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Lektüreschlüssel. Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran: Reclam Lektüreschlüssel
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Lektüreschlüssel. Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran: Reclam Lektüreschlüssel
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Lektüreschlüssel. Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran: Reclam Lektüreschlüssel
eBook64 Seiten24 Minuten

Lektüreschlüssel. Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran: Reclam Lektüreschlüssel

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Reclams "Fremdsprachen-Lektüreschlüssel. Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran" bezieht sich auf den fremdsprachigen Originaltext (in Reclams Roter Reihe), ist aber auf Deutsch verfasst und unterstützt ebenso die Lektüre der deutschen Übersetzung. Eine "Checkliste" enthält Aufgaben zur Verständniskontrolle in der Fremdsprache. Unter dem Darstellungstext stehen Übersetzungshilfen und Schlüsselbegriffe in der Fremdsprache, um die Bearbeitung dieser Aufgaben und ein fremdsprachiges Referieren über das Werk zu erleichtern. Der Band enthält: Erstinformationen zum Werk - Inhaltsangabe - Personen (Konstellationen) - Werk-Aufbau (Strukturskizze) - Wortkommentar - Interpretation - Autor und Zeit - Rezeption - Checkliste zur Verständniskontrolle - Lektüretipps mit Filmempfehlungen.
HerausgeberReclam Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum22. Juni 2012
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Lektüreschlüssel. Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran: Reclam Lektüreschlüssel

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Bewertung: 3.734378515625 von 5 Sternen

256 Bewertungen3 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Read the Arabic Translation of the Novel by Mohamed Salmawi, I remember that I started reading it abt 2:00 am and couldn't sleep until I finished it @ 6:00 am ..

    Such a lovely novel w/ gr8 emotions, luved the friendship between the young boy "Momo" and the old man "Monsieur Ibrahim", luved how the relationship grew through the time, luved how Monsieur Ibrahim affected the life of the boy, luved his lessons and teachings, the novel had some interesting insights abt Islam,Sufism and life in general...

    The ending was so emotional,lovely and interesting 4 sure :)...

    Highly recommended novel, takes no time, very easy 2 read,yet has so deep and keeps u thinking ALOT...
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Momo, a young Jewish boy living with his unhappy, unloving father strikes up an unlikely friendship with monsieur Ibrahim, the muslim owner of the local grocer that Momo sometimes steals tins of food from. A beautiful touching little book about the things that are most important in life.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    It’s been months since I’ve read much, unfortunately, and even though I keep adding books to my to read list, most languish there. My friend Chrissie has given me some wonderful book suggestions. The books I’ve read, I’ve liked a lot. Many of her recommendations remain on my to read shelf. This one, I read almost as soon as I learned of it, and I’m so glad that I did. This book contains two short novellas. I borrowed the book to read the second one “Oscar and the Lady in Pink” but since the book came with the other novella, I decided to read that too, especially after Chrissie said it was an even better book, and I also liked that story slightly more, so I feel very lucky both were in one book.As an lifelong atheist, I wouldn’t have thought I’d have liked these stories, because they basically ask the reader to believe in god, but I found them enchanting, maybe because even more, they ask the reader to believe in life, with all its suffering and its pleasures, and all told with a perspicacious sense of humor. They’re among the most life affirming stories I’ve ever read. I wasn’t 100% wild about the very ending of the second novella but my displeasure wasn’t enough reduce my star rating.I’m so mad at myself that I didn’t note and mark down quotes as I read. There are so many beautifully communicated lines.“Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran”:This is incredibly special. I found it delightful and so sad and so very hilarious too. In its relatively small number of pages it somehow is able to look deeply into a friendship and into other relationships as well, and do so over many years. It’s a skillfully and beautifully told story. At times it broke my heart, it touched me throughout, and ultimately I found it incredibly uplifting. I’m so glad I came upon it in the same book as the novella I wanted to read. There are so many layers to this story. It’s a real gem.“Oscar and the Lady in Pink”: Great idea! Great minor twist at the end. As with the first novella, it’s very sad and very funny. Sometimes at the most somber times there would appear a line that had me burst into laughter. Another gem, and I love cancer stories so this one was right up my alley.I don’t want to say too much about either book. I’m glad I knew very little about the stories before I read the book, just enough of each one to whet my desire to read them.This book would be an excellent choice for my read world book club. We’re often looking for shorter books and always looking for books of substance. I read quickly, one novella one day and the other one the next day, and yet I was able to fully savor both.