawyer, a Pick-pocket, a Colonel, a Fool, a Lord, a Gamster, a Politician, a Whoremunger, a Physician, . . . or the like: This is all according to the due Course of Things: but, when I behold a Lump of Deformity, and Diseases both in Body and Mind, smitten with Pride, it immediately breaks all the Measures of my patience."
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Written in 1727, a critique of our industrial policy in 2014: In these colleges the professors contrive new... tools for all trades and manufactures; whereby, as they undertake, one man shall do the work of ten; a palace may be built in a week, of materials so durable as to last for ever without repairing. .... The only inconvenience is, that none of these projects are yet brought to perfection; and in the mean time, the whole country lies miserably waste, the houses in ruins, and the people without food or clothes. By all which, instead of being discouraged, they are fifty times more violently bent upon prosecuting their schemes, driven equally on by hope and despair.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I went into this story having no idea what it was about and I found it to be very fun to read. The story is told in a straight forward, easy to understand way and the author's bluntness makes it easy to follow and not get bogged down.Books 1 and 2 felt almost like a children's story, with fantastical creatures. Books 3 and 4 dealt with more advanced themes, and I felt like each book held its own.My favorite part was book 3 when Gulliver was touring through the academy and visiting with the various types of academics. I sometimes had to remind myself that this book was written in the 1700s. Lawyers clearly haven't changed a bit!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Apparently, one must know their history very well to understand satire. This was an entertaining work -- creative, subtle, and poignant, though slow in parts (somewhat due to the length of time required to "read" the proper nouns properly). The horse kingdom was my favorite of the four, due to what it said about the advantages and disadvantages of a society based purely on reason.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Was Glubbdubdrib on J.K. Rowling's mind when she envisaged Hogwarts? Swift's deadpan satire is a treat, but so is his earnest advocacy of freedom.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    Aargh. Really tedious. The tale of being in Lilliput was fairly humorous, but the rest were just tedious to the point of beating a dead horse (or a Honyhnhnm, as the case may be).The Lilliput saga worked as a story, but none of the others did and I didn't think any of it worked as allegory either. Instead of learning from the civilizations he encountered, he became an unhappy shell of a person who couldn't even stand being in the same room with his wife and children. If there was no hope for the human race, why didn't he just off himself and put the reader out of his/her misery?!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Well, to make it short: I was disappointed. Somehow I expected some kind of "great literature". But it's definitively not. The writing style is much too simple, when the story starts to get "deeper" it mostly says something like "I don't want to talk about this anymore, because the reader could be bored". What the...? I'm not enjoying this one. 2,5 stars just because the story itself is interesting - but could be better written.I know it's world literature, but I really don't know why. Maybe this is because of my edition (or translation).
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    "Thus, gentle Reader, I have given thee a faithful History of my Travels for Sixteen Years, and above Seven Months; wherein I have not been so studious of Ornament as of Truth. I could perhaps like others have astonished thee with strange improbably Tales; but I rather chose to relate plain Matter of Fact in the simplest Manner and Style; because my principal Design was to inform, and not to amuse thee."

    This book took me a long time to read. I couldn't figure out why it was taking me so long until I started quoting sections to my sister and my spouse and on my blog and realized just how much translation English from this era requires. So, I let myself off the hook a little bit and just tried to enjoy my leisurely reading pace. I'm glad to have read this book, but I'll also be glad to move onto to something written in more contemporary language.

    I admit, I think a fair amount of this book was lost on me. Throughout it I was unsure about whether the opinions Gulliver expressed were meant to be his alone or if they reflected Swift's opinions as well. For example, there's the very funny section in which Gulliver goes off about lawyers and judges. I found it absolutely hilarious and read it aloud to my sister (the attorney) over the phone one night. In retrospect, it may have been a little rude to read it to her. As an attorney, she's well aware of the variety of lawyer jokes out there; it was probably unnecessary to bring to her attention eighteenth-century lawyer jokes.

    In addition, since I'm not intimately acquainted with the history of England during this (or, really, any) period, I couldn't really tell when he was making fun of the culture or political structure of the time and when he was just telling the story. I mean, in the first section, he goes into great detail about where and how he excretes among the diminutive Lilliputians and how astonished they are at his prodigious passage of urine. Are these scatological asides meant to tell the reader about Gulliver's character (like when he notes that his personal habits of cleanliness have often come into question and he's interested in setting the record straight), or are these descriptions themselves part of the satire? Are they spoofs of travel writing of the time? Being unfamiliar with either the culture or the travel-writing genre of eighteenth-century England, I couldn't say. Same thing with the rather sexual nature of some of his experiences among the giants of Brobdingnag.

    However, even amid my confusion several bits struck me as quite funny. As a homeschooler I quite appreciated Gulliver's observation that, in Lilliput, "Parents are the last of all others to be trusted with the Education of their own Children." Even more amusing was the Lilliputians' reasoning for why parents are unqualified to educate their children: that a child's parents likely were fairly unintentional about bringing that child into being as their "Thoughts in the their Love-encounters were otherwise employed."

    There are several sections that seem like a criticism of contemporary Western culture, including one of my favorite sections of Part III. Gulliver travels to the city of Lagado on the island of Balnibarbi where the people have embraced a thoroughly intellectual manner of problem-solving. New innovations will improve building, manufacture, agriculture, and every pursuit in which the city might engage. Among the benefits promised: ?one Man shall do the Work of Ten; a Palace may be built in a Week?all the Fruits of the Earth shall come to Maturity at whatever Season we think fit to chuse, and increase an Hundred Fold more than they do at present.? Trouble is, these methods haven?t been perfected, and the people are suffering for it, going without adequate food and safe shelter as they wait for the innovations to catch up with their needs.

    Rather than changing course, the people of Lagado persist: ?Instead of being discouraged, they are Fifty Times more violently bent upon prosecuting their Schemes, driven equally on by Hope and Despair.?

    I found it interesting that after both his visit to the giants in Brobdingnag and his visit to the rational Houyhnhnms, Gulliver ends up feeling an aversion to his own image in a mirror. In the first situation, the giants have developed a worldview in which a creature's worth is directly proportional to its size, so when Gulliver looks in the mirror, he's reminded of his own insignificance. In the second, he has developed such a positive opinion of the moral and honest Houyhnhnms (rational Horses) and so internalized their revulsion towards the Yahoos (the feral humans on that island) that he cannot stand to see the reminder that he is, in fact, a Yahoo and not a Houyhnhm. It's like Gulliver experiences a kind of Stockholm syndrome in every place he visits. I wonder if this is a comment on how people who are exposed to pretentious views can adopt them as their own and then do all they can to class themselves with their "betters" and distance themselves from their true nature.

    Oh, and if you read Gulliver's Travels, I highly recommend going back after you're done and re-reading, "A Letter From Capt. Gulliver to His Cousin Simpson" that's at the beginning of the book. His comments about Yahoos and Houyhnhnms make a lot more sense---and are a lot more amusing---now that I've read the whole book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is no child's book, but a fantastic display of satire and political statement. I laughed to the point of tears several times after reading how Mr. Gulliver chose to distinguish the palace fire in Lilliput. Highly recommended.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I am doing work on masculinity with this book, but even with that interest in mind I did not particularly enjoy Gulliver.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Written about 300 years ago this story has aged very well and Gulliver's adventures are event today very entertaining. Gulliver's Travels was meant to mock the hordes of books about adventurous travels released at the time which often exaggerated the dangers faced and the belitteled the intellect of the natives encountered. And so Gulliver meets giants, tiny people, horses which rule over men and people living on a floating island. In addition to the entertainment value these episodes hold it is also very interesting to see how critical Jonathan Swift was of English society and values. This criticism is never voiced by the main character directly, but surface through the discussions Gulliver has with the people he meets.The Audiobook version published by Alcazar AudioWorks features a terrific Narrator which makes the story a joy to listen to.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    satire on the political word atthe time can be applyed today
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Not really a review as such. I gave up in reading this book after 80 pages as i simply couldn't get into it. Yes i can see how it was a satire on politics at that time, but quite simpy it bored me.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Most people have seen a cinematic version of this book, right? Most already know the story without actually bothering with reading the book? The book was written nearly 300 years old so some of the little of the language will be a little archaic but it's only a kids book so will be an easy read. Given the age of the story it will have very little relevance with events of today.Well at least that is what I thought beforehand. How very wrong I was!For those of you who do not know the story Gulliver basically visits four islands, one populated by a lot of little people, the next by some giants, then moving on to a flying island before finally landing on one ruled by horses where humens are the savages, something akin to the films Planet of the Apes but with horses rather than chimpanzees. Firstly the title is something of a misnomer. Rather than describing happenings in far off fanciful lands Swift is really only interested in taking a satirical swipe at events and in particular the politics an awful lot closer to home,namely London. Swift's family was originally from England but had backed the losing side in the English Civil War whereupon having lost their lands there were forced to take up residence Ireland. Swift was born and educated in Dublin but moved from his birthplace to London as a young man and there he became very active in the politics of the day,firstly as a Whig sympathiser then as a Tory. However, when the hoped for preferments failed to materialize Swift was virtually exiled back to Ireland making him rather bitter towards the political elite back in London.Some of the satire is fairly obvious, liking peeing on the palace in Lilliput to extinguish a fire there (in fact bodily functions seem to play a large part of the first two sections) but some other referances were I admit quite lost on me. Rather than travel broadening the mind it seemed to make Gulliver's more inward looking, so much so in the end he cannot bear the sight or touch of fellow humans, and this is probably where the book lost me as a fan. Personally I found the part on Laputa rather dull and very long-winded which was followed by the stay with the Houyhnhms which felt merely like the ramblings of a very bitter and disappointed in life man.On the whole I found the book interesting but ultimately a little disappointing and I certainy enjoyed Lilliput the most.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Written nearly 300 years ago, at it's time it must have been a groundbreaking satire. To be fair it is still current in many ways especially regarding the justiciary, the establishment and western mankind in general. However, I found it very dull to read. He goes away, has an adventure and comes back. He does this four times. Heaven knows he wasn't much of a family man and we don't hear much of what his wife thought of it all. I found it quite boring and this was heading for two stars until the final episode with the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos. The former representing a superior being which mankind may believe he is and the latter being a mirror to how Swift believes they really are. This part was both insightful and humorous and rescued this book for me.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    That was interesting. Just finished. I would say it was written for someone at with a middle school level of reading. Fun easy read. I think I was missing some important info regarding the countries being made fun of to really 'get it'. Swift enjoyed a little too much, the making up of strange names and words to emphasize the differences in the other lands and cultures the charactor 'visited'. One of the points that could be taken from it, are peoples problems and worries are all relative to their perspective.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Swift's ideas about human nature and government are timeless. Gulliver's Travels is a must read!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Sure,the story of the big man washed up on the shore surrounded by little people is a cute story we've all seen Mickey Mouse do. But reading this book as an adult was an eye-opener. Swift's tongue is firmly planted in his cheek through the whole book and this is a great one to read aloud.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    For good reason, this is a must read classic. The book appeals on a superficial level with the author's exotic travels, and yet has a far deeper message about human nature and the society of the day.Prior reviewers (and Wikipedia) summarize its contents, so I will not do so again. However, my favorite section of the book is contained with chapter 4 regarding the land of Houyhnhnms (horses) and Yahoos (uncivilized humans). The author's sometimes graphic depiction of his homeland's princes, lawyers, doctors and military leaders is absolutely hilarious and thought provoking.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I had mixed feelings about this classic book, first published back in 1726. In case you missed in in your high school literature class, Gulliver's Travels is a tale about Captain Lemuel Gulliver, an Englishman who manages to get stranded in not one but four amazing lands. But this extraordinary travel tale is really a vehicle for Mr. Swift's social commentary and the lands Capt. Gulliver visits are but reflections of 18th Century England and her neighbors. Not being up on my English history, I'm sure I missed the significance of most of the barbs. But a lot of Mr. Swift's message is clear enough, and the story itself is rather entertaining. However I found the book to grow less appealing as it progressed. The last two lands in which Gulliver sojourns seem less fantastic than the first two and so are less entertaining. I don't know if Mr. Swift just runs out of steam or if my ignorance of his society makes me miss out on the subtilties of his satire. Either way, I found this to be only very good waiting room material.--J.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Absolutely fun read. first time to read the book since college....40 years ago! Bought the book in Myanmar, but read it in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, finishing it on the Thai train up the Malay Peninsula to Bangkok. Had forgotten that Gulliver's islands seem to be in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. For a traveller, this is a necessary and a fun read....